Currently, the diagnosis of giardiasis is not uncommon. This is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which parasitizes in the intestines and can penetrate the bile ducts and liver with the blood flow. Giardia is resistant to negative environmental conditions, and therefore the pathology requires a special approach in treatment. Children are most susceptible to the disease, but it often occurs in adults who neglect the rules of personal hygiene.
Features of pathology
The causative agent is a parasite that can only be seen with a microscope. The penetration of Giardia into the liver is not uncommon, but most often they develop in the small intestine.
In the body of the host, the pathogen is in a vegetative form. Once in the intestine, it attaches to the mucous membrane of the organ with the help of a suction cup on its body. Giardia, which are in a vegetative form, cannot be detected in the feces and on the patient's clothes. In the external environment, the parasite exists in the form of cysts, that is, enclosed inkind of shell. With the help of such formations, the pathogen can exist for a long time without liquid and nutrients. This continues until the cysts enter the body of a new host. The process of their allocation is regular.
Development mechanism
The disease occurs as follows:
- Penetrating into the human body, lamblia rush to the small intestine. Sticking to the mucous membrane, they get all the nutrients they need.
- Once in the large intestine, the parasites turn into cysts. They are excreted into the external environment with feces.
- In the form of Giardia cysts, they exist for a long time until they penetrate the body of a new host. In it, they regain mobility.
In case of mass infection, pathogens enter the liver through the bloodstream. The body is a favorite habitat for many parasites, as it has all the favorable conditions for their life. Being both in the intestines and in the liver, Giardia release toxic compounds that have a negative effect on the entire body as a whole.

Routes of infection
The main cause of the disease is non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. Giardia gets into the gastrointestinal tract and liver due to the use of unwashed vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as tap water (chlorine has no effect on parasites). In addition, the pathogen is transmitted through clothing and household items used by the patient.
It is worth noting that giardiasis develops only if the body's defenses are weakened and the parasites survive in the aggressive environment of the stomach. In addition, the following conditions are provoking factors:
- Anomalies in the structure of the biliary tract (they can be both congenital and acquired).
- Pathologies of the stomach, against the background of which the indicator of its acidity decreases.
- Surgical interventions on the organs of the digestive system.
- Long-term low-calorie diet.
- Inadequate intake of protein in the body.
Children are especially at risk. This is due to the fact that the largest number of cysts is in the soil, while each child periodically comes into contact with contaminated objects. Giardia is most often found in the liver in children attending kindergarten.

Symptoms in adults
The presence and severity of signs of invasion depend on the form of the disease. Giardia can be found not only in the intestines and liver, but also in other internal organs. Often, doctors diagnose combined forms. The nature of the course of giardiasis can be both acute and chronic. It depends on the number of parasites in the body and how the immune system reacts to their activity.
If adults have Giardia in the liver, the symptoms are as follows:
- pain in the right hypochondrium;
- organ increases in size;
- dermalintegument and mucous membranes turn pale;
- a light coating appears on the tongue;
- disturbed by flatulence, bloating, stool disorders;
- jaundice develops (if helminths have entered the bile ducts).
According to these signs, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, additional symptoms of Giardia in the liver in adults may include the following conditions: insomnia, decreased performance, headache. Against the background of the release of toxic substances by helminths, an allergic reaction often appears. If you experience the above symptoms, you should consult a therapist. If necessary, he will issue a referral to an infectious disease specialist to get rid of Giardia in the liver.

