In medicine, the term "chronic tonsillitis" refers to an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract. The formation of an inflammatory focus occurs in the tonsils. The main starting factor for the development of pathology is the long-term effect of pathogens on the lymphoid tissue. Why is chronic tonsillitis dangerous? In the absence of timely medical care, all sorts of complications arise, during which internal organs are affected, including the heart.

Development mechanism
In the human oral cavity are tonsils, consisting of lymphoid tissue. Their task is to recognize pathogens and inform the immune system about their penetration into the body. In addition to them, there are many protective mechanisms in the oral cavity that prevent the vital activity of pathogens. A he althy body copes with viruses and bacteria on its own, but under the influence of variousadverse factors in this process may fail. As a result, tonsillitis develops, which, without timely treatment, becomes chronic.
The mechanism of disease development consists of the following steps:
- Pathogenic microorganisms get on the tonsils. If at this time the defenses are weakened, a favorable environment is created for viruses and bacteria. A natural result is the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, it turns red and swells. At the same time, some pathogens enter the bloodstream.
- Pathogenic microorganisms multiply actively, causing severe intoxication of the body. At this stage, the person's condition worsens significantly. Toxins have a negative effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, partial necrosis of the tonsils occurs, lymphatic cells die, and the resulting voids are filled with pus.
- The waste products of pathogens cause an allergic reaction. Against this background, the rate of absorption of toxic compounds in the tonsils increases, due to which they increase in size even more.
- The pathological process extends to some internal organs. This is due to the presence of nerve nodes in the tonsils, in which blood circulation is disturbed during the disease.
- Bacteria continue to multiply, the immune system is unable to completely destroy them. Some of them settle in the gaps, creating foci of inflammation. The constant presence of pathogens significantly weakens the body's defenses and can cause the developmentautoimmune diseases.
Thus, destructive changes occur in the tonsils and nearby tissues, which negatively affects the state of internal organs. The course of the disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and improvement. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), chronic tonsillitis is assigned the code J35.0.

During the development of the inflammatory process, the delicate lymphoid tissue becomes dense, scars are formed, which partially close the exit from the lacunae. As a result, pus, microbes, dead epithelial cells accumulate in them. From this content, peculiar plugs are formed that completely fill the gaps. As a result, a favorable environment is created for the further reproduction of pathogens. Toxic compounds released during their vital activity are carried by blood throughout the body, leading to severe intoxication, which disrupts the operation of almost all systems.
The development of chronic tonsillitis is slow. Against this background, the work of the immune system is disrupted, which begins to respond inadequately to the existing infection.
The following diseases and conditions affect the development of this process:
- polyps;
- adenoids;
- sinusitis;
- sinusitis;
- deviated septum;
- dental caries;
- various pathologies of an infectious nature;
- hereditary predisposition.
The above causes of chronictonsillitis are also trigger factors for the transition of the disease to the stage of exacerbation.
In addition, the occurrence of this state is facilitated by:
- unbalanced diet;
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- smoking;
- unfavorable ecological situation;
- work in hazardous production;
- prolonged exposure to stress;
- physical strain;
- lack of proper rest;
- hypercooling of the body;
- non-compliance with the drinking regime.
The constant presence of microbes forces the immune system to work hard. Such a condition negatively affects the state of internal organs, and therefore people with chronic tonsillitis should not postpone the treatment of pathology.

