How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews

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How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews
How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews

Video: How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews

Video: How to treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies? Effective methods and reviews
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How to treat sinusitis at home? Everyone who suffers from this disease should know about this. Alternative therapy methods can be a good alternative to the use of medications and surgery.

Now there are many different methods of treatment, quite affordable for independent use. They allow you to forget about the disease forever. Especially successfully we treat sinusitis at home with folk remedies in the early stages of the course of the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a course of therapy immediately after the onset of the very first symptoms.

Signs of sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the mucosa, and in some cases, the bone wall of the maxillary sinuses. This disease has quite characteristic signs, in particular, such as:

  • nasal congestion;
  • purulent or mucous discharge;
  • squeezing sensation in the maxillary sinuses;
  • pain and discomfort in the areanose;
  • headache;
  • fever and general malaise.
Symptoms of sinusitis
Symptoms of sinusitis

When the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat sinusitis at home so as not to harm yourself.

Principles of treatment

It is important to know not only how to properly treat sinusitis at home, but also what principles of self-administered therapy exist. The main areas of treatment are:

  • reduce inflammation;
  • reducing pressure in the maxillary sinuses;
  • eliminate puffiness;
  • mucus excretion;
  • removal of inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • calming effect on the mucosa.

For self-therapy, you can use pharmaceutical preparations, as well as alternative therapy. When choosing a medicine, it is worth remembering that the disease can have a completely different form, which is almost impossible to determine on your own. Therefore, before treating sinusitis at home with antibiotics or self-prepared remedies, you need to agree on a therapy regimen with your doctor.

The disease can be triggered by a bacterial, fungal and viral infection. In this case, drugs are prescribed taking into account the form of sinusitis.

Feature of the use of traditional medicine

Many patients are interested in how to treat sinusitis at home and how effective such therapy will be. Treatment with the help of folk remedies and techniques is aimed at eliminating the same symptoms as the traditional one. It is necessary to eliminate the source of infection, remove mucus, normalize breathing. That is why folk remedies should have properties such as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • antibacterial;
  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers.
Aromatherapy for sinusitis
Aromatherapy for sinusitis

When choosing the most effective remedy for therapy, you need to remember that not all of them are well suited for adults and children.

What folk remedies can be used

To understand how to treat sinusitis at home, you need to know which folk remedies and techniques are used to eliminate the existing symptoms. Usually used for this:

  • bee products;
  • decoctions and infusions of herbs;
  • essential and vegetable oils;
  • soda.

All these medicines have a healing effect in their own way. In addition, to achieve a good result, you must definitely prepare the medicine correctly.

Cure the infection

Is it possible to treat sinusitis at home and how best to do it, only the attending doctor, who initially diagnoses and assesses the severity of the disease, can determine. To reduce inflammation in the maxillary sinus area, you must first get rid of the infection.

Bacterial sinusitis is considered the most common type of disease, thereforeantibiotics are most commonly prescribed. With a severe form of the disease, the course of therapy is at least 14 days. The choice of drug largely depends on the characteristics of the patient's body. It is very important to know how to treat chronic sinusitis at home with antibiotics, since this form of the disease is much more complicated and provokes various complications. In this case, the course of antibiotic therapy is at least 14 days.

Nasal lavage
Nasal lavage

With a mild course of the disease, "Amoxiclav" or "Ecoclave" is often prescribed. If sinusitis has a severe course, then the drugs are administered intramuscularly. The most effective means in this case are Cefuroxime, Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Chlorampfeconil. The viral type of sinusitis can pass without the use of drugs within 10-14 days, but it is still worth taking antiviral drugs, as there can be various complications, and the disease often becomes chronic.

Slime removal

Removal of accumulated mucus from the maxillary sinuses is a prerequisite for the treatment of the disease at home. This will eliminate excessive pressure and get rid of many symptoms of the disease. In addition, it makes it possible to prevent its subsequent distribution.

The most effective and affordable way is to wash the nose, especially if you use special sterile solutions. During this procedure, the head should be slightly tilted forward, approximately at an angle of forty-five degrees. Enterthe solution can be used with a syringe or simply suck it through a tube, typing it into the palm of your hand. This procedure should be carried out at least 2-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks. The temperature of the product should be approximately 40 ° C.

Treatment of children
Treatment of children

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to wash if the nose is blocked, which is why you must first clean the nasal passages well, using special preparations to eliminate congestion.

For the procedure, it is best to use a solution of sea s alt, infusion of St. John's wort, succession, chamomile, green tea. Such funds help to quickly and effectively remove mucus from the maxillary sinuses.

Using compresses

It is important not only to know how to treat sinusitis at home, but also to properly prepare a remedy, since the effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on this. A very good effect can be obtained by applying special compresses that help eliminate inflammation and swelling.

