Treatment of hemorrhoid nodes: medical and home methods, doctors' advice

Treatment of hemorrhoid nodes: medical and home methods, doctors' advice
Treatment of hemorrhoid nodes: medical and home methods, doctors' advice

Hemorrhoids is a pathology that is associated with inflammation, expansion and thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins that form knots around the anus. A person with such a disease is worried about pain and discomfort in the pelvic area. Hemorrhoids are a common disease, which, according to statistics, affects more than 10% of people. In the event of hemorrhoid nodes, treatment should never be postponed.

Causes and symptoms of illness

Most often, hemorrhoids occur in people whose work is associated with a sedentary lifestyle: dispatchers, freelancers, office workers, drivers, programmers, and so on. Spending many hours sitting, it is impossible to avoid the influx and stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. In addition, with age, the tone of the vascular walls decreases. All this contributes to the development of hemorrhoids. To avoid such a disease, you should lead a mobile lifestyle. It is necessary at least once an hour to break away from the computer and do a warm-up.

However, people who are forced to stand a lot due to their professional activities also fall intorisk group: hairdressers, medical workers, sellers, etc. In addition to hemorrhoids, they may also develop varicose veins. This happens due to circulatory disorders. You need to do warm-up exercises as often as possible. They will help increase blood flow and prevent blood clots.

Hemorrhoids are external and internal. In the first case, the disease is accompanied by an expansion of the lower veins in the rectum with the appearance of nodes protruding outwards.

But internal hemorrhoids are characterized by an expansion of the venous plexuses located inside the rectum, with the formation of nodes.

The main signs of the disease include:

  • feeling of a foreign body and burning sensation in the anus;
  • discomfort in the area of the rectum;
  • appearance of bleeding and mucous discharge from the anus;
  • unbearable itching;
  • constipation;
  • appearance of hemorrhoidal bumps;
  • pain and tingling in the anus.
  • treatment of hemorrhoids
    treatment of hemorrhoids

Taking pills when sick

Since the cause of this pathology is a pathological change in the veins, the treatment of hemorrhoid nodes without ingestion of drugs is impossible. Medicines help improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the number and size of hemorrhoidal bumps.

The following medicines are used for therapeutic purposes for hemorrhoids:

  1. "Procto-Glivenol" and "Venarus". They reinforceblood supply to the nodes and strengthen the vascular walls.
  2. "Vikasol". The drug heals the mucous membrane.
  3. Heparin. The medicine helps to avoid vascular thrombosis.
  4. Detralex. It contains plant matter. The remedy eliminates pain and burning, softens the inflamed anal mucosa.

These pills have a complex effect on the body, but have side effects. Therefore, you should not take them without a doctor's prescription. Only a doctor can choose an effective medication after examining the patient and conducting laboratory tests. He will advise how to get rid of this problem at home.

hemorrhoids inflammation of the nodes treatment
hemorrhoids inflammation of the nodes treatment

Severe hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment of huge nodes

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy is a common disease. During the bearing of the baby and during childbirth, the internal organs of the woman are subjected to strong pressure, the veins expand and naturally clog. As a preventive measure, future mothers need to actively move, diet and train their pelvic muscles, preparing them for childbirth.

You need to immediately contact a proctologist if you have severe hemorrhoids after childbirth (huge nodes). Treatment in this case, especially medication, can harm the he alth of the baby. Folk healers advise treating such an ailment during pregnancy with fresh rowan juice. You need to drink it 50 grams three times a day. In addition, it is recommended to take soothing warm baths with an infusion of medicinal plants: St. John's wort,chamomile and calendula.

hemorrhoids during pregnancy treatment
hemorrhoids during pregnancy treatment

Elimination of external hemorrhoids

The fight against external hemorrhoids is performed in a minimally invasive, conservative or surgical way.

With conservative therapy, they resort to measures aimed at reducing and stopping pain, as well as eliminating discomfort. For this, the patient is prescribed ointments, gels, tablets, rectal suppositories and creams. During the treatment of hemorrhoids, the first thing they try to do is relieve inflammation, itching and swelling of the mucous membranes, stop bleeding from the anus.

Treating hemorrhoids with blood-thinning drugs helps prevent blood clots from forming. With external hemorrhoids, ointments and creams are usually used, since the inflamed nodes are located on the outside. In this case, it is more efficient to use them than rectal suppositories.

A minimally invasive method involves the appointment of infrared photocoagulation and ligation (clamping) of external nodes. The first method is used at an early stage of the disease, and the second - at the third and fourth stages. Minimally invasive procedures cannot be performed with thrombosis, anal tear and purulent paraproctitis.

Treatment of external nodes of hemorrhoids by surgery is carried out if the above methods did not give positive results, and the disease continues to progress. All this can lead to irreversible consequences that threaten human life, so an operation is indispensable.

