The most effective treatment for lipomas

The most effective treatment for lipomas
The most effective treatment for lipomas

Lipoma is a fatty formation located under the upper skin layers. Many people face a similar problem, and in most cases, wen become an object of concern and, of course, the cause of psychological complexes. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat lipomas and how it is carried out.

Is a lipoma dangerous?

lipoma treatment
lipoma treatment

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm consisting of fat cells. In addition, the wen has a very strong connective tissue membrane. Fortunately, most often such a tumor does not pose a serious threat to human life and is perceived only as a cosmetic defect.

Nevertheless, experts say that the treatment of lipomas is simply necessary. The fact is that such an education has a tendency to constant, and sometimes rather rapid growth. An increase in the size of a wen leads to stretching of the skin or walls of organs (often a lipomaformed in the intestines, lungs, etc.), and pressure on neighboring structures. For example, often such a neoplasm compresses blood vessels, which interferes with normal blood circulation, or nerve endings - in such cases, patients suffer from recurrent pain.

In addition, people with similar subcutaneous formations need to undergo a full examination - only after that can treatment of lipomas be started. Indeed, without the results of a biopsy and cytological studies, one cannot be sure that the tubercle under the skin is really a wen, and not a malignant tumor.

Surgical treatment of lipomas

In fact, conservative methods rarely lead to improvement. Therefore, to date, the only effective method of treatment is the removal of the wen. If the lipoma is small, then it is removed under local anesthesia. Nevertheless, quite often, subcutaneous wen grow strongly - in some cases, their diameter can exceed 12 centimeters. In such cases, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The disadvantages of this technique include a long rehabilitation period, the risk of infection of the wound, as well as the presence of a scar. That is why today new methods for removing wen are being actively developed.

Lipoma laser treatment

lipoma laser treatment
lipoma laser treatment

Laser therapy is in great demand and is often used in modern medicine. Unfortunately, with the help of laser equipment, only small wen can be removed. TemHowever, there are many advantages to this technique. To begin with, it is worth noting that the procedure is non-contact - the laser immediately cauterizes damaged vessels and destroys pathogenic organisms, which reduces the risk of infection, inflammation and bleeding to almost zero. In addition, only subtle marks remain on the skin, the wound heals quickly, and there is practically no need for a long rehabilitation period.

Lipoma treatment at home

lipoma treatment at home
lipoma treatment at home

Traditional medicine offers a lot of tools to help in the treatment. Nevertheless, you can start some independent procedures only after a medical examination - first make sure that you really have a lipoma on your body. Compresses from fresh crushed leaves of the coltsfoot are considered useful, which must be done three times a day until the wen disappears. Alternatively, you can mix equal amounts of vodka and honey and treat the affected area of the skin.
