Herpetic sore throat (herpetic tonsillitis) is characterized by high contagiousness. If treatment and prevention measures are not followed, it can spread among the population, and up to the occurrence of mass outbreaks of the epidemic. The most common cause of infection in adults is contact, communication with an infected person. The activity of the virus persists for a week, during this period it is extremely dangerous. Even if the patient is in the recovery stage, he continues to be a virus carrier, so the risk of infecting others remains.
The causes and symptoms of herpetic sore throat in adults and children are similar.

The main modes of transmission of the virus are as follows:
- contact-household - through dirty hands, common items;
- alimentary - the penetration of the virus occurs with food or water;
- airborne;
- fecal.
Causes of herpeticherpes sore throat in children and adults are enteroviruses: Coxsackie (A or B) and ECHO. RNA viruses are ubiquitous. The main source of infection is a sick or virus carrier. The body of an infected person releases the virus along with saliva when talking, sneezing or coughing. This allocation continues for up to a month (also at the stage of recovery). Once in the body, the virus enters the lymph nodes, where it multiplies and then enters the blood, spreading throughout the body. Depending on the type of virus and the state of immunity, tissue inflammation occurs.
Children aged 3-10 years are most often affected. Herpetic sore throat can develop against the background of influenza and SARS. Hypothermia or the use of chilled drinks can also contribute to the development of the disease in a child. After a disease, children develop immunity, but if they become infected with another virus, a re-infection is possible.

The duration of the incubation period of herpetic sore throat is 7-14 days. The course of the disease begins with intoxication signs of influenza or SARS, with characteristic symptoms:
- loss of appetite;
- appearance of a runny nose;
- sore throat localized in the nasopharynx and pharynx;
- chills, fever;
- high/low temperature;
- acute rhinitis, etc.
After the introduction of infection into the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity, and then intocirculatory system, pathogenic bacteria enter the human body. The next stage of the development of infection is characterized by the entry of the virus into the lymph of the oral cavity, which becomes the focus of the development of inflammation. The next stage in the development of the disease is the formation of watery vesicles with serous contents on the tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall and tongue. They have a pronounced red frame, outwardly resembling a rash with a herpetic lesion. Puffiness appears on the mucous membrane of the throat and palate, inflammation of the affected tissues occurs. The development of the infection lasts about two days. In the future, the bubbles with liquid dry out, a crust forms, which subsequently falls off.
In cases of complications of the disease, such formations develop into ulcers or accumulate pus in themselves, which causes painful sensations in the infected, similar to difficulty in swallowing. There is an increase in soreness, the appearance of itching and salivation. Eating, and with it the use of fluids, is difficult due to pain upon contact with the mucous membrane.
Symptoms of herpetic sore throat in children and adults are the same. This is a manifestation of signs similar to a flu-like syndrome, pain when swallowing, salivation. In most cases, the fever subsides within 3-5 days. Along with the usual course of the disease in children, manifestations are possible, characterized only by catarrhal changes in the oropharynx, without damage to the mucosa.

In viewDue to the fact that the symptoms of herpetic sore throat are pronounced, establishing the correct diagnosis is not a difficult task for an experienced doctor. One way or another, laboratory research is required:
- virological - swabs of the nasopharyngeal cavity are taken, in the first 5 days from the moment of illness;
- serological - sera collected in the first days of illness and 2-3 weeks later are used.
Research methods
The following research methods are used:
- Complete blood count - to determine the number of leukocytes in the blood and the presence of pathogens.
- Identification of the pathogen - establishing a diagnosis in differentiation with other possible infections: SARS, influenza, intestinal dyspepsia and others. Clinical signs such as papular-vesicular lesions in the oral cavity are taken into account to exclude the possibility of other infections.
When the patient is a child, the diagnosis is based on the child's age. This process and the subsequent appointment of treatment is carried out by a pediatric otolaryngologist. If complications of the disease are identified, it may be necessary to consult another doctor: a pediatric neurologist - with an affected central nervous system, a pediatric urologist - with kidney damage.
After establishing the symptoms and forms, the treatment of herpangina is mainly medication.

Most often, herpetic sore throat affects children or adolescents. In an adulta person will only have a mild form with blurred symptoms. Complications can be caused by a weak immune system affected by other viral or chronic diseases. This disease carries a great danger for pregnant women, especially in the initial stages. It can provoke severe pathologies in the development of organs and even entire systems. If herpetic sore throat is not treated, then it will go into a severe stage and then a number of complications cannot be avoided.
The disease is most common among children under 3 years of age and adolescents. This is due to the weakness of their immune system, unable to effectively fight pathogenic organisms. Complications are possible in the following systems:
- Urinary. Pyelonephritis develops, causing inflammation of the kidneys.
- The brain. Shows its signs of encephalitis and serous meningitis. These diseases affect the functions of the brain.
- Cardiovascular. During a severe form of herpes sore throat, patients develop infectious lesions of the heart.
- Visual. Conjunctivitis of the hemorrhagic type is formed, resulting in the appearance of petechial hemorrhages.

