Fever is called a protective reaction of the body in response to exposure to pathogenic stimuli. Its task is to stimulate the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. An increase in temperature is considered an indicator that the body is trying to defeat the disease itself. The fever may be red or white. The difference lies in the symptoms and first aid rules. Any rise in temperature is bad, but white fever in children is very dangerous and requires special attention from parents when their child is sick.

Why does body temperature rise?
The body temperature rises when a pathogenic bacterium or virus enters the body. Fever allows you to stimulate all the defenses of the child's body, thereby speeding up the healing process.
White fever in children most often occurs due to respiratory viral infections that every child suffers from. In such cases, it is called "fever of infectious origin." But there are also non-infectious causes of fever in a child:
- trauma, swelling, hemorrhage;
- problems of a psychological nature (neurosis, emotional overstrain, etc.);
- taking medications;
- pain syndrome of any origin;
- failure in the endocrine system;
- allergic reaction;
- Urolithiasis (stones that pass through the urinary tract injure the mucous membrane, causing the body temperature to rise).
The above factors that can trigger a fever are considered the main ones. But there are others.
How to identify white fever?
Red and white fever in children proceed differently, of course, the symptoms will be different. But, as mentioned above, the latter type is considered more dangerous for the child's body. Therefore, it is so important to be able to determine what kind of condition is currently observed in the baby. After all, it depends on which way of fighting you should choose.
If the child's skin is pink and moist, and the body is hot, then in this case we can talk about red fever. The limbs will be warm - you should pay special attention to this. Rapid breathing and pulse are observed.
White fever in children is more severe. The child is put pale, you can even see the vascular network. Sometimes this skin condition is called "marble".

Lips turn blue, blueing can also be observed in the nail beds. Cold extremities, when the whole body is hot, is the main symptom of white fever. If you press on the skin, then onthe body remains a white spot that does not go away for a long time.
In white fever, the difference between rectal and axillary temperature is 1°C or more.
Dangerous symptoms
This type of fever can manifest itself as very dangerous symptoms that every parent should be aware of. It's about convulsions. If you do not react in time to the condition of the child, do not bring down the temperature, then the occurrence of seizures in most cases is inevitable.
Child changes in behavior. He is lethargic, does not want anything, refuses to eat. Against the background of a convulsive state, the baby may begin to rave.
When to bring down the temperature?
Many parents, having found the slightest increase in body temperature in their child, begin to panic, get all kinds of antipyretics and give them to their child. But when is it necessary and when is it not?

General rule: children need to bring down the temperature only when the thermometer shows 38.5 ° C or more. But does this apply to every child and every case? The answer is no! White fever in children requires immediate intervention, even if the body temperature has not reached 38.5 ° C. This is especially true:
- newborns under three months of age;
- children with a history of seizures;
- children with CNS disorders;
- patients who have chronic heart or lung disease;
- those with metabolic problems.
Parental responses to white fever
Everyone should know what to do if white fever occurs in children. Emergency care is as follows:
- call an ambulance is the first thing to do if white fever symptoms occur;
- apply dry heat to the limbs (it can be a heating pad or a bottle of warm water);
- cover the child if he refuses to get dressed (but do not overdo it, the main thing is that the body is warm, and not even warmer);
- give more warm tea, compote or water to drink;
- it is forbidden to wipe the child with alcohol and vinegar solutions, because this can lead to spasm.

What medicines can be used if white fever occurs in children? Treatment consists of the following drugs:
- "Paracetamol". It is recommended to use no more than 3-4 times a day. The general course of treatment is 3 days.
- "Ibuprofen". Reception frequency - every 8 hours.
- "No-shpa". A drug that helps relieve vasospasm, which is very important in this condition.
- A group of phenothiazines. These include the drugs "Propazin", "Pipolfen", "Diprazin". Dosage should only be prescribed by a doctor.
- Rectal suppositories with analgin and diphenhydramine, for example, Analdim.
If an ambulance was called, then, as a rule,the child will be given an injection based on one of the following drugs "Analgin", "No-shpa", "Dimedrol". The dosage depends on the age of the child.
Before using each drug, you need to read the instructions attached to it in detail.

What is the danger?
Rise in body temperature to high levels sometimes causes dangerous consequences. The internal organs overheat very much, the brain suffers. Therefore, it is so important to bring down the temperature of children.
What is the danger of white fever in a child? The main danger lies in the development of febrile seizures. This happens in 3% of all cases. Seizures adversely affect the central nervous system and its development.
Dehydration is another factor to watch out for. Any increase in body temperature should be given to the child to drink to prevent dehydration.

No way
While white fever is prohibited:
- wrap the baby in a warm blanket, put on warm clothes;
- excessively humidify indoor air;
- wipe the body with vinegar and alcohol solutions (it threatens to develop dangerous consequences);
- put the baby in a cool water bath;
- do self-medication if the child's condition is critical;
- neglect medical care.
Now you know how to bring down the temperature of a child with white fever. Important to considerall the nuances of help, because if something is done wrong or contrary to the rules, then the harm done to the child's body can be irreparable. It's best to call an ambulance right away. The doctor will give an injection to the child and give recommendations on how to proceed.