Terrible breath has a different character and different origins. Naturally, such a flaw does not allow a person to live in peace and talk with people, and this primarily means that the problem cannot be left unresolved. This can have a negative effect on a sick person and he can withdraw into himself, therefore it is easier to eliminate the cause than to suffer all his life. And most importantly, it is worth remembering that big he alth problems are possible.

The smell from the mouth of a rotten egg, as a rule, indicates that there may be serious problems with some vital organs. In this case, you need to immediately determine the cause and immediately begin treatment.
What causes the smell?
The smell of rotten eggs, which is felt when talking and breathing a person, indicates that hydrogen sulfide is released from the digestive tract. But this does not mean at all that the problem can be hidden precisely inailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes bad breath happens when there are problems with the teeth. The main reason is the insufficient secretion of juice in the stomach, which is needed for the breakdown of food, so the products begin to rot. This problem is not recommended to be ignored, as the smell of a rotten egg from the mouth often becomes the main symptom of some diseases:
- It is with the smell of rot from the mouth that atrophic gastritis begins, which should be treated as soon as possible.
- The opening for the exit of food from the stomach may gradually narrow, which contributes to the appearance of a negative symptom.
- Atonia of the stomach may develop. This is due to reduced movement activity.
- Unpleasant odor can indicate liver and pancreatic disease.
- Possible serious gallbladder disease.

Be that as it may, it is worth going to a gastroenterologist at the first manifestations of the symptom we are considering.
Who is at risk?
Bad breath happens to those people who are used to breathing through their mouths. For example, this happens with sinusitis, which is chronic. Here, the appearance of a terrible smell is due to the fact that the oral mucosa dries up. Why does a child sometimes smell rotten eggs from the mouth? This happens when parents poorly monitor the cleanliness of the baby's oral cavity. A large number of microorganisms can accumulate in the mouth. A fetid odor can be experienced by people on strict diets. For example,these are the patients who suffer from anorexia.
Do you smell rotten eggs from your mouth? The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. Therefore, it is additionally worth paying attention to the corresponding symptoms that accompany these signs:
- May have dark urine.
- Sclera may be dark yellow.
- Colorless feces
- A sick person may complain of severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, or vice versa - constipation.
When there is a problem with the stomach, there is an eructation with a rotten smell. It is also important to pay attention to such a fact as constancy. If you constantly smell a rotten egg from your mouth, then most likely this indicates a serious stomach disease.

Sometimes the disease can be temporary. Then the characteristic smell will not occur constantly, but only during periods of exacerbation. But in this case, other symptoms may appear, such as:
- Bloating.
- Feeling sick. Occasionally, vomiting may occur.
- Pain in the stomach area may be felt.
In order to defeat the disease, you should study not only the symptoms, but also determine what causes bad breath.
Why does bad breath occur in young children?
Not only adults, but even children can face such a serious problem. More often, the cause is hidden in improper oral care, but other serious problems cannot be ruled out.diseases. It is they who can cause this unpleasant symptom. Doctors identify three main reasons:
- Extraoral.
- Oral.
- Psychogenic.
Extra-oral causes include diseases that are associated with the duodenum, esophagus and stomach. Also, the baby may have nasal ailments. For example, mucus may not be naturally expelled through the nose, but may accumulate in the paranasal sinuses, thereby allowing bacteria to multiply in that area. The smell of a rotten egg from the mouth can indicate serious liver disease.
Oral causes are related to what happens in the baby's mouth. As a rule, the main reason lies in improper hygiene, which leads to damage to the teeth. Also, these symptoms include a fungal infection in the mouth, various gum diseases.
Psychogenic cause is manifested when constant tantrums occur. Because of this, the mouth can dry out, and this contributes to the formation of an unpleasant odor. To remove the smell, it is enough to give the baby more water.
How to find out about the disease that precedes a bad smell?
When the smell of rotten eggs is felt from the mouth, the cause of this phenomenon must be determined immediately. Here, without the help of a specialist, it is unlikely that it will be possible to manage. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause and prescribe the right treatment to eliminate it.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations, thanks to which he will find out the cause of the unpleasant odor. Consider the mostcommon diagnostic methods:
- First of all donate blood.
- An ultrasound of the liver and pancreas is done to exclude diseases associated with these organs.
- Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is done.
Only based on the results obtained, the doctor determines further treatment.
How can you cure bad breath?
When there is sometimes bad breath, then most likely the situation is low or, conversely, high acidity. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe medication that will help normalize the work of the stomach. If the reason is hidden in overeating, then the patient is prescribed a diet and his entire diet is reviewed. If the cause is more serious, then the patient may be prescribed either surgery or medication to help improve he alth. In any case, doctors recommend following these rules:
- Eat more parsley and mint throughout the day.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Rinse your mouth.
- Brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly.
- Breakfast should be something light. Ideally, it could be oatmeal.
- Eat right and stay active.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables.

What drugs can a doctor prescribe for treatment?
Today, there are a huge number of effective drugs, so let's look at them in more detail:
- "Phosphalugel" contains initself aluminum phosphate, which neutralizes hydrochloric acid. It is prescribed for gastritis. It is not recommended to use it for liver diseases.
- "Mezim Forte" includes pancreatin, which helps digest food.
- "Periodontocide" helps to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. This tool is recommended to rinse the mouth.
- "Asepta" has a beneficial effect on the gums and relieves inflammation.

What to do if there is bad breath? The causes and treatment of this disease can be individual for each person. Only a qualified doctor can help you deal with this condition.
Treatment with folk methods
It is worth remembering that the cause of acrid breath cannot be eliminated using folk methods. But to disguise it is quite real:
- It is recommended to chew fragrant spices. It can be parsley, celery, cloves, bay leaf.
- Even an ordinary apple will help clean your teeth and remove the smell of rotten eggs from your mouth, but the effect of this method will be short-lived.
- You can make decoctions of sage and chamomile, but they will work if the cause of bad breath is a problem with your teeth. In any other case, the issue will not be resolved.
It should be noted that folk remedies can only be used in parallel with medications prescribed by a doctor.
How can homeopathy help?
A method like homeopathy today has becomeknown all over the world. Homeopathic remedies are very popular. Many say that these are very effective drugs. If the main cause of the smell is hidden in the disease of the pharynx, it is quite possible to use "Aconite", "Belladonna" or even "Capsicum". If bad breath is a consequence of tonsillitis, then Phytolacc can be used.
Prevention of bad breath
Having carefully considered how to get rid of bad breath, it would be more correct to assume that it is best to prevent its occurrence altogether. It is enough to follow the elementary rules and never know such a problem:
- You should thoroughly clean your teeth and tongue, and at the first problems with your teeth, immediately go to the dentist so that he can fill small holes or treat a damaged tooth.
- If the smell comes from the fact that a person eats a lot and cannot stop, then you should go on a diet, review your diet and include more vegetables and fruits in it.
- During meals, do not drink water, and the food itself must be chewed thoroughly.
- If there is no desire to eat, then it is best not to sit down at the table.
- At the first negative symptoms, you should consult a specialist. They will help prevent the disease in the early stages. Do not be afraid of diagnostics, especially since today there is the latest equipment that does not deliver anydiscomfort during the examination.

If bad breath occurs, the causes and treatment may be different, but it is important to remember that he alth is in the hands of the person himself, and how scrupulous he is about his he alth plays a secondary role. Often at first it is possible to prevent serious illnesses, which over time can even develop into cancer.