Causes, symptoms and treatment of rickets in infants

Causes, symptoms and treatment of rickets in infants
Causes, symptoms and treatment of rickets in infants

Rickets is the most common diagnosis for children aged 1-12 months. Recently, this disease has become quite rare, as pediatricians pay special attention to prevention. If the child still has characteristic symptoms, parents should know the basic rules for treating rickets in infants. A timely response will help to avoid complications at an older age.

What is rickets

The medical term “rickets” is commonly understood as a pathological disorder of bone formation and insufficiently intense bone mineralization. Such changes are associated with impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals in the child's body.

In the event of a lack of vitamin D in the body, the absorption of calcium is disrupted, which immediately affects the condition of growing bones. They become brittle, brittle and prone to warping. Timely treatment of rickets in infants can eliminate pathological changes and serious complications inolder age.

Most often this pathology is diagnosed in young children under 1 year old. In some cases, rickets may appear at the age of 2-3 years.

Vitamin D norm

Vitamin D is obtained in two ways: when exposed to sunlight on the skin (natural production occurs) and with food. In medicine, there is a concept of vitamin deficiency. At the same time, there is no concept of a certain norm of this vitamin. The fact is that each person has individual needs. Speaking about the norms of vitamin D content in a child's body, doctors take into account many factors:

  • climatic conditions of the region of residence;
  • features of children's nutrition;
  • race;
  • weight and characteristics of the body.

One of the main sources of vitamin D is the sun's rays. At the same time, people living in regions with a sunny warm climate, the level of production of this vitamin is higher than those living in the northern regions. There is a noticeable difference in the level of vitamin produced among representatives of different races.

main signs of rickets in infants
main signs of rickets in infants

Causes of vitamin D deficiency

To know how you can protect yourself from the disease, you need to understand the main reasons for its development. Vitamin deficiency in a child can occur for several reasons.

  1. Insufficient vitamin D content in the diet. Most often, rickets in infancy is observed in children who are bottle-fed. This is due to the fact that with mother's milk, children receiveall the necessary vitamins and elements. The amount of nutrients included in baby food may not be enough for a particular child.
  2. Premature birth. Children born prematurely may suffer from metabolic failure and enzyme deficiency. This is explained by the fact that some organs in the womb did not have time to fully form. The peculiarity of this case is that the body does not absorb vitamin D even with sufficient intake.
  3. Genetic predisposition. In medicine, there is a theory about the possible genetic inheritance of rickets by newborns. In infants with blood group II, this disease is detected much more often. This fact partially confirms the theory of genetic predisposition to the disease. It should be noted that among all patients with such a diagnosis, the majority are boys.
  4. Frequent colds. During colds, the child's body needs an increased dose of vitamin D, but it is at this time that the rate of assimilation of this element decreases. The result is an acute deficiency, which after a while can cause rickets.

Risk groups

There are several groups of children who need increased attention from doctors and parents.

  1. Children with dark skin. People with blond hair and skin are able to quickly absorb vitamin D. In dark-skinned people, melanin slows down the absorption of the vitamin.
  2. Excess body weight often affects the appearance of rickets in infants and children under one year old. Such children need more careful supervision.
  3. Dysbacteriosis. Violations of the intestinal microflora are manifested by loose stools and indigestion. This leads to the fact that vitamins and trace elements do not have time to be absorbed.
  4. Lack of UV light. Children who do not walk much in the fresh air are also at risk. This often includes those born during the cold season.
  5. The short interval between a woman's pregnancies. During this time, the body does not have time to recover, which often causes pathologies.
  6. Multiple pregnancy.

First symptoms of rickets

The development of the disease most often begins when the child reaches 2-3 months. At the same time, it is almost impossible to accurately diagnose rickets at this stage. Firstly, at this time, a lack of vitamin D and poor absorption of calcium are just beginning to appear and there are no big changes in the body. Secondly, the age of the child is important.

In medicine, the first signs and symptoms of rickets in infants are described:

  • bad dream;
  • frequent whims;
  • sluggishness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nape baldness.

The above-mentioned states of the child should alert parents. Frequent crying, refusal to eat, increased excitability are signs of any pathological changes in the body of children. Meanwhile, these features do not apply to the main symptoms of rickets in infants. Sweating can be caused by dry indoor air. Balding napeoften accompanies children with increased activity.

Distinctive signs of rickets in infants

If no treatment has been given, the disease continues to progress. In this case, after 2-3 months, the following signs of rickets appear in infants.

hallmarks of rickets in infants
hallmarks of rickets in infants
  1. Softening the edge of the fontanel. The lack of calcium prevents the normal overgrowth of the fontanel. The process drags on for a long time.
  2. Deformation of bone tissue. The bones become soft, which leads to their deformation. In children, one or more changes are visible to the naked eye. The appearance of neoplasms on the ankles, wrists is possible. The chest changes: it becomes concave or convex. There is a curvature of the collarbone, a change in the shape of the head.
  3. A bulging belly (“froglike”) appears.
  4. Teeth erupt much later than other children.
  5. Reaction to sounds. The child may wake up and startle even from quiet habitual sounds.
  6. Decreased immunity. Children with rickets often develop acute colds.
  7. Developmental delay.