By the nature of the course, doctors divide the disease into several forms:
- Recurrent. Characterized by frequent episodes of angina.
- A simple protracted one. With this form, the nature of the inflammatory process is sluggish, it develops only in the palatine tonsils.
- Simple compensated. Its feature is rare relapses.
- Toxic-allergic.
The simple form is accompanied by the following symptoms of chronic tonsillitis:
- feeling of a foreign body in the mouth;
- discomfort while swallowing;
- bad smell;
- dry mucous;
- pain inthroat.
The disease is always accompanied by the formation of purulent plugs in the gaps. They are easily visualized without the use of special devices. The temperature in chronic tonsillitis rises periodically. It can reach high rates in the acute stage. At the same time, its increase is accompanied by headache, weakness, general malaise. Lymph nodes in chronic tonsillitis are always enlarged. When they are palpated, painful sensations may appear.
In the absence of treatment, internal organs are involved in the pathological process (toxic-allergic form). At the same time, signs of diseases join the standard symptoms of chronic tonsillitis:
- Vestibular apparatus (headache, constant tinnitus, short-term disturbances of consciousness).
- Musculoskeletal system (arthritis, rheumatism).
- Skin (eczema, psoriasis).
- Cardiovascular system.
- Kidney.
- Liver.
Due to the fact that the tonsils themselves become a constant source of infection, the body suffers from severe intoxication. Patients complain of severe fatigue, reduced performance, pain in various parts of the body. Body temperature often rises to subfebrile values, episodes of angina occur more often and are more difficult to endure.
Any child develops chronic tonsillitis against the background of an untreated acute form. Periods of exacerbation are accompanied by pronounced symptoms. They occur during the weakening of the body's defenses, as a rule, in cold weather.year.
Signs of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in a child are the following conditions:
- burning or tingling sensation in the throat;
- difficulty swallowing;
- bad breath;
- loss of appetite;
- increased salivation;
- chill;
- high body temperature;
- headache;
- hoarse voice;
- dry cough;
- dry mucous membrane;
- feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the throat;
- abdominal discomfort;
- nausea turning into vomiting;
- convulsions;
- presence of white or yellow plaque on the tonsils.
Children are much harder to endure periods of exacerbation. Pain in chronic tonsillitis can have varying degrees of intensity. Palpation always reveals enlarged and painful lymph nodes, abscesses on the tonsils are visible to the naked eye.

Diagnosing is not difficult for a doctor. Chronic tonsillitis is treated by an otorhinolaryngologist. During the reception, he conducts diagnostic measures, including interviewing and examining the patient. The doctor needs to provide information on the symptoms present and their severity, as well as to clarify the time of their occurrence. During the examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the tonsils and determines the contents of the gaps, and also makes special prints from them for laboratory testing for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Besides,the specialist emphasizes the need for prompt treatment of the disease and talks about the dangers of chronic tonsillitis.
To obtain the most complete information, the doctor draws up referrals for clinical and biochemical blood tests. Based on the results of the tests, he can judge the degree and prevalence of the inflammatory process, as well as the state of the body's defenses.
Conservative therapies
The treatment regimen for chronic tonsillitis is compiled taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's he alth. It includes medication and local treatments.
The following groups of medicines are prescribed by doctors:
- Antibiotics. In chronic tonsillitis, they are taken only during periods of exacerbation. In addition, the decision on the appropriateness of their appointment is made on the basis of the results of bakposev. This is due to the fact that some antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis can worsen the patient's condition or not help him at all. Outside of exacerbation, such drugs are ineffective. In addition, they disrupt the microflora of the intestines, oral cavity and negatively affect the state of the immune system.
- Probiotics. Antimicrobial drugs act aggressively on the body. Along with the start of their intake, it is necessary to additionally consume probiotics. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs: "Acipol", "Primadophilus", "Narine", "Lineks", "Normobakt".
- Painkillers. Used as symptomatic therapy. To eliminate pronouncedpain, the doctor recommends "Nurofen" or "Ibuprofen". With a little discomfort, they are not advisable to take.
- Antihistamines. They are prescribed to reduce the degree of swelling of the tonsils. Doctors recommend taking the latest generation of products with prolonged action: Cetrin, Zirtek, Zodak, Telfast.
- Antiseptics. Gargling is one of the key steps in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis. Currently, the pharmaceutical market sells many products in the form of both ready-made solutions and various substances that need to be diluted independently. Information on how to gargle with chronic tonsillitis is provided by the doctor. Miramistin and Dioxidin are considered the most effective means.
- Immunomodulators. Appointed to strengthen local defense mechanisms. Currently, doctors are increasingly recommending taking Imudon.
- Homeopathic remedies. The goal of such treatment is to increase the duration of the remission period.
- Emollient drugs. Against the background of the development of the inflammatory process and taking medications, the feeling of dryness in the mouth increases, a feeling of sore throat appears. To soften the mucous membrane, the doctor recommends instilling vegetable oil (for example, sea buckthorn or apricot) into the nose.
Treatment of chronic tonsillitis may additionally include the following methods:
- Ultrasonic irrigation. Its essence is as follows: with the help of a special tip, the doctor treats the palatine tonsils. ATIn most cases, Miramistin is used as a medicine. Due to the ultrasonic effect, the solution processes the mucous membrane better, while its healing properties are not lost.
- Laser therapy. Radiation is directed to the back wall of the pharynx and tonsils. During therapy, tissue swelling decreases and the inflammatory process is eliminated.
- UV irradiation. UVR sessions involve a thorough sanitation of the oral cavity.
Each of the above methods is taught in courses. The duration and number of sessions are determined on an individual basis. To ensure a lasting result, it is necessary to undergo preventive treatment twice a year.