Symptoms in children
In a small child, the disease can masquerade as many infections. In this regard, doctors do not always make the correct diagnosis. In this case, time is lost - the pathology becomes chronic.
Parents need to show their child to a specialist when the first signs of the presence of Giardia in the liver appear. In children, symptoms are as follows:
- stool disorders (persistent episodes of diarrhea or constipation);
- increase in body temperature to subfebrile values (up to 37.5 degrees, while this indicator can last up to 2 weeks);
- pain in the right hypochondrium or near the navel;
- fatigue;
- decrease in concentration;
- grinding teeth at night;
- increaselymph nodes (for no apparent reason);
- choking cough;
- sleep disorder;
- allergic rashes.
In addition, with the disease there is an increase in the size of the liver and spleen. Often, against the background of the development of pathology in a child, body weight decreases.
You need to see a doctor when the first symptoms appear. Giardia in the liver and intestines, multiplying and feeding on substances vital to a person, have an extremely negative effect on the entire body as a whole, and therefore treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible.
Diagnosis of a disease involves the following tests:
- Coprogram. The biological material is the patient's feces. Giardia cysts can be found in it. To obtain an accurate result, the analysis must be taken several times, maintaining a weekly interval. This is because the formation of cysts occurs regularly, but not daily.
- Clinical blood test. With giardiasis, the patient has an increased level of eosinophils, lymphocytes, leukocytes, ESR and a decrease in hemoglobin.
- ELISA. The biomaterial is venous blood. During the study, antibodies are detected that the immune system secretes during invasion. The disadvantage of the method is low information content, since specific substances do not always indicate the presence of a disease at the moment, they also persist if the patient has already suffered a pathology in the past.
- Duodenal examination. The essence of the method is to analyzehuman bile. The method is not applicable to children under the age of 10.
- Ultrasound. It is prescribed if the patient has many pronounced symptoms of lamblia in the liver. During the study, it is impossible to see parasites; it is carried out to identify pathological processes in the organ.
- Liver tests. Appointed to assess the degree of negative consequences of the activity of helminths on the body.
When the diagnosis is confirmed, a treatment plan is drawn up taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's he alth.

It is important to understand that the process of getting rid of parasites is long and requires patience. It is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own, as their uncontrolled intake leads to a sharp death of a large number of helminths, resulting in severe intoxication.
Regardless of the severity of symptoms, treatment of Giardia in the liver in both adults and children is carried out according to the following scheme:
- Initial stage. During this period, the patient is individually prescribed drugs, the task of which is to eliminate intoxication, improve the production of enzymes and strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, at the initial stage, it is necessary to strictly follow a diet, excluding from the diet foods that promote the reproduction of parasites. The menu must be present: cereals, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, dried fruits and food of plant origin. This period is approx.2 weeks.
- Destruction of Giardia. In addition to all the measures of the initial stage, the intake of protozoal drugs, antihistamines and sorbents is added.
- Recovery of the body. The final period also involves dieting, as well as taking vitamin complexes. Preventive measures must be taken to prevent re-infection.
If a person has symptoms of Giardia in the liver, all family members should be treated. Its duration is at least 1 month.

Folk treatments
For the destruction of parasites, you can additionally use non-traditional methods. It is important to understand that such treatment of Giardia in the liver in both adults and children does not exclude the need to seek qualified medical help. In addition, the symptoms of the disease may be signs of other pathologies.
The most effective recipes for the treatment of Giardia in the liver in adults and children:
- Maximum chop the head of garlic and pour 250 ml of milk into it. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink in one gulp at night.
- Pour 300 g of pumpkin seeds into 50 ml of water, add honey to taste. Use the resulting remedy on an empty stomach during the day in small portions.
- Prepare 10 g of corn silk. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for about 2 hours. Take the resulting remedy for 2 tbsp. l. three times a day.
Regular use of folk remedies can reduce the duration of treatment fromgiardiasis.

The vital activity of parasites negatively affects the entire body as a whole. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, complications, as a rule, do not occur. But with a long stay of parasites in the body, severe forms of giardiasis develop. The continuous process of poisoning him with toxic compounds significantly weakens the immune system, due to which other diseases of the internal organs arise, which are much more difficult to cure.
To prevent invasion, the following rules must be observed:
- wash hands before and after eating and when they become dirty;
- boil vegetables, fruits and berries before eating;
- don't drink tap water;
- take a shower after swimming in the pool and open water;
- Regularly disinfect home plumbing.
Following these recommendations significantly reduces the risk of helminth infection.

In conclusion
Giardiasis is an infectious disease characterized by the presence of helminths in the body. The causative agent of the disease can be localized in the liver, intestines and biliary tract. With the blood stream, it can also penetrate into other organs. Giardia is resistant to aggressive environmental conditions, and therefore their treatment takes a long time.