Pain in the throat, swelling of the larynx, a slight rise in temperature are signals of the development of the inflammatory process. The question immediately arises: how to treat? A sore throat can be for the following reasons: tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Therapy for these ailments is recommended to begin immediately, since if left untreated, there is a high risk of severe consequences.
Causes of inflammation in the throat in children
Red, or in other words, sore throat in childhood is a fairly common condition caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Most often, doctors diagnose the following diseases with a sore throat:
- Pharyngitis - in this case, the back wall of the pharynx becomes inflamed.
- Tonsillitis - an inflammatory process affecting the tonsils.
- Angina is a tonsillitis provoked by streptococcal microorganisms.
Viruses countthe most common cause of pharyngitis. Influenza virus, adenovirus, enterovirus - cause pain and swelling in the throat.

Bacterial infections are rare. Both are transmitted from person to person, that is, through direct contact or indirectly (through objects). Finding out the true cause of inflammation in the throat based only on the symptoms is not always possible. Examination, history taking, as well as laboratory diagnostics are necessary. The doctor evaluates the results and then selects the appropriate pharmacotherapy.
Treatment of sore throat in infants
Causes of inflammation in the throat in babies are different. It could be:
- teething;
- allergy;
- virus.
Before treatment, the source of the disease is identified. Young mothers are often worried about the question of how to treat a sore throat in a baby? If the cause is a cold, then breast milk will be the best medicine, as it contains the most essential minerals, immunoglobulins, vitamin C and lactic acid bacteria, which do not allow the body to become dehydrated and reliably protect against harmful microorganisms. To alleviate the condition of the baby with a sore throat, reflexology and plenty of fluids will help. Antimicrobial agents are used to treat the root of the tongue and the back of the throat, for this procedure:
- wrap the index finger with a sterile gauze bandage;
- dip him in the drug - "Vinilin", "Iodinol", "Tonsilgon"or a decoction of medicinal plant materials - oak bark, chamomile.
Sore throat, how to treat the baby? Doctors sometimes recommend taking Tonsilgon, pre-diluted with water, by mouth for seven- or eight-month-old babies. It is important to remember that self-administration of this remedy is unacceptable, since according to the official instructions for use, this drug is allowed to be taken from twelve months.
Drug preparation "Tonsilgon"
Available in two dosage forms - oral drops and dragees. The basis of the remedy is medicinal herbs:
- dandelion;
- chamomile;
- walnut;
- yarrow;
- horsetail;
- Marshmallow.
The medicine belongs to antiseptics. Its properties are due to the biologically active substances that make up the drug:
- increase in the activity of non-specific factors of protection of the individual's body is carried out due to the action of horsetail, chamomile, marshmallow;
- reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and anti-inflammatory effect have oak bark tannins, flavonoids, polysaccharides and essential oils of yarrow, chamomile, and marshmallow.

How to treat a severely inflamed throat with tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, i.e. with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, both acute and chronic? In all cases, Tonsilgon is shown. In addition, it is actively used to prevent the consequences of viral respiratory and bacterial infections.infections. In the acute period of the disease, the recommended dose of the drug is higher, and after their disappearance, the medication should be continued for a week, the dose in this case is reduced by half. If the symptoms of inflammation persist while taking the drug, then you should consult a doctor to correct therapy. The drug is usually well tolerated, however, allergic reactions, vomiting or nausea may occur. Joint reception with antibacterial agents gives a good effect.
Inflammatory process in the back of the throat
This disease is called pharyngitis. In this case, the mucous membrane or lymphoid tissue becomes inflamed. There are acute and chronic pharyngitis. In the first case, the disease can be cured with medication. In the second case, surgery is most often recommended. If the back wall of the throat is inflamed, how to treat in this case? Both pharmacotherapy and some alternative methods of treatment are shown:
- Gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs - oak bark, sage, oregano, raspberry, mint or anti-inflammatory collections.
- Inhalations over steamed boiled potatoes.
- Foot compress with honey (in the absence of allergic reactions to bee products).
- Mustard powder baths.
These proven remedies help to cope with the inflammation of the back of the throat. However, before using them, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

