Psoriasis, the causes of which are quite problematic to reliably determine, most often manifests itself in young people under thirty years of age. Its symptoms, treatment and other important issues regarding this pathology, we will consider in this article.
What is psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing disease. The main symptom of the disease is abundant rashes of scaly papules. According to statistics, more than 2% of the world's population suffers from this pathology. Moreover, people living in conditions of high humidity and low temperatures are most susceptible to such a disease as psoriasis. The causes of occurrence, treatment of the disease will be described below.
Factors contributing to the development of the disease
Modern medicine believes that the leading role in the appearance of pathology is played by a gene predisposition, which is expressed in a violation of the exchange of nucleic acids in the epidermis. And for a long time the disease can proceed hidden. Psoriasis, causeswhich modern science also associates with a number of provoking factors (traumatic, infectious, mental), under the influence of hereditary predisposition causes circulatory disorders in the layers of the dermis. As a result, young cells begin to grow rapidly, without having time to fully form. Thus, accumulations of white scales - plaques appear on the surface of the skin.

There is another theory of the origin of a dermatological disease called "psoriasis". The causes of occurrence, according to her, are associated with damage to the body by fungal and other infections. As a result of long-term observations, conclusions were drawn about the influence of such diseases on the development of psoriasis. This is especially true in the spring and autumn-winter period. It is at this time that incidence rates reach their peak.
Tibetan medicine considers nervous disorders as the main cause of this pathology. They cause disturbances in the balance of the immune system and neuroendocrine regulation. Overwork, mental and nervous stress, negative emotional background - all this negatively affects the body, provoking the development of psoriasis.

A number of scientists point to another factor that causes a disease called "psoriasis", or "psoriasis". The causes, in their opinion, lie in the allergic reaction of the body.human to the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms and their complex structure.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease today. However, it is possible to minimize the unpleasant manifestations that psoriasis entails. The causes of occurrence (photos of the disease are presented in this article), which led to the development of pathology, must be taken into account when prescribing drug therapy. You can reduce the growth of plaques with the help of special ointments, solutions and creams. In the fight against the disease, UV irradiation or photochemotherapy is excellent. In the event that the result did not live up to expectations, injections are prescribed.