In the article, we will consider the signs of a hernia of the lumbar spine.
Among the numerous complications of osteochondrosis, lumbar intervertebral hernia is most common. What are the reasons for its development? How does it manifest itself? What is the danger of an intervertebral hernia? Is it possible to recover without surgery and what are the methods of treatment?

Causes of hernia and symptoms
The vertebrae of the lumbar spine (five pieces in total) perform the function of shock absorption and are connected by intervertebral discs. When a hernia occurs, the disc protrudes, the nerve is compressed, pain occurs, which must be removed as soon as possible. The reasons for the appearance of signs of hernia of the lumbar spine are the following factors:
- excessive loads;
- genetic specificity of the ligamentous apparatus from birth;
- oblique pelvis;
- inflammatory process of the sciatic nerve;
- radiculopathy;
- scoliosis andosteochondrosis;
- serious exercise;
- injuries;
- bad habits;
- inactive lifestyle.
The disease in a person manifests itself in the form of: stiffness in the lumbar region, pain in the upper part of the lower extremities, weakness of the big toe, toes become numb after sitting for a long time, goosebumps in the lower extremities.
Symptoms of a herniated disc in the lumbar spine should not go unnoticed.
How dangerous is a hernia?
If there is no adequate treatment, then the load from the inflamed area will transfer to the segments located nearby, due to which new hernias are formed. If the situation is particularly severe, there may be paralysis of the pelvis or limbs.
Specific treatment
If signs of a hernia of the lumbar spine have been diagnosed, the specialist will first choose conservative methods of treatment. If they are ineffective for a long time, then surgical intervention is necessary.
Therapy of the lumbar disc herniation without surgery is done in several stages. Initially, bed rest is prescribed, analgesics are prescribed to relieve pain. As soon as acute symptoms disappear, other treatment methods are used. If you strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations during therapy and rehabilitation, you can achieve a stable remission until the end of the patient's life.
It is important to understand that a disease such as sciatica can become a consequence of a hernia of the lumbar spine.
In acuteduring the period of pathology, it is required to exclude physical activity and adhere to bed rest. Restriction of movements eliminates the load from the spine, relieves the patient of pain and colic. It is forbidden to sit for a long time and get up abruptly. It is only allowed to raise legs and arms, rotate the feet and hands, make circular movements with the head.

Drug therapy
During drug treatment, several groups of drugs are used, which are selected by the doctor. Self-medication is forbidden in any case, it can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
Prescription drugs are used to relieve pain:
- strong painkillers;
- weak analgesics;
- narcotic analgesics.
Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs will not only eliminate the pain syndrome, but also relieve inflammation and fever. Recently, new drugs have been used - inhibitors, characterized by a prolonged effect. That is why they are taken once a day.
Relaxation of spasmodic muscles can be helped by muscle relaxants that act directly on the patient's central nervous system.
Vitamin complexes can improve the condition in general and strengthen the immune system. To accelerate their effect and quickly increase the content in the blood, it is advisable to inject intravenously and intramuscularly.
Topical drugs
The main complex of medicines is supplemented with localpreparations - creams, ointments and gels. They must penetrate the epidermis and several layers of space inside. That is why a high dosage is needed.
There are several types of ointments:
- improving blood circulation;
- warming;
- anesthetics;
- anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal.
Non-surgical therapy of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region necessarily includes physiotherapy procedures that will eliminate the pain syndrome, reduce inflammation, and have a beneficial effect on the general condition.
For intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region:
- electrophoresis with caripain and papain - act on the body with constant pulses of electricity, which accelerates drug penetration;
- treatment with mud - applied to the lower back or wrapped with a film, procedures are carried out for two weeks, the course is repeated after a two-week break;
- exposure to ultrasound - through sound waves, the necessary drugs are introduced into the body;
- EHF - extremely high frequency therapy - uses electromagnetic current, which is characterized by a high frequency;
- interstitial electrical stimulation - through the skin cover to the intervertebral discs, an electric current is let in, which helps to relax the muscles;
- phonophoresis - drugs are applied to the skin, then they are exposed to ultrasound to accelerate the entry of active ingredients into the patient's body;
- magnetotherapy - a magnetic field is applied that canget inside the cells;
- shock wave therapy - send acoustic (shock) waves to the body, finding damaged cells in the body and removing calcium s alts from there;
- laser therapy - light emitted from a laser heats the tissues that surround the affected area.
Physiotherapy procedures are also performed at home, but for this you need to purchase the necessary equipment.