1 stage rickets

In medicine, it is customary to divide the course of the disease into stages. In the course of differentiation, the main signs of rickets in infants are taken into account. Stage 1 is also called easy. Most often, this period occurs at the age of 2-3 months and lasts for several weeks. The main feature is that timely treatment completely eliminates the symptoms of the disease and blockssubsequent complications. Doctors call the signs of the disease.

  1. There are slight changes in the bone tissue on the head, limbs and chest.
  2. The tone of muscle tissue is disturbed, muscle hypotension is possible.
  3. There are temporary malfunctions in the central nervous system, which is manifested by the occurrence of seizures.

At this stage, the psychomotor state is not involved in the process, that is, it remains in a normal state.

Stage 2

At that stage, serious emergency treatment of rickets in infants is required. Symptoms in children are already more pronounced. Parents can identify pathology by the following signs:

  • the child does not hold his head well, rolls over on his stomach a little, does not sit or crawl;
  • bone thickenings appear on the wrists (doctors call them “rachitic beads”);
  • the head takes on an unusual shape (the back of the head becomes angular, and the forehead is excessively convex).

Stage 3

This stage of rickets is called severe, as there is a running course of the disease. In such cases, multiple bone deformities are diagnosed, a pronounced developmental delay in children, symptoms of CNS damage.

  1. Child's legs are shaped like an "x".
  2. Pronounced developmental delay (motor, mental).
  3. The head becomes disproportionately large.
  4. rickets in infants and children up to a year
    rickets in infants and children up to a year

It should be noted that the detection of rickets at the last stage is very rare.

Possible consequences

Kthe pediatrician should be contacted immediately as soon as the first signs of rickets appear in infants. Treatment is selected according to the stage of the disease. Failure to follow doctor's recommendations can cause serious consequences:

  • severe stunting;
  • pronounced kyphosis (impaired posture);
  • curvature of tubular bones (legs and arms);
  • underdeveloped skeletal muscles;
  • dental diseases (bad bite, caries, destruction of tooth enamel).

Diagnostic Methods

The diagnosis begins with the initial examination of a small patient. The doctor examines the condition of the fontanel, the shape of the head, examines the arms and legs for the presence of neoplasms and curvatures, clarifies the parents' complaints, nutritional features and the child's daily routine. Thus, the pediatrician identifies the possible causes and symptoms of rickets in infants. Diagnostics further includes the following methods:

  • urinalysis;
  • blood test biochemical;
  • computed tomography of bone tissue;
  • x-ray;
  • densitometry.
rickets in infants symptoms and first signs
rickets in infants symptoms and first signs

With the help of these laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods, it is possible to identify pathological changes in the child's body. In the list of the main characteristics indicating the presence of rickets, they call:

  • hypophosphatemia (low blood phosphate levels);
  • hypocalcemia (low calcium);
  • acidosis (change in the acid-base balance of the body towards increased acidity);
  • highalkaline phosphatase activity;
  • low calcitriol.

Medicated treatment

Treatment of the 1st degree of rickets in infants does not require serious interventions. It is enough to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Medicines are aimed at correcting the condition.

  1. One of the most popular is “Akvadetrim”. The product is produced in the form of drops, so it is easy to dose and use for young children. "Aquadetrim" compensates for the lack of vitamin D3 and restores the correct exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
  2. Oil-based vitamin D3 medicines. The list can include "Devisol", "Videin", "Vigantol".
  3. Products with vitamin D2. They are prescribed as a prevention of rickets.
  4. Multivitamin complexes for children 0-2 years old. These supplements contain all the necessary minerals, trace elements and vitamins.
  5. Calcium gluconate. It is prescribed as part of a complex treatment together with vitamins of group D.
rickets in infants symptoms treatment methods
rickets in infants symptoms treatment methods

Physiotherapy sessions

Drug therapy is often complemented by other treatments. With symptoms of rickets in infants, doctors may prescribe a physiotherapeutic effect. Among the most effective treatments:

  • electrophoresis (using calcium and phosphorus compounds);
  • UV baths;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • balneotherapy;
  • special exercises for children up to a year.

This effect accelerates the effect ofmedicines. Exercise and massage are essential for proper joint development and restoration of normal muscle tone.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is prescribed for 3 stages of the disease with pronounced symptoms of rickets in infants. The reasons for therapy with surgery are that serious changes have already occurred in the bone tissue. Crooked bones need to be repaired, and this cannot be done with drugs alone.