He will tell you what to do when the throat is sore and how to treat the disease. Drug therapy is usually prescribed:
- Antibiotics for local use - Ingalipt, Hexoral, Anginal, Kameton, Stopangin - and internal use: Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Cefalexin.
- Antiseptics - Strepsils, Septolete, Imudon.
- Antifungal drugs – Nizoral, Diflucan.
The above remedies will help both adults and children to heal.
Inflammation of the palatine tonsils
There is such a phenomenon in all age categories. The cause of the disease is bacteria, fungi and viruses, and provocative factors are:
- stress situations;
- tobacco smoking;
- drinking an icy or very cold water solution;
- hypothermia;
- breathing cold air through the mouth.
Inflamed tonsils are enlarged, red in appearance. In addition, they may have a purulent plaque. Symptoms of inflammation are due to the cause that caused the disease, and in addition, the response of the immune defense of the individual's body. Next, consider how to treat inflamed tonsils in the throat:
- Acute inflammation. If the cause is streptococcus, then the doctor recommends antibiotic therapy for seven to ten days. This duration of treatment is due to a decrease in the risk of serious complications - kidney damage, rheumatism. To speed up healing, gargling with herbal decoctions, solutions of sea s alt or sodium bicarbonate is indicated. As well as lubricating the tonsils with sea buckthorn oil and resorption of the fleshy leafagave flower.
- How to treat a red sore throat in a chronic process? Conservative treatment is carried out, and if the tonsils have lost their main functions, then their complete removal is recommended, since in this case they are considered a constant source of infection. As in the previous case, the main treatment is antibiotic therapy. In addition, the lacunae of the tonsils are washed with solutions such as Iodinol, Furacillin, Interferon, Rivanol and others.

This manipulation is carried out in an outpatient or inpatient he althcare facility. Physiotherapy is also required. The best effect is obtained by irradiating the tonsils with ultraviolet rays and conducting ultrasound therapy.
Ways to treat lymphadenitis during a cold
It happens that during the period of a cold, the lymph nodes become inflamed, that is, an individual is diagnosed with lymphadenitis. This phenomenon is considered one of the dangerous complications of colds. Inflammation of the nodes is observed in the neck, armpits and groin. Lymph nodes are such formations in which white blood cells are formed. Their task is to protect the body from infection. Sometimes with colds, unable to cope with an infectious attack, they become inflamed. Next, consider how to treat inflamed lymph nodes in the throat. With a mild course against the background of influenza, tonsillitis or acute respiratory infections, specific therapy is not required. In other cases, hormonal agents are indicated - Prednisolone, Medrol, as well as immunostimulating drugs and multivitamin complexes.
Therapyantibacterial medicines is carried out with suppuration. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, the doctor selects an antibiotic. In addition, physiotherapy is mandatory:
- UHF;
- galvanization;
- electrophoresis.
During treatment, a diet is recommended that includes the exclusion of flour and dairy products, as well as sugar and an increase in the intake of lean fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits.
Treatment of viral pharyngitis in children
Red throat in a baby is a sign of any infection caused by a virus. How to treat a sore throat in a child with pharyngitis? For the treatment of this pathology, rest and the use of symptomatic drugs are required. To reduce pain, which is a companion of an inflamed throat, drugs are used - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. The doctor calculates the dose based on the weight of the baby. Local anesthetics in the form of sprays and lozenges have proven themselves well.