To successfully get rid of pathology,you should not only take medicines, but also apply ointments, baths, suppositories and lotions. Moreover, you need to eat right for a faster recovery.

When thrombosed hemorrhoidal cones are prescribed anticoagulants and thrombolytics that dissolve blood clots. For example, "Hepatrombin G" or "Heparin ointment".

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids
Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

External node thrombosis

If the disease is complicated by thrombosis of the external node, the treatment of hemorrhoids requires surgical intervention. Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal cones can lead to the death of living tissues and even sepsis (blood poisoning). With such complications, a person is immediately hospitalized and an operation is performed - a thrombectomy.

Surgical intervention is to remove thrombosis from the inflamed hemorrhoid node. Treatment helps to get rid of discomfort. The operation is simple, performed under local anesthesia within a few minutes. The patient after it does not need outpatient aftercare, so he can return home.

After surgery, the patient ceases to be disturbed by painful sensations that torment him for a long time, inflammation and swelling disappear. The postoperative scar heals within a few days. During the recovery period, the patient is advised to strictly observe hygiene in the anus, especially after defecation. There are usually no complications after thrombectomy.

hemorrhoids home treatment
hemorrhoids home treatment

Homemaderemedies for the treatment of external hemorrhoids

With external hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use ointments. They are applied directly to the movable plexus of blood vessels located near the anus, using a cotton pad. There are many different ointments that can be used for self-treatment of hemorrhoids without consulting a proctologist:

  1. "Fleming's ointment", part of the group of homeopathic remedies. It eliminates inflammation, reduces pain in hemorrhoids. The course of treatment with this ointment is 7 days. Apply it several times a day.
  2. "Bezornil". The drug is made from natural ingredients. It is intended to relieve swelling, accelerate the processes of skin regeneration, and dry damaged areas. Apply it 2-3 times a day on the hemorrhoid, and also after emptying the intestines. The ointment has a special applicator, which is used for internal administration of the drug into the rectum.
  3. Levomekol. This tool is very popular. The active substance of the ointment is chloramphenicol. Its main purpose is antimicrobial action, elimination of pain, removal of inflammation. "Levomekol" is applied directly to the nodes of hemorrhoids. Treatment of inflammation is carried out several times a day.

Preparation of ointment

Treatment of hemorrhoids from the outside can be carried out with means based on honey, vegetable oils, petroleum jelly or beeswax. In folk medicine, with such an ailment, the following ointments are used:

  1. Calendula tincture. It is advisable to buy it already prepared inpharmacy. 5 grams of calendula are added to 10 grams of vaseline, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting product lubricates the inflamed areas after taking a shower in the morning and evening. Rub the ointment until it is completely absorbed, otherwise it will stain the underwear. The tincture will help eliminate the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
  2. Tincture of calendula
    Tincture of calendula
  3. Treatment of external hemorrhoid thrombosis is often done with propolis. Approximately 100 ml of vegetable oil should be filled with 10 g of bee glue. Send the components to a water bath so that the propolis can dissolve. Store this ointment in the refrigerator. You need to use it after hygiene procedures at least 2 times a day.
  4. Healing herbs with lard. First, flax flowers, peppercorns and oak bark are mixed in equal proportions. Then melted lard is poured into the collection and simmered over low heat for about 1-2 hours. After cooking, the mixture is filtered and poured into a glass jar. Apply it every day 2 times, applying directly to damaged tissues. But before that, it is necessary to rinse the anal canal with warm water and wipe it dry.

Internal nodes of hemorrhoids: treatment

Expansion of venous vessels inside the anal canal can be asymptomatic for a long time. A person does not experience pain and discomfort. Cavernous formations do not come out for a long time. Often there are internal nodes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Treatment of this type of disease is aimed at improving blood circulation in the affected area andconstipation.

Without timely therapy, the pathology can progress, resulting in the growth of internal nodes and their exit from the anus to the outside. In the mucous membrane, dystrophic changes occur, due to which the supporting function of the intestinal ligamentous apparatus worsens. Enlarged cavernous vascular plexuses, muscle ligaments can no longer hold, leading to prolapse of hemorrhoid nodes.

Treatment of such a disease at home is most conveniently carried out with the help of candles. Medications in the form of suppositories help to act directly on the site of inflammation. Candles for hemorrhoids are an indispensable tool: when they dissolve, they release active substances and have a strong healing effect.

If prolapsed nodes are observed with hemorrhoids, treatment should be performed with suppositories. Well proven:

  1. "Relief Ultra", "Gepatrombin G" - have an anti-inflammatory effect (Ichthyol suppositories also have a similar effect).
  2. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil and glycerin suppositories. They help restore mucous membranes, heal rectal fissures and eliminate foci of inflammation.
  3. Relief Advance and Procto-Glivenol. They contain active painkillers, including lidocaine.
  4. The use of suppositories
    The use of suppositories

Quickly get rid of the problem at home with suppositories, especially when cavernous formations are located inside.

