How often do you notice that your foot hurts when you take off your tight, uncomfortable shoes? Particularly severe pain between the third and fourth fingers. Maybe you're just tired from the day, or maybe you're developing Morton's neuroma. Symptoms of this disease do not appear immediately, but you need to know about them.

What is this?
The problem has several names: Morton's syndrome, Morton's neuroma, Morton's disease, Morton's metatarsalgia, perineural fibrosis, Morton's finger. This is a benign thickening on the foot, consisting of fibrous tissue. There is a thickening on the plantar nerve of the foot. In most cases, the pathology is unilateral, although occasionally it develops on both feet. Most often, Morton's syndrome occurs in women, as they wear narrow shoes with uncomfortable heels. But men are also susceptible to this disease.

Causes of Morton's Perineural Fibrosis
The following causes provoke the development of the disease:
- Overweight. The reason is one of the most common in this disease. The legs are under heavy load, as a result of which it beginsproliferation of fibrous tissue of the plantar nerve.
- The frequent wearing of high heels. The load on the feet increases, which provokes an inflammatory process in the plantar nerve.
- Wrong selection of shoes in size and volume. Prolonged squeezing of the foot in tight shoes injures nerve fibers.
- Injuries (fractures, bruises, hematomas) along the nerve and chronic diseases.
- Transverse flatfoot.
- Obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs, provoking blockage of the vessels of the legs with cholesterol plaques.
- Tumours.
- Physical activity.

Symptoms of disease
If you suspect that you have Morton's neuroma, the symptoms will appear depending on the neglect of the disease. This process depends on the degree of irritation of the nerve by nearby tissues. For a long time, the foot does not feel discomfort in the process of walking, but when squeezing the interdigital region, a slight pain appears. As the fibrous tissue grows, the heads of the metatarsal bones press on the nerve from both sides, and edematous tissues and hematoma exacerbate this effect. The first complaint is most often associated with numbness of the foot and discomfort during a long walk. Morton's disease is especially painful for those who prefer high-heeled shoes, as the pressure on the neuroma increases.
The next symptom is a burning sensation in the tissues of the foot and fingers. Noticeably at the same time, an internal tingling joins. There is a sensation of a foreign object inintertarsal space. Exacerbations come in waves: a period of rest alternates with intense pain.
Morton's syndrome makes it difficult to stay on your feet for a long time. The pain becomes very severe, but if you take off your shoes and massage the feet, then it decreases or completely disappears.

Further development of the disease increases the intensity of pain. It acquires a pulsating character, and the intervals between attacks are significantly reduced. The lack of treatment leads to the fact that Morton's disease causes constant pain, which ceases to depend on the quality of shoes and the duration of walks. Neither massage nor complete rest relieve pain.
One of the features of the disease is that the patient's symptoms may disappear completely and not recur for several years. But the disease does not go away, but, as it were, freezes. At what point it will manifest itself is impossible to predict. In addition, it should be noted that there are no external manifestations on the foot with this neuroma.
Diagnosis of pathology
The logical question of a patient with Morton's syndrome is which doctor treats this disease? With the symptoms of this disease, you can contact a neurologist, surgeon or orthopedist. First of all, doctors interview the patient and examine the problematic foot. Sometimes this is enough to make a diagnosis.
For clarification, the specialist can refer the patient to an x-ray, MRI or ultrasound. These examinations allow you to determine the exact location of the neuroma and indicate its size.

Treatment methods
If the disease is not severely advanced, then the patient has a choice of how Morton's neuroma will be treated: home treatment (conservative) or surgery. However, a decision must be made based on the opinion of a specialist. As you can imagine, each treatment method has its pros and cons.
Conservative method
If the patient does not agree that surgery is necessary, the doctor will select a conservative method of treatment:
- To reduce the load on the foot, it will be recommended to walk less and not stand in one place for a long time.
- To prevent compression, the patient will have to reconsider their shoe preferences. Shoes and boots should be low-heeled and with wide toes.
- Orthopedic insoles with inserts must be inserted into shoes. In certain cases, Morton's syndrome requires the wearing of finger separators.
- Must perform a daily foot massage from the ankles to the toes.
- Doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (tablets or ointment). It could be Ibuprofen, Nimesulite, Diclofenac.
- Corticosteroids given as needed.

