Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the connective tissues of the joints. This disease can affect people of any age, even small children and infants. If you are worried about muscle pain or internal stiffness of the joints of the fingers, consult a doctor. Treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the course of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. This is not a sentence - rheumatoid arthritis, treatment with folk remedies is also possible, but you should not start it without consulting a doctor.

Causes of disease
External and internal factors matter. The former include infections, climatic conditions, allergies, cooling, trauma. The second - metabolism, heredity, endocrine disorders. The cause of arthritis may be a latent viral infection: such a relationship can be determined by the acute onset of the disease - tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, viralinfections that preceded the manifestation of the disease. Also, the disease may be based on biochemical and immunological disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of inflammation of the synovial membrane, fluid, or in the articular cartilage. In addition, rheumatoid factor is an immunological marker that determines the diagnosis and prognosis. If it is present, then this only indicates a more complex course of the disease during its manifestation, as well as the possibility of a rapid onset of bone tissue destruction and the development of systemic manifestations. Immunity control can prevent rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment with folk remedies should begin long before the threat becomes real.
Characteristics of the disease

Rheumatoid arthritis happens with systemic manifestations. It can be combined with rheumatism or deforming osteoarthritis, it can be juvenile. From an immunological point of view, there is seronegative and seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. Progression can be fast, slow and imperceptible. The degree of arthrosis activity can be minimal, medium or high. As you can see, even if you correctly identify the symptoms, you still need to be examined and consult a doctor. Even if you do not intend to resort to medical treatment.
Rheumatoid arthritis: treatment of folk remedies
Pain syndrome in arthritis is well relieved by tincture of burdock leaves. Finely ground raw materials insist on vodka (proportion 1:1). Store the tincture in the refrigeratoruse as a compress solution at bedtime. You can take burdock inside: a teaspoon without a slide of leaves in two cups of boiling water, insist on a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, then, wrapping it up, stand the night. This is the daily dose. It is necessary to take it during the day in three approaches before meals. The course is a week. A universal remedy for rheumatoid arthritis is ordinary clay. It relieves swelling and eliminates pain in the affected joints.

For treatment, it is necessary to prepare hot cakes from clay no thicker than two centimeters and apply to sore spots. Wrap all this in cellophane, and on top with a woolen scarf and leave for three hours. For each new compress, new cakes are needed. It is best to use green or blue clay, but in the absence of those, any other will do. In any case, rheumatoid arthritis will recede.
Treatment with folk remedies also involves proper nutrition. A lot depends on him in general, and this is no secret to anyone. The diet for rheumatoid arthritis is primarily the rejection of cereals (wheat, oatmeal, corn). They exacerbate the inflammatory process in the joints. You should also exclude pork, citrus fruits, whole milk, spicy seasonings and alcohol. Vegetables, legumes, rice, fruits are acceptable. It is good if you get regular, but not heavy physical activity. Sports can be harmful if approached carelessly. The correct set of exercises, which not only does not harm, but also helps, can only offerspecialist. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!