Massage is done only during remission, using essential oils that have a calming effect. It activates blood circulation, relaxes and stretches the muscles. All movements should be gentle and careful. Sharp pressure is contraindicated.
Folk treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine
Drug treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies: tinctures, decoctions and compresses.
Outdoor use. One gram of mummy, previously dissolved in boiled water, is mixed with 100 grams of honey. The body is rubbed with fir oil and then the honey mass is applied with patting movements. It is advisable to treat the skin on top with the drug "Finalgon". Then they lie down in bed and wrap themselves well. The procedure is repeated for twenty days.
Three kilograms of birch leaves are poured with olive or corn oil (one liter). The jar is tightly closed and placed in a warm, dark place (preferably near the battery) for two weeks. The mixture is shaken from time to time. Infusionstrain and use as an ointment for hernia.
What else does the treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine without surgery involve?
Internal use
Brew rose hips with boiling water, leaving to infuse for 30-40 minutes. You need to drink 120 milliliters before meals.
Twenty grams of bran is poured with water in the amount of 800 milliliters, then boiled for forty minutes. Everyone drinks during the day, dividing into three parts. Must be heated before use.
Greens and chamomile flowers in the amount of 20 grams should be steamed with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse for an hour. Drink three times a day before meals. The decoction will eliminate the inflammation of the affected area.
What exercises can I do for a hernia of the lumbar spine?
Therapeutic exercise
All physical exercises are allowed to do only a week after the elimination of acute symptoms. Movements should be smooth and slow. Excessive loads and jerks should be avoided.
The most effective influence on a hernia of the lumbar spine will be swimming. In the absence of the possibility of visiting the pool, you can practice at home. A set of exercises is selected individually by a physiotherapist.

Complex of exercises
To develop and strengthen the functional abilities of the spine, the following set of exercises was developed for hernia of the lumbar spine:
- Lying on your back, bend your legs slightly and stretch your arms along the torso. Tighten the abdominal muscles.
- As in the first paragraph, take the starting position, but stretch the legs. Raise the body without lifting the legs off the floor, lower the body.
- Bend your legs, lie on your back and stretch your right arm forward, putting your hand on your left knee. Holding resistance with your hand, bend your left leg.
Bubnovsky's exercises
What exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine according to the Bubnovsky method are shown?
Specialist-kinesiologist Bubnovsky created his own set of exercises. The goal is to eliminate the consequences of a hernia of the lumbar spine.
- Birch - lying on your back, raise your hands up. The specialist fixes the legs to the MTB simulator with a cable, the patient raises the pelvis and legs to a position perpendicular to the head.
- The same birch, just the opposite. Everything is done as in the first position, but it is necessary to turn the legs on the simulator.
- Frog - the patient lies on his stomach, stretches his arms forward, the doctor fixes the simulator with a weight on one leg. Bend the lower limb, making movements like a frog.
- Exercise in which one leg is fixed - lift the leg without bending.
- Using a block – the patient lies on their back and moves up and down with a straight leg, lifting the weight.
- Elastic bandage in the exercise for the spine. To conduct training in order to strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region in the treatment of spinal hernia, elastic bandages are used. They are fixed by the latch, then they are taken by the free ends with their hands and do a series of exercises:
- Stand in the middlebandage and hold its ends in your hands. Raise your arms to your shoulders, trying to overcome resistance.
- The patient sits on the bench and fixes his legs under it, the bandage is fixed on the belt. Then he unbends back, bends his elbows, takes them behind his back.
- The bandage is fixed below the waist, the patient leans forward and keeps his back straight. Hands are pulled back, the back does not bend.
Exercise prohibited
Although physical training seems extremely simple, some exercises can harm a patient with a herniated disc in the lumbar segment. General principles of physical activity that are prohibited:
- dramatically move the torso;
- do weightlifting;
- run with decelerations and accelerations;
- dramatically load the lower back;
- lift sports equipment that weighs more than five kilograms;
- take part in sports competitions;
- bend over without bending your knees.
Manual therapy for herniated lumbar spine
If there is a lesion in the spine, traditional manual treatment is contraindicated. To achieve a positive result, they use reflexology, kinesiology and osteopathy. The osteopath uses the hands to influence the central nervous system. The session lasts thirty minutes. Treatment course - from 10 to 12 days.
What other treatments for a herniated lumbar spine are popular?