Treatment of prolapsed hemorrhoid nodes is allowed andhomemade candles. For example, they can be made from raw potatoes, from the core of which a candle is cut, there should be no sharp corners. Vaseline is applied to one edge of the suppository. It is best to administer the remedy before going to bed.

It starts working in 2-3 days. The course of treatment is about 10 days. Potato has the ability to relieve inflammation and spasms. Starch coats the mucous membranes of the rectum, preventing infection and speeding up wound healing.

Honey is a very effective home remedy for hemorrhoids. Its medicinal qualities have been known since ancient times. This bee product has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. To make suppositories out of it, you need candied honey. From a sweet product, dosage forms of the required size are molded and sent to the freezer. Candles must be used within 7 days.

If a knot of hemorrhoids has fallen out, it is still recommended to treat with garlic, since it has an antibacterial effect. Candles from this vegetable can treat pathology in both women and men. It is necessary to grind a few cloves and mix them with butter, previously melted. From the resulting mixture, you need to form candles and put in the refrigerator until the oil hardens.

Rectal suppositories are also made on the basis of chamomile. First of all, a decoction is prepared from this flower, then it is poured into molds and put into the freezer. Ice candles improve blood flow and constrict blood vessels. After such treatmentbleeding disappears, swelling subsides, and pain decreases.

Eliminate hemorrhoids yourself with the help of rectal suppositories will turn out quickly. It is advisable to introduce them after hygiene procedures at bedtime. Relief comes as the drugs are absorbed.

Other effective remedies

Home treatment of hemorrhoid nodes can still be performed using various lotions and baths.

Baths for this disease are made on the basis of hot or cold water, to which healing substances are added. The procedure with cold water is carried out for 5 minutes 2 times a day. To do this, you just need to immerse yourself in a suitable container with liquid. This therapy for hemorrhoids helps to stop bleeding and relieve pain.

Onion skins or garlic are added to hot baths to enhance the therapeutic effect. In the first case, three handfuls of husks are poured into a basin, poured with boiling water and left to infuse. Then the dissolved mummy is poured into the mixture and the crotch area is placed in a container. The procedure lasts until the water cools down.

Lotions for hemorrhoids. Home treatment involves the use of cold compresses. A small piece of soft tissue is taken, it is moistened in a therapeutic mixture and applied to the hemorrhoids. The rag can be replaced with a wide bandage folded in several layers.

Clay, sea buckthorn oil and so on are used to prepare a healing solution. With these products, you can soak a gauze pad, apply it to the affected areas and leave it overnight. Lotion shouldbe cold. This remedy is suitable for people who are sensitive to cold baths. Moreover, vascular formations are allowed to be lubricated with propolis, onion juice or birch tar.

In addition to topical preparations, oral preparations should be used. To get rid of the symptoms of the disease faster and improve your well-being, you still need to try:

  1. Eat 1 tbsp every day before meals. l. overripe blackberries. The berry helps eliminate the manifestations of hemorrhoids.
  2. Drink juice from lettuce, spinach and carrots 25 minutes before meals.
  3. Take raw potato juice. It should be consumed several times a day before each snack.
  4. Add melon pulp to your diet for a mild laxative effect.
  5. The use of melon for hemorrhoids
    The use of melon for hemorrhoids

Recommendations from proctologists

Even if there is no need for hospitalization, with hemorrhoids it is important to constantly visit a doctor, since it is better to treat it at home under the supervision of an experienced specialist. The disease is very insidious, and can be asymptomatic for a long time, while continuing to progress. This condition can lead to various complications.

Doctors have developed a special diet, which they advise to follow with hemorrhoids. This diet is indicated for constipation and anal varicose veins.

Proctologists recommend for acute hemorrhoids to abandon foods that irritate the digestive tract: sour, pickled and spicy foods.

To notthere were difficulties with bowel movements, you should eat laxative foods containing dietary fiber. They are present in various fruits, bran and cereals. Such food stimulates the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even experts remind that it is important to observe the drinking regimen. You need to drink as much as possible with hemorrhoids of pure non-carbonated water, which normalizes the mineral balance in the blood.

Doctors advise adding low-fat fish and meat dishes to the diet, as they contain essential fatty acids and vitamins for the body. They are essential for strengthening blood vessels.

With hemorrhoids, proctologists recommend giving up products that cause fermentation in the stomach. Therefore, you will have to give up black bread, muffins, legumes, sweets and white cabbage for the duration of treatment.

If proper nutrition is observed, it will be possible to normalize the stool and quickly get rid of hemorrhoids.