Massage and exercise

To strengthen the muscles, doctors recommend regular massage sessions of the arms, legs, and back. In addition, the frequent laying out of the child on the stomach is very important. During the period of illness, any physical activity of the child should be supported. Parents should encourage frequent changes in the child's posture, stimulate independent holding of the head, walking reflexes.

methods of treatment and prevention of rickets in infants
methods of treatment and prevention of rickets in infants

Complex therapy has a positive effect and allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of the disease and block the symptoms.

Folk remedies for rickets

The list of basic methods for the prevention and treatment of rickets in infants can include folk recipes.

Treatment with folk remedies should only be used as an addition to the main therapy. It is allowed to use this or that prescription only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Bath with needles. With increased excitability, warm baths are often used with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. needles (per 10 liters of water). Periodic bathing of the baby has a mild soothing effecteffect, enhance immunity.
  2. Baths with sea s alt. Sea s alt has long been known as a powerful tonic and tonic. For 10 liters of warm water, 2 tbsp. l. sea s alt. Make sure all s alt crystals have dissolved before bathing your baby.
  3. Decoction of vegetables. Children aged 5-6 months can be given a small amount of vegetable broth as complementary foods. It contains important vitamins and minerals. In addition, the decoction has a positive effect on the condition and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to cook vegetable broth

Children under 5 months old are not recommended to introduce such decoctions into the diet. In order for complementary foods to benefit the child, the decoction must be prepared in accordance with all the rules.

  1. Vegetables for cooking should be of the highest quality.
  2. Before cooking, food is soaked in cold water. This is necessary in order to eliminate nitrates and other chemical elements.
  3. Vegetables are placed in a container, poured with water and put on a slow fire. In this case, foam will not form, and the broth will be transparent.
  4. The duration of cooking should be at least 30-40 minutes.
  5. Vegetable broth does not need s alt.
  6. After cooking, the vegetables are discarded, and the liquid is filtered if necessary.

Different products can be used as a base. Foods suitable for first complementary foods include:

  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • celery stalk.


Preventive measuresaimed at eliminating the primary development and relapses after treatment of rickets in infants. In medicine, there are 2 types of prevention:

  • antenatal (includes preventive measures during a woman's pregnancy);
  • postnatal (this includes measures taken after the birth of a child).

During pregnancy, a woman should pay a lot of attention to her he alth. It is especially important at this time to maintain a proper lifestyle. There are a few simple rules that will reduce the risk of vitamin D and calcium deficiency in the body of the mother and child.

  1. Proper nutrition. While the baby is in the womb, he receives all the necessary substances from the mother. The diet of a pregnant woman should be as varied as possible and include: fish, meat, a large number of vegetables, fruits and cereals.
  2. Daily walks. If the weather permits, the pregnant woman should regularly walk in the fresh air. At this time, the sun's rays act on the skin and the body produces vitamin D.
  3. Taking a multivitamin. Such an additive makes up for the lack of important elements. Please consult your doctor before use.
rickets 1 degree in infants treatment
rickets 1 degree in infants treatment

Post-natal prophylaxis includes the following measures.

  1. Baby nutrition. Doctors consider breastfeeding to be the best prevention of rickets. If the child's diet includes infant formula, then complementary foods from vegetable broths, fruit and vegetable juices can be introduced to replenish important trace elements.
  2. Regularwalks in the open air. If the weather is hot outside, then it is better to take a walk in the evening.
  3. Regular airing of the room in which the child is. The room should not be hot and stuffy. At the same time, drafts should not be allowed.
  4. Encourage physical activity. Pediatricians recommend free swaddling for babies older than 2 months. This means that the child's hands should be left free. This contributes to the active development and strengthening of muscles, ligaments and joints.
  5. Vitamin D intake. Doctors may prescribe drugs used to treat rickets in infants.

It is strictly forbidden to use medicines containing vitamin D without the recommendation of a doctor.

Excess of any vitamins (as well as their lack) causes multiple pathologies in the work of different body systems.

Rickets treatment prognosis

The disease itself is not life-threatening, but it can have multiple consequences. Comprehensive treatment of rickets in infants at an early stage allows you to completely get rid of symptoms and serious complications.

If the disease was detected later (at stage 2), then at an older age, some pathological changes are possible in children. The correct approach to therapy allows you to avoid curvature of the limbs. At the same time, children with rickets in childhood often experience stunted growth, neglected caries, and multiple colds (due to low immunity).

Advanced cases of rickets, which are accompanied by curvature of the limbs, are also treatable. Operations to align the legs and arms are carried out at an older age. This process is very complex and lengthy. Moreover, an important stage is the recovery period.

Parents can easily identify the first symptoms of rickets in infants, and treatment in this case will be short-term and highly effective. Experienced pediatricians can help in prevention. It is for this reason that parents with children under one year old should visit the doctor's office regularly. The article examined what is rickets in infants, symptoms, causes and treatment.
