Morbid obesity is Types of obesity. Treatment, prevention of obesity

Morbid obesity is Types of obesity. Treatment, prevention of obesity
Morbid obesity is Types of obesity. Treatment, prevention of obesity

Recently, in many countries, especially in Western countries, about 10% of the population are overweight. If half of them can return to the size they need, then for the remaining 5% it is a serious obesity problem that can cause irreparable damage to he alth.

morbid obesity is
morbid obesity is

Causes of obesity

The causes of obesity can be different. As a rule, they are influenced by such factors: social, endocrine, behavioral and genetic. Together, they provoke an increase in the mass of adipose tissue.

Among these factors are the most common:

  1. Age. The most vulnerable years for gaining excess weight are considered to be 25-35 years old, early childhood, menopause and the postpartum period.
  2. Heredity. Children whose parents are obese are 2-3 times more likely to be overweight.
  3. Maternal diabetes. Studies show that a child born to an unhe althy woman may be at greater risk of obesity.
  4. Psychological disorders. Sometimes evenprolonged depression and substance abuse can cause a person to become obese.
  5. Race. It has been proven that the Negroid race is 2-3 times more likely to have this disease than the rest.

What is the danger of obesity?

Human obesity is a social problem that is becoming more and more common every year. As we have already mentioned, it can be caused by a number of factors, as well as have very serious consequences, even death.

types of obesity
types of obesity

Every fourth researcher whose body mass index exceeds 30 has kidney stones. When in he althy people this disease manifests itself only in 1 out of 40! It is worth noting here that stones and sand in the kidneys are detected both with severe obesity and at its initial stage. Therefore, being overweight is already a reason to sound the alarm.

Scientists argue that the formation of stones is associated with metabolic disorders, to a greater extent with a change in the chemical and water-s alt composition of the blood. And these problems arise due to the increase in the mass of body fat.

People diagnosed with abdominal obesity or any other form of it are at risk for diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, sleep apnea and even cancer.

What is obesity?

Today there are such types of obesity as an apple and a pear. In the first case, fat is deposited in the abdomen and sides. If we talk about the second type, then here, to a greater extent, fat deposits are clearly expressed on the hips, legs and buttocks. Both of these species are seenboth in women and in men. They are difficult to treat and equally dangerous. Either way, you need to fight them. The only difference is that during the complex treatment of this disease, a special load should be placed on that part of the body that contains more fat.

In addition, its types include morbid obesity. Photos of people with this condition show that the person is not just overweight, he looks, to put it mildly, helpless. Therefore, it is impossible to deal with such an ailment on your own. But treatment needs to be taken as soon as possible.

human obesity
human obesity

What is morbid obesity?

Morbid obesity is a chronic disease that affects a person's life expectancy. Against the background of this disease, all the others that we have already mentioned are revealed: kidney stones, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, cancer. The only way to get rid of these accompanying sores is to lose weight.

A characteristic sign of morbid obesity is an increase in body weight by 45-50 kilograms. This is characteristic of the 21st century. Indeed, today many people practically do not move: they constantly spend time at the computer and TV, while machines do the housework for them: washing machines, multicookers, and so on.

Besides this, it is also worth mentioning junk food and the wrong time to take it. As a result, people face such a problem as morbid obesity. This disease is more common in women. According to the latest data, inIn Western Europe, the weaker sex accounts for 25% of this disease, and men for 20%.

abdominal obesity
abdominal obesity

Determine body mass index (BMI)

In order to understand whether a person is overweight or obese, it is necessary to calculate the body mass index. BMI is the ratio of weight to height squared. If the result is 30 or more, then this indicates that the patient is obese.

For example, the patient's weight is 150 kilograms and height is 1.80 m. According to the formula, we calculate: 150:(1, 80x1, 80)=46. The resulting result suggests that this person has morbid obesity.

The World He alth Organization has developed a table that can track the classification of obesity.

BMI Types of obesity
18-25 kg/m2 normal
25-29 kg/m2 overweight
30-34 kg/m2 1 degree obese
35-40 kg/m2 obesity grade 2
40-50 kg/m2 morbid obesity
more than 50 kg/m2 hyperobesity

According to these data, the state of the body of each patient can be determined. But, unfortunately, this is not enough to find out the predisposition to dangerousdiseases.