A competent specialist never insists on an operation unless all possible conservative methods have been tried. With tonsils removed, chronic tonsillitis may recede, but the patient is more likely to suffer from bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.
Indications for surgery are:
- medication failure;
- angina episodes occur more than 4 times a year;
- enlarged tonsils interfere with breathing and swallowing;
- abscesses;
- serious complications (diseases of the kidneys, musculoskeletal system, etc.).
Preparation for surgery includes a thorough diagnosis of the patient's he alth status. No surgery if present:
- diabetes severeforms;
- decompensated kidney disease;
- circulatory failure;
- hypertension grade 3;
- serious pathologies of fluid connective tissue.
Currently there are 2 methods for removing tonsils:
- Tonsillotomy.
- Tonsillectomy.
The first method involves partial removal of the tonsils, the second - complete. The choice of technique depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.
The operation is performed with a scalpel or with a laser. The latter is considered a more gentle method, since the removal of the tonsils is not accompanied by bleeding. In addition, the contact of the laser with the tissue is fractions of a second, due to which the severity of discomfort is minimized.
On the first day after the operation, the patient is forbidden to eat. It is allowed to drink water in small quantities. In addition, it is necessary to observe bed rest, while the head should be raised. During the recovery period, do not eat hard, cold or excessively hot food.

Folk remedies
It is important to understand that non-traditional methods of treatment do not exclude the need to consult a specialist. They are optional and must be agreed with the doctor.
The following folk remedies for chronic tonsillitis are considered the most effective:
- Squeeze juice from aloe leaves and mix it with honey in a ratio of 1:3. The prepared composition must be stored in the refrigerator. Beforeusing it, it must be heated in a water bath and applied with a spatula to the tonsils. The procedure must be carried out twice a day a few hours before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
- Mix 1:1 honey and freshly squeezed onion juice. The resulting remedy must be drunk three times a day, 1 teaspoon.
- Grind oak bark and chamomile flowers. Mix them in equal proportions and prepare a decoction from them. Cool, strain. Gargle regularly with the resulting decoction.

If left untreated?
In the absence of timely medical care, there are serious consequences of chronic tonsillitis. First of all, the respiratory tract suffers, as the pathological process spreads, the work of most organs and systems is disrupted.
Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. During the period of bearing a child, the risk of late toxicosis increases significantly. In addition, against the background of an exacerbation of the disease, a miscarriage or premature birth may occur. It is impossible to ignore chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy, but at the same time, some drugs can harm the baby. In this regard, doctors advise to undergo a preventive course of therapy at the stage of conception planning.
Recommendations for patients with chronic tonsillitis
In order to avoid surgery and significantly reduce the frequency of exacerbations, the following rules must be observed regularly:
- Twice a year visitotorhinolaryngologist. The doctor sanitizes the oral cavity, cleans the lacunae of the tonsils from purulent plugs and prescribes medications that soften the mucous membrane and strengthen local immunity.
- Regularly ventilate the home and carry out wet cleaning. Compliance with this rule eliminates the occurrence of provoking factors in the form of bacteria and allergens.
- Adjust the diet in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude products that irritate the mucous membrane. These include: fatty, fried, spicy, s alty, sour and smoked foods. In addition, you need to minimize the consumption of citrus fruits. All food should be warm, it is forbidden to eat too hot and cold dishes. Drinks containing alcohol should also be avoided.
- Get proper rest and avoid getting into stressful situations.
Regular compliance with these rules significantly reduces the risk of exacerbations and, accordingly, increases the duration of the remission period.
In conclusion
Chronic tonsillitis is a disease that has several stages of development, each of which has its own symptoms. The most dangerous is the form in which the tonsils themselves become a source of infection. With the blood stream, harmful compounds are carried throughout the body, disrupting the operation of the most important systems.
During periods of exacerbation, it is necessary to contact an otorhinolaryngologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct a sanitation and prescribe appropriate medications. With their ineffectiveness and the presence of seriouscomplications, the question of the advisability of surgical intervention will be decided. You cannot prescribe treatment yourself.
Recall again that in the ICD, chronic tonsillitis has the code J35. 0.