So, what is herpes in the language of physicians? This is an infection that manifests itself in the form of blisters or small sores in the mouth or nose. Usually doctors do not consider this disease dangerous, but one fact must be taken into account.
Types of herpes

In order to more accurately imagine what herpes is, you need to be aware of what causes its eponymous virus, but there are two types of it. The first variety affects those parts of the body that are above the waist. It is he who is the cause of the appearance of ulcers on the lip. The second, on the contrary, is most often localized on the skin below the waist, this type of herpes is called genital. It is transmitted, as a rule, sexually.

Herpes and pregnancy
Everything is very individual here. Some only during pregnancy find out what herpes is, and before that they had never met with it. There are also such future mothers who, on the contrary, get rid of this sore while waiting for the child. The reason for this may be increased attention to their he alth. After all, herpes most often appears when the immune system is weakened. Thirda category of women experiencing herpes on the lip during pregnancy, as well as before and after it. I must say that the herpes virus is not inherited. In addition, if you get herpes during pregnancy, this does not threaten the baby, since antibodies that protect it enter the blood of the embryo through the placenta. Therefore, expectant mothers can be calm and not be nervous again.
Features of the occurrence of herpes
Herpes, as we found out, is an infectious disease, but it stands apart in a string of other viral diseases. The fact is that any other disease caused by an infection begins with its penetration into the body. Oddly enough, herpes does not penetrate anywhere. It is initially located in the body and dormant for the time being. But it is worth looming on the horizon for suitable opportunities, for example, you got caught in the rain or sat in a draft, as herpes immediately wakes up, and you are guaranteed a cold for 7 days.

Mechanism of herpes infection
Most people in the world are susceptible to herpes. But a completely logical question arises: "Where does it come from in the body?" The cause is a primary infection. The fact is that the symptoms of infection with a primary infection are not quite the same as we are used to. Doctors call this disease a little differently - herpetic stomatitis. It is usually manifested by fever and erosions in the oral cavity. You may not remember this infection for two reasons:
1. Were too small, as this infection usually affectschildren under 7 years old.
2. Symptoms were blurred (subclinical). Such symptoms are characteristic of 90% of the population.
How to get rid of herpes on the lips?
It is not enough to know what herpes is, you must also be able to guess it and take appropriate measures in time. The best way is to use Acyclovir and Zovirax ointments. They differ in local effects and practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream, therefore they are safe even during pregnancy. Usually it is enough to smear the place when the first symptoms begin to appear, which are expressed by itching on the lips. If the bubbles nevertheless arose and filled with liquid, you can dry them with tincture of calendula, so they will pass faster. And remember: herpes cannot be completely cured, it can only be drowned out so that it remains dormant all the time.