Fibrinogen is a special protein in the blood serum that is involved in the clotting process. If necessary (any bleeding), it breaks up into separate threads (this happens under the influence of another protein - fibrin). With the help of these threads, the blood coagulates and the bleeding stops. Decreased or increased fibrinogen may indicate some kind of abnormality. Its norm in the blood varies from 2 to 4 g / l. With some physiological processes, the rate of this indicator may increase. So, for example, fibrinogen is increased during pregnancy up to 6 g/l.

What else can increased fibrinogen indicate? A sharp increase in this indicator in the blood may indicate the following pathological conditions:
- pneumonia;
- myocardial infarction;
- stroke;
- various cancers;
- acute infections and inflammatory processes;
- hypothyroidism;
- amyloidosis.
In any case, the doctor will determine the exact cause of the increase in fibrinogen in the blood. To clarify the diagnosis, some more examinations will be needed. Alsoincreased fibrinogen can occur after recent injuries, burns, surgery, and as a result of taking certain drugs. For example, this indicator increases when taking estrogens.

Elevated fibrinogen during pregnancy is normal. Pregnancy is a physiological process during which the entire body of a woman is rebuilt, thereby preparing her for the upcoming birth. The increase in fibrinogen in this case occurs gradually. In the first two trimesters of pregnancy, the amount of fibrinogen should not exceed 4 g / l. The maximum increase in this indicator occurs already at the end of the third trimester, almost before childbirth. If fibrinogen is elevated in the blood during this period, then this is the norm. In other cases, another reason must be sought. This may be some kind of infectious disease or an acute inflammatory process, and it may also indicate the beginning of the process of tissue death. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such situations can have very deplorable consequences for both the expectant mother and the unborn child. Most likely, such a pregnant woman will be offered hospitalization, and she will already undergo all further examinations in the hospital, since being at home can endanger the life of the baby and the expectant mother. A sharp decrease in this indicator may also indicate pathology.

This could mean:
- not enough vitamin B12 or C;
- DIC;
- severe toxicosis in late pregnancy.
Norms of fibrinogen in the blood:
Newborns | 1, 25-3g/L |
Adults | 2-4g/l |
Pregnancy 3rd trimester | up to 6 g/l |
Blood for fibrinogen is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach, in extreme cases, from the moment of eating until the test is given, it is necessary to withstand at least two hours. Blood is taken into a specially processed test tube with the addition of a reagent. After that, it is gently turned over several times for better mixing of the reagent with blood. Only in this case can a reliable analysis be obtained, and it must be done no later than two hours from the moment of blood donation.