Treatment of morbid obesity

As we have already found out, morbid obesity is the most severe degree of this disease. It is easier to prevent than to treat. Since in this case, regular workouts in the fitness room and diets will no longer help. It is worth noting that even liposuction at this stage is a waste of time. Indeed, after this procedure, the patient manages to lose only 4-5 kilograms, and this is very little for a full life.

If a patient has a disease such as morbid obesity, the diet in this case will no longer save him, no matter how strict it may be. Only in combination with surgery will it have positive results.

morbid obesity photo
morbid obesity photo

Overview of surgery for morbid obesity

In the last stage of this disease, surgery is essential. After all, this is the only way a person can throw off 30-40 and even his cherished 50 kilograms! This treatment method is resorted to even if the patient has stage 2 obesity.

In this case, as a result of surgical operations, concomitant diseases disappear and the appearance of new ones is prevented.

Intensive increase in the number of bariatric surgeries (operations for obesity) over the past few decades tells us that the problem of obesity, unfortunately, occupies one of the leading places among other surgical interventions. Thanks to modern technology, they have become less dangerous and more effective. Today, the risk of complications during and after theirequates to zero. And most importantly, their result exceeds all expectations: weight loss has been maintained for a decade.

What kind of surgery is done for morbid obesity?

Today, doctors are sounding the alarm and claim that morbid obesity is the plague of the 21st century. Its treatment is based on one of two methods:

  • Installing the bandage. This is the most common and most effective way to treat this disease. It is based on the installation of a special ring on the stomach through small punctures in the abdominal cavity. In this case, one part of this organ is above the ring, the other is below it. They are connected only by a small hole through which food enters. Thus, liquid is retained at the top, which gives a feeling of fullness. As a result of this operation, patients can lose up to 65% of excess weight.
  • Removal of part of the stomach. This method is less popular. Today it is rarely used. During the surgical intervention, a part of the stomach is cut out, which ultimately resembles a thin pipe. After surgery, you need to eat only small amounts. Otherwise, the seams will rupture and could be fatal.

In both the first and second cases, the result will be visible only when the patient adheres to proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle.

obesity problem
obesity problem

How diet changes after surgery

Even if the most obese patient had one of the bariatric surgeries,this does not mean that he does not need to work on his body and let everything take its course. As after any other surgical intervention, certain recommendations must be followed. First of all, this concerns eating.

So, in this case, the patient will have a new diet:

  1. Eat often (usually 3 to 6 times a day), but not enough. The signal to stop eating will be the slightest saturation. Never overeat.
  2. Eat food only in the kitchen, chewing it slowly. It should be noted that at this time it is forbidden to watch TV and read books.
  3. It is forbidden to drink liquids during and immediately after meals. You need to drink only in the interval between meals. Otherwise, as practice shows, it can cause vomiting.
  4. Don't go to bed after eating. Better to do household chores.
  5. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic, sweet and carbonated drinks, eat chocolate.

How many pounds can I lose after bariatric surgery?

Morbid obesity is an advanced form of obesity, which is the result of many years of increasing adipose tissue as a result of an unhe althy lifestyle. Therefore, it is very difficult to say exactly how many kilograms a person will lose after surgery. It usually depends on a number of factors:

  • weight before surgery;
  • age features;
  • comorbidities;
  • type of operation that was performed on the patient;
  • intensityperforming physical activities;
  • diet;
  • support for others and loved ones.

If after the operation a person loses half of their previous weight, and at the same time he does not experience side effects, then the treatment is considered successful.

Intense weight loss usually occurs during the first 17-25 months. How fast the patient will lose extra pounds after the operation depends only on himself. It has been proven that people with a large BMI lose weight faster and more. But patients with a lower BMI are more likely to achieve the weight they need for their growth.

Prevention of obesity

Overweight people need to do everything possible to prevent obesity. In addition, the sooner you start taking care of yourself, the more likely you are not only to prevent an ugly appearance, but also to say goodbye to existing diseases.

morbid obesity diet
morbid obesity diet

First of all, stop eating high-calorie foods and flour products. For many, this is already enough to throw off the pounds and bring the weight back to normal.

Obese people need to increase energy expenditure through heavy exercise. Remember: in order to prevent the development of morbid or abdominal obesity, it is not at all necessary to engage in powerlifting. All you need to do is move more and exercise in the morning.

A he althy lifestyle is the main thing that you need to pay attention to not only when you are overweight, but always and in anyaged.
