Inguinal epidermophytosis is a chronic disease of fungal origin that affects the epidermis in the groin area. This pathology manifests itself in the form of characteristic pink spots, which are accompanied by a pustular rash along the edges.
Affected areas of the skin can cause considerable discomfort to a person, causing severe itching with pain, like all fungal diseases. In men, a pathology such as athlete's groin can cause erectile dysfunction along with a decrease in libido. This disease is most often observed among men, but women can also suffer from it, however, much less often. This disease never occurs in childhood.

What are the reasons for the violation?
So, this fungal disease mainly develops in males, much less often in women and never occurs among children or adolescents. This disease can spread through direct contact with the infection in everyday life. For example, through linen, towels, personal belongings of a sick person, as well as through cosmetics. After getting intothe body, this fungal infection is able to remain in an inactive form until the immune system is weakened. After that, it appears in the penetration zone in the form of an oval spot that has a pink color. Over time, this spot will begin to grow, affecting a large area of the skin. The fungus in men is localized, as a rule, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inguinal folds, it is much less common on the penis, buttock tissues, or in other places. As for women, their athlete's groin affects the armpits, mammary glands or under the knees.

Onset of symptoms
It should be emphasized that in the case of infection with epidermophyton, symptoms of infection do not immediately occur. This is due to the fact that these microorganisms have a low degree of