You can make this from clay. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of clay and dilute it in hot water to the consistency of plasticine. Then moisten 2 pieces of gauze in slightly warmed vegetable oil and place on both sides of the nose so that they are on the maxillary sinuses. Put cakes of warm clay on them and keep for an hour.

You can prepare a compress based on bay leaves. To do this, pour a sprig of leaves with water and bring to a boil over low heat. Cool the broth a little, moisten in itnapkin and apply to the area of the maxillary sinuses. To make it cool down more slowly, you should put a towel on your face.


Many parents are concerned about the question: "How to treat sinusitis in children at home?", as not all remedies are suitable for the child. In this case, inhalations can be used, which are safe and will help to quickly eliminate the existing symptoms. However, you should first consult a doctor to prevent complications.

Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation

Therapeutic inhalations with propolis help well. To do this, boil 2 liters of water and add 2 tsp to it. alcohol tincture of propolis. Use this solution for a nebulizer or just breathe over the steam. You need to be very careful when using this remedy on young children.

For inhalation with sea buckthorn oil, take 10 drops of this remedy and add to a pot of boiling water. Breathe over the steam for 15 minutes.

Herbal treatment

If there is no time to complete a full course of therapy, then you need to know how to treat sinusitis at home quickly. Herbal preparations, as well as other folk remedies that need to be taken orally, will help get rid of the disease. To prepare the infusion, mix chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, eucalyptus and lavender in equal proportions. Add also yarrow and string, pour boiling water over it all. Infuse everything for 30 minutes, strain and take 100 grams every 3 hours. In addition, this tool can be used forinhalations. It is forbidden to use it if you are allergic to the components included in the composition.

decoctions of herbs
decoctions of herbs

A remedy prepared on the basis of horseradish helps to cope with the disease. To do this, wash, peel and grate the root, add lemon juice to the resulting gruel and take 0.5 tsp. daily on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating.

Warming up

Since many medicines are prohibited during the period of bearing a child, you need to know exactly how to treat sinusitis for pregnant women at home. You can warm up the maxillary sinuses, which will help you quickly normalize your well-being. However, it is worth remembering that such a procedure is forbidden to be carried out during an exacerbation of the disease and during the course of purulent sinusitis. Paraffin heating, which is used even in hospitals, has a good effect. To do this, you need to purchase paraffin, heat it to a molten state and immediately apply it to the maxillary sinuses. Top with paper and a warming bandage. Keep for an hour.

You can warm up with boiled hot eggs. To do this, peel a hard-boiled egg, cut it into two halves, wrap it in a bandage folded several times, and apply it to the area of the maxillary sinuses. Keep it until it cools down. After about 3 such procedures, mucus will begin to actively come out.

Nose drops

It is important to understand exactly how to treat purulent sinusitis at home, as the accumulation of purulent contents can lead to serious complications. Mostan effective cure for this disease is cyclamen juice, which must be instilled into the nose. To prepare drops, squeeze the juice, dilute 1 tsp. for 1 st. boiled warm water, as the plant is poisonous in high concentrations. During the week, instill 2 drops of such a remedy. It allows you to quickly clear the sinuses from purulent contents.

Aloe drops
Aloe drops

You can buy a ready-made drug "Sinuforte", made on the basis of cyclamen root juice. Its use helps to improve the discharge of mucous and purulent contents from the nose.

In addition, it is recommended to instill fresh aloe juice, which helps restore the nasal mucosa and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Use of homeopathic remedies

Often, along with pharmaceuticals, various homeopathic remedies are prescribed to a patient with sinusitis. They are effective if the inflammation is provoked by viruses. To eliminate symptoms such as pressure in the nose and headache, preparations prepared on the basis of belladonna or arsenic are used. To relieve inflammation, as well as to better remove mucus, granules with potassium dichromate or sulfur are used.

Homeopathy is also used for gentle treatment of children. These products help eliminate bacteria quickly and do not cause resistance, unlike antibiotics.

Prevention of sinusitis

It is imperative to carry out the prevention of sinusitis, as this disease is complex and can provoke many different complications. Wheneven a slight runny nose, you need to immediately take measures to eliminate it. To increase immunity, it is advised to gradually harden the body.

Try to take walks in the fresh air in any weather, but at the same time avoid hypothermia. If the nasal septum is deviated, it is recommended to take the required measures to eliminate this defect.

Possible Complications

Sinusitis is very dangerous for its complications if it is not properly treated or not treated. The accumulated pus can enter the brain or eyes, causing blindness or meningitis. Therefore, it is important to carry out timely examination and treatment. If you have a weakened immune system, pay attention to traditional medicine. Judging by the reviews, it is more effective than medications. Ideal for children and teenagers. Folk remedies are not addictive, which means they do not harm the body.