Pharmacological treatment
In autumn and spring, quite often get sick with herpetic sore throat. It is a viral infection that occurs in both children and adults. The treatment of this type of sore throat is different for these two age categories.
First of all, when treating such a sore throat in adults, you need to pay attention to itssymptoms. They are able to change the normal rhythm of life in a patient. Usually, Suprastin and Diazolin are prescribed for the treatment of herpetic sore throat. They help to reduce pain in the throat and have a good effect on the general condition of the patient. Against herpetic sore throat, Viferon and Acyclovir are prescribed. Of course, the doctor also prescribes a vitamin complex.
It should be noted that during the treatment of such a sore throat, only drugs are indispensable. The patient must necessarily eat soft food of medium temperature. In most cases, doctors avoid prescribing antibiotics because this disease has a viral background. Antibiotics are drunk only in cases where the patient has an acute period for 4 days.
Concluding from the above, it can be noted that 3 types of drugs are used in the treatment of herpetic sore throat.
- Antihistamines.
- Antiulcer.
- Vitamin complex.
Treatment in children
After a complete examination of the child, the doctor prescribes such types of medicines as:
- Antipyretics.
- Antiviral.
- Antiallergic.
- Immunomodulators.
In the treatment of herpetic sore throat in children, irrigation of the mouth and pharynx is quite well suited, and they must be regular. In addition, ointments such as Acyclovir and Viferon are often used. If a small patient has a high temperature, it is imperative to give antipyretics such as Paracetamol or"Ibuprofen". Please note that if the child has a temperature below 38.5 ° C, then there is nothing to do. Elevated body temperature indicates that the body itself is fighting the virus.
Since this is an infectious disease, you need to often gargle with "Miramistin" or "Furacilin". During herpetic sore throat, children often cannot eat because it becomes difficult for them to swallow food. That is why it is necessary to give the child pureed food. Products must be of medium temperature. During the treatment of herpetic sore throat, inhalations should not be done. This can raise the body temperature and spread the virus even more in the body.

Grandma's recipes
In the event that the components of antiviral drugs are contraindicated for the patient or the patient wants to achieve a faster recovery, the best option would be such folk methods as:
Propolis. A by-product of honey production is a well-known natural anti-inflammatory agent. It will also help relieve pain and speed up recovery by boosting immunity. Preparation: 10 g of propolis is placed in the freezer for 8-12 hours. After that, get it and crush it with a hammer. The resulting powder is placed in a vessel and mixed with 100 ml of alcohol. The tincture is kept for 7 days. It must be shaken periodically. Application: with a ready-made product, by means of a bandage, the rashes are lubricated twice a day. Also ensure the fastestrecovery can help the so-called "chewing gum". Application: 2 g of propolis is chewed for several minutes like a simple chewing gum, after which it is spat out or swallowed. You should do this every day until recovery, at least 3 times a day
Beets. Preparation: grate the beetroot until gruel is obtained. Make a homogeneous mixture with water and infuse for 6 hours. Use one glass at a time, 5 times a day. Application - rinse. Preparation: Beetroot juice from one medium-sized vegetable is mixed with a little apple cider vinegar. Application: rinse with a frequency of once every 3 hours. Use one glass at a time
Garlic. An excellent remedy for herpes sore throat is garlic and honey. Preparation: prepare a garlic mass from four cloves of garlic and pour 400 ml of milk. To this add three tablespoons of honey. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Application: for an adult - a tablespoon of the product once an hour, for children - a teaspoon of the product once an hour
As with most other diseases, herbs can be an excellent solution in the fight against herpes sore throat, in particular with its manifestation as a herpes rash in the throat.
Cat-and-stepmother, eucalyptus and sage. Preparation: a mixture of a small amount of these plants in equal proportions is added to 0.5 liters of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. After that, the broth should be cooled and add a pinch of citric acid and a little honey (about a teaspoon). Application: rinsing every 4 hours, forglass. The last three sips of the decoction should be drunk
Decoction of motherwort, calendula, yarrow, wild rose and oregano. Preparation: take the plants in equal proportions (about a tablespoon) and transfer their crushed homogeneous mixture into a thermos in the proportion of 2 tablespoons / liter of water. Insist for 8-10 hours, then strain. Use: both internally (30 g - 3 times a day) and gargle at a dosage of 1/3 cup three times a day
Yarrow and chamomile. Preparation: plants are taken in a ratio of 1:2 and poured with a small amount of hot water (1 spoon per glass), after which they are infused for two hours. Application: drink 50 grams 2 times a day, while holding the mixture in your mouth for a few seconds, and then swallowing
Aloe. Preparation and use: Take 100 g of good butter and, after a water bath, add honey (3 tablespoons), aloe juice and cocoa powder to it. It is necessary to monitor the quality of all components. Mix thoroughly and give the child a tablespoon at a time so that the entire serving is eaten within 24 hours

Parents of a sick child should be fully aware that their child is a carrier of the disease. For this reason, they are obliged to protect the child from contact with other people. As soon as the cause of herpetic sore throat has been identified in the educational or educational institution where the child goes, the same prophylaxis should be carried out as with other respiratory infections like this one. Personal preventive measures:
- Eat right.
- Avoid hypothermia.
- Perform hardening procedures.
- Maintain the body's natural resistance.
When a sick person is isolated from everyone in time, the chance of other people getting infected is greatly reduced. After a week has passed since the infection, the infectivity of the patient becomes almost zero. Therefore, there will be no more reason to remain isolated and you can take the child to school, kindergarten or go to work. It is also very important to know and take into account the fact that herpetic sore throat is spread not only by people, but also by animals, especially domestic ones. For this reason, it is necessary to protect the patient from contact with pets so that the viral infection does not begin to spread despite isolation.