This technique combines ancient knowledge and the latest technology. During the procedure, very thin medical needles are installed in biologically active points, which are connected to a special device that produces electrical impulses. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of acupuncture is greatly enhanced.
Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine should be timely.
Spa treatment
Spa treatment has a beneficial effect on the body, but only during remission.
In sanatoriums, patients are most often offered:
- massage;
- prophylactic exercise;
- oxygen cocktails;
- mud baths.
During all procedures, medical staff monitors the condition of patients.
According to reviews, surgery for a hernia of the lumbar spine is very effective.
Surgical treatment
In the treatment of vertebral hernia, surgery becomes an extreme measure. It is prescribed in case of partial or complete paralysis with a defect in the activity of internal organs, including the spinal cord. In addition, the operation is done when conservative therapy is ineffective or the patient's condition worsens, his muscle weakness increases. There are two ways to perform operations on the vertebral hernia of the lumbar region:
- Discotomy is an easy, non-traumatic operation when a surgeon cuts off a hernia from a damaged disc.
- Laminectomy is a more complicated operation,when an area of bone vertebral tissue is removed, the canal of the spinal cord or the narrowed opening between the vertebrae expands. Has a long recovery period.
Rehabilitation for a hernia of the lumbar spine is of great importance.

Surgical intervention eliminates the source of the symptoms that appear in the patient and force him to see a doctor. But the eradication of such signs of all problems does not solve. We need to deal with the consequences of the main disease. This is exactly what rehabilitation techniques are aimed at. It is important to return a person to an active working and domestic life.
The period after the operation is divided into the following stages:
- first two weeks - early period after surgery;
- from the 14th to the 32nd day - the postoperative late period.
From two months after the operation, the delayed period begins. It is very important during rehabilitation for a hernia of the lumbar spine to be under the strict comprehensive supervision of a neurologist, surgeon, rehabilitation specialist and other highly specialized doctors according to the patient's indications.
A herniated disc causes the patient severe discomfort due to a significant pain syndrome and limited mobility. After surgery, he will feel boxed in and helpless (follow the doctor's schedule of examinations and rules, take medication, etc.), which may cause a state of depression. In such situationit is impossible to do without a psychotherapist.
It is necessary to use a special corset after the operation, which will be an excellent prevention of the recurrence of the disease.
The patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy.
Gymnastics is done from the first day after the operation. A set of restorative exercises is selected individually, which is performed under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.
The basic principles of physical education in the period after surgery are a gradual increase in load and regularity.
It is contraindicated for the patient to lift weights of more than 2-3 kilograms with one hand for three months after the operation.
Prolonged sitting should be limited for three months after the intervention.
It is necessary to exclude outdoor games in which there are sharp movements.
It is advisable to give up smoking and alcohol for the entire period of rehabilitation.
Below, consider reviews of a hernia of the lumbar spine.
Prevention, reviews
With the effectiveness of the treatment of lumbar vertebral hernia, it is important to adhere to a number of recommendations of doctors in order to prevent exacerbations, complications and relapses: avoid heavy loads on the back; control changes in the spine; do not sit for a long time and monitor your posture; slowly and smoothly sit down from a prone position, get up from a sitting position. Get out of vehicles without sudden shocks. Sleep on a wooden board with a simple mattress or on an orthopedic mattress. Wear a special orthopedic corsetand a dog hair belt. Prevent hypothermia.
According to reviews, a hernia of the lumbar spine can cause very great discomfort.

To prevent the appearance of a lumbar vertebral hernia, experts advise following a number of recommendations:
- do sports;
- walk more often;
- control posture;
- work at the computer, sitting on a chair. If forced to sit for a long time, get up and take breaks;
- do gymnastics;
- distribute weight evenly when lifting weights;
- include fish, beef, chicken and dairy products in your diet. Do not eat spicy, canned, fried;
- give up cigarettes.
The treatment of lumbar hernia, therefore, should be comprehensive. It includes both the use of medicines and massage, exercise therapy, manual procedures. A he althy lifestyle, proper nutrition and rational exercise are of great importance. Patients say that only the combined influence of these factors helped them quickly get rid of the pathology without recurrence.
We examined the signs of a hernia of the lumbar spine and methods of treating pathology.