They effectively eliminate dryness and sore throat. In addition, it is very important to drink plenty of water, diet and maintain immunity. When a child has a sore throat, what else to treat? For children from the age of three, Imudon is recommended, the tablets of which should be dissolved in the mouth. The drug contains a mixture of lysates of bacteria corresponding to pathogens that often provoke inflammatory processes in the pharynx and oral cavity. The dosage is selected depending on the age of the child. The duration of treatment in the acute phase is ten days, and for the prevention of the chronic form - twenty days. The medicine is well tolerated, in rare cases minor allergic rashes are recorded.
Effective drugs for the treatment of sore throat in an adult patient
In the autumn-winter period, such a symptom as a red throat does not bypass adults. How to treat a sore throat in an adult? The list of medications is very wide, and only the attending doctor is able to make the right choice. Below are the most commonly prescribed and effective drugs that allow you to quickly deal with the problem of a sore throat.
Oral medicines:
- "Ibuprofen" - the decrease in temperature begins thirty minutes after taking the drug. The maximum effect appears after three hours.
- "Naproxen" - is used as a symptomatic remedy to reduce the inflammatory process, sore throat, and reduce temperature. Reception per day no more than two tablets, the interval between taking from six to eight hours. The duration of treatment is not more than five days.
- "Paracetamol" - reduces the temperature and relieves pain. The daily dose should not exceed four grams. The interval between doses is at least four hours. The course of treatment is not more than five days.
All medicines have side effects and contraindications, so a doctor's consultation is required before using them.
What is the best way to treat a sore throat for an adult? At the first sign of a sore throat, aerosol preparations work well:
- "Stopangin" - the active substance hexetidinetogether with a mixture of essential oils, it has an antiseptic and analgesic effect that lasts about twelve hours.
- "Ingalipt" is a combined remedy that has an antimicrobial effect against microorganisms that cause diseases of the throat, as well as the oral cavity. In addition, the drug has an antifungal and mild analgesic effect.
- "Geksoral" - has a wide range of antimicrobial activity. Has a slightly anesthetic effect. Used as a symptomatic remedy for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat.
- "Tantum Verde" - benzamidine, which is the main component of the drug, has an antimicrobial effect, damaging the cellular structures of microorganism cells. It is used both in complex and as a mono-drug for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

How else can you treat a sore throat in an adult? There are also medications in the form of lozenges, lozenges or lozenges. They also have a long-term effect, as they settle on the tonsils during the resorption period. Of the wide variety presented in pharmacies, the most popular are the following:
- "Septolete" - the active components included in the composition provide an antiseptic effect against gram-positive microorganisms, and the essential oil of mint and menthol are endowed with an analgesic effect. Eucalyptus oil helps to ease breathing.
- "Strepsils" - has proven itself well for the treatment of sore throatswith pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Contains a variety of flavors that have analgesic and soothing effects on sore throats.
- "Faringosept" - brownish tablets used as a symptomatic treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity, have a bacteriostatic effect.
Doctors in their reviews warn that these remedies do not cure, but help relieve such a symptom as pain, as well as soften a sore throat. What is the treatment for a severely inflamed throat? The answer to this question is the following. In therapy, the medications listed above are used. Depending on the cause that caused the disease, the doctor will select the right antibacterial or antiviral agent, as well as drugs that reduce unpleasant symptoms. In the absence of allergic reactions, doctors, in their reviews of herbal medicine in the treatment of inflammatory processes, recommend herbal teas and rinses.
How to treat a sore throat at home?
At home, you can use both medications and the experience of traditional healers. Almost everyone in the home first aid kit will find remedies to help cope with a cold. These include medicines that help bring down the temperature, reduce pain and inflammation in the throat. With the initial manifestations of a cold, it is recommended to use drugs that have a local antiseptic effect. They are produced in various forms:
- Pills and lozenges - "Lyzobakt", "Septolete".
- Solutions - "Furacillin", "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine".
- Sprays - "Kameton", "Gexoral".
As well as available immunostimulants - Viferon, Cycloferon, Imudon.
From folk remedies:
- rinsing with decoctions of herbs;
- chamomile, lime, lemon tea drinks with ginger;
- foot bath with mustard powder;
- inhalations over steamed boiled potatoes or a mixture of herbal raw materials with essential oils.

All sore throat treatments produce tangible results when used correctly.
If the throat is inflamed and sore, how to treat it, you now know. It is important to remember that the main therapy for the inflammatory process directly depends on the underlying cause. In the treatment, both medicines of different groups and folk recipes are used. In addition, it is recommended to use physiotherapy procedures, follow a diet. Only an integrated approach will help avoid the development of serious consequences.