If these recommendations are followed, Morton's syndrome, which was treated at home, should decrease in 3 months. If the pain does not lose intensity, then painkillers are additionally prescribed.
Pros and cons of the conservative method
The main advantage of this treatment method is the absencepostoperative pain and a long rehabilitation period. Conservative treatment can be carried out without a sick leave. The patient lives in the usual rhythm, just adds a few mandatory items to the daily routine.
The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the course (as already mentioned, with the diagnosis of "Morton's neuroma", treatment at home can last up to three months). Often, patients simply do not have the patience to complete the course. In addition, the prescribed drugs can give side effects and affect the functioning of other organs and systems. Also, the method doesn't always work.
Surgical treatment
An operative type of treatment is offered to patients with an advanced stage of neuroma or the absence of results of conservative therapy. The operation can be carried out in several ways:
- Removal of neoplasm through an incision. This is the simplest operation that eliminates Morton's syndrome. The fibrous tissue is removed along with a small section of the nerve. Postoperative sutures are removed on the fourteenth day. Such an intervention is considered minimally invasive. The next day, the patient is allowed to gently load the leg.
- Sometimes the patient needs to excise the inflamed part of the foot. This radical method leads to loss of sensation in the fingers, while pain is not felt in the future.
- In rare cases, the method of artificial bone fracture is used. Rehabilitation after such an intervention is delayed for a month or more.

Pros and cons of the operation
The main advantage is the complete elimination of the problem in a short time. Carrying out a simple operation is financially less expensive than a long course of medication.
The downside of surgical treatment is a long rehabilitation. In addition, there may be some slight discomfort when walking later on.
Morton's syndrome: treatment with folk remedies
It is very important to understand that with Morton's neuroma, traditional medicine is not able to eliminate the problem. However, it relieves the condition and reduces pain.

Traditional healers offer several recipes that are used in combination with medical prescriptions:
- Lotions from bitter wormwood. The plant is rinsed and rubbed into gruel, which is applied to the inflamed area of the foot and fixed with a bandage. It is most convenient to perform before going to bed and keep the lotion until the morning.
- S alted pork or goose fat. A tablespoon of s alt is mixed in one hundred grams of pork or goose fat. The mass is carefully rubbed into the sore spot, a warming bandage is applied on top.
- "Hot" rubbing. This warming remedy consists of two tablespoons of dry mustard, two hot peppers and two tablespoons of s alt. All this is mixed and insisted on a glass of vodka. Rubbing improves blood circulation and warms the foot well. The procedure is performed before going to bed, after which warm socks are put on.
- Ointment from bay leaf and pine needles. Dry bay leaf is ground intogrinder. Pine needles are crushed with a knife. Next, 2 tablespoons of the first ingredient and 1 tablespoon of the second are mixed with softened butter. Feet are lubricated and insulated. The procedure is performed before bedtime, the minimum course is 1 week. The agent is stored in a cold place.
Additionally, you can make warm baths with chamomile, lavender or calendula, in which you can add sea moth. The bath temperature should not exceed 38 °C. Herbs are boiled for 3-5 minutes before use and infused for about an hour.

And once again about insoles
Choosing quality, comfortable shoes with a good orthopedic insole can prevent forefoot overload and prevent the development of disease. Any doctor will confirm that orthopedic insoles for Morton's neuroma become an important element of treatment. The ideal option is the manufacture of individual insoles according to the measurements of the patient's feet. Thus, the foot in the shoe is fixed in the correct position, the load is distributed and a shock-absorbing effect is created. Wearing individual insoles is recommended not only for conservative treatment, but also after surgery to eliminate Morton's disease.