Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

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Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences
Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Video: Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Video: Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences
Video: Infertility, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. 2024, July

Human breathing is often accompanied by exchange processes between its environment and the organism itself. The resulting air passes through the larynx as well as the trachea. Only then does it enter the lungs. Therefore, the muscles of the lung are involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation.

whistling in the lungs
whistling in the lungs

However, sometimes against the background of certain injuries or possible pathologies, a person's breathing may be accompanied by the appearance of a whistle in the lungs. From the outside, this seems rather funny, but in fact it can indicate quite serious diseases and pathologies. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such manifestations. You should also consider this topic in more detail.

Classification of wheezing

If a person has difficulty breathing, extraneous sounds appear, then it is quite possible that at the moment he is sick with a seasonal viral disease or has a fever. There are dry wheezing and wet wheezing. In the first case, we are talking about the fact that the body suffered from hypothermia, due to which the airways narrowed slightly. There is often a dry wheezing andwhistling in the lungs when breathing. This happens quite often with the change of season and changing weather conditions.

If the rales are wet, then in this case, it is most likely that moisture or sputum has accumulated in the lungs. Often there is a narrowing of the bronchi, due to the fact that they form a liquid that gradually accumulates on the walls of the respiratory organs.

As soon as the air combines with the fluid that is inside the body, it begins to break up into microscopic air bubbles, which gradually burst and provoke the characteristic whistle.

The stronger the sound is heard when a person breathes, the larger the air accumulation data, respectively, the more moisture is inside the bronchi. As a rule, such a whistle in the lungs is most often heard on exhalation. This can be associated with a wide variety of diseases, such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis or inflammatory diseases occurring in the upper respiratory tract.

You need to understand that most of these pathologies are very dangerous, as they can later cause pathological changes. In this case, the structure of the respiratory organs can even be deformed, which leads to additional unpleasant symptoms.

Chest hurts
Chest hurts

Often, wheezing and wheezing in the lungs can be accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, the patient's face may turn blue. Some people experience shortness of breath and shortness of breath. In all these situations, you must immediately call an ambulance andcontact a specialist who can accurately determine the causes of the whistle. Consider the most common pathologies that cause similar symptoms.


This cause of whistling in the lungs is the most common. In this case, we are talking about a disease of the respiratory system. It should not be left unattended. There is a narrowing of the airways, which makes it harder for a person to draw in air, asthma appears. If you start a similar situation, then everything can end badly. Therefore, the patient must be correctly diagnosed with the disease and prescribed appropriate medications. They should always be on hand in case of an aggravation.

If symptoms continue to worsen, even hospitalization may be required.

Anaphylactic shock

This cause of whistling in the lungs during breathing is also quite common. In fact, such symptoms are a manifestation of a severe allergic reaction to a particular product or component. As soon as the allergen enters the human body, there is a strong swelling of the respiratory tract. Because of this, the air cannot fully pass, a whistle is heard.

Guy coughing a lot
Guy coughing a lot

Often, these symptoms appear in anaphylactic shock after a poisonous insect bite or if a person suffers from a severe allergic reaction to food or drink. Also, whistles in the lungs in an adult or a child can often appear against the background of Quincke's edema. It is not much different from severe poisoning. In this casethe mucous membrane of the mouth, as well as the larynx, is affected. There may be severe swelling in the throat.

If a person does not have the necessary medicines at hand, then you need to immediately call an ambulance and give an injection.

Foreign body hit

This problem is most often encountered by young children. Sometimes, for the sake of interest, they taste and taste small parts from toys. If a small element is stuck in the larynx, then it may well provoke a blockage of the trachea. Hearing a whistle in the lungs of a child, you should immediately call a doctor who will help remove the foreign body from the body. Without immediate action, the child may die. If he began to choke, then you need to try to remove the foreign object yourself.

Lung injury

If a person has a whistle in the lungs when inhaling and exhaling, then it is quite possible that he has damaged the internal organs. This can happen if the patient inadvertently inhaled corrosive gas or injured the chest in the course of an accident. It often happens that specialists perform incorrect surgical intervention, which leads to such unpleasant situations.

Regardless of the cause of whistling in the lungs, you should see a doctor immediately.


Doctors often attribute this type of pathology to the causes of whistling. If we are talking about a bacterial or viral infection, then it may well limit the access of air that must pass in the bronchi. This happens against the background of puffiness. There are many types of bronchitis in whichsimilar symptoms are observed. For example, shortness of breath may occur against the background of an acute or chronic illness. However, keep in mind that infectious diseases are usually accompanied by fever, sore throat and general malaise.

Lots of bacteria
Lots of bacteria


If a person has inflammation of the trachea, then in this case, the lower part of the respiratory tract is affected. As a rule, such an ailment does not develop as an independent disease. Additionally, tracheitis is accompanied by bronchitis, pharyngitis and even laryngitis. If we are talking about acute or chronic processes, in this case the trachea will narrow, which leads to a characteristic whistling in the lungs and coughing. Aggravation occurs at the moment of inhalation and exhalation.

Bad habits

Very often heavy smokers face similar problems. As a rule, in this case, they suffer from a strong cough in the evening or immediately after waking up. Most often, a similar problem is observed in those who have been smoking cigarettes for quite a long time. The appearance of whistling in the lungs is explained by the fact that mucous secretions appear in the larynx, which gradually begin to clog the airways.

smokes a cigarette
smokes a cigarette

As a rule, the problem disappears after the smoker clears his throat. However, this does not mean that such symptoms should be ignored, and continue to lead a not the most he althy lifestyle. Therefore, when such signs appear, doctors strongly recommend that you give up bad habits as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of facing more serious diseases in the future.

Chemical pneumonitis

If very aggressive chemical components get into the lungs of a person, this is guaranteed to provoke a burn of the mucous membrane. This can lead to swelling, wet cough, severe wheezing, laryngitis, rhinitis and difficulty breathing. If this happens, then you should take immediate action.

First of all, the doctor needs to tell what kind of aggressive component the victim was in contact with. With this data, he will be able to understand how to proceed.

In the bed
In the bed

Whooping cough

If we are talking about a child who suffers from whistling during breathing, then very often the problem lies precisely in this disease. At the same time, there are several stages in the development of this disease, each of which has its own symptoms. The first stage of the development of the disease, as a rule, takes an average of 10 days. During this period, it is very difficult to diagnose the disease.

At the second stage, the so-called convulsive cough begins to develop. In this case, the child complains of a burning sensation in the chest. While coughing, his face turns purple. Often, vomiting, whistling and other alarming symptoms appear. If you reach the third stage, then in this case the attacks will be very protracted. Inhalation will gradually become very heavy. A distinct whistle will be heard. In this case, such attacks can be up to 18 per day. If you do not take action, then gradually from the lungs will beginmucus is secreted, which is getting thicker every day.

Features of treatment and diagnosis

Of course, wheezing causes a lot of inconvenience and anxiety, especially when it comes to children. Based on the foregoing, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to independently make an accurate diagnosis of the disease, due to which alarming symptoms appeared. In such situations, you need to quickly contact a pulmonologist who will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures and be able to prescribe treatment.

doctor listens
doctor listens

Depending on the specific pathology, a specialist may prescribe antibiotics, expectorants, antihistamines, bronchodilators, etc.

If a child suffers from this problem, then, as a rule, the doctor first of all tries to use non-drug therapy. For this, various inhalations are used, which are used to clear the airways to relieve inflammation. In particularly difficult situations, artificial oxygen supply may be required.

In conclusion

You need to understand that self-medication in case of wheezing and whistling in the lungs is not worth it. The upper respiratory tract is subject to numerous pathologies that quickly become chronic. If the patient begins the wrong treatment, then this can take precious time. Therefore, it is better to immediately undergo an examination, and after that make a decision whether to use traditional medicine or pharmacy drugs prescribed by a specialist. If it's aboutchild, it is important to give him medicines according to the dosage indicated on the package or prescribed by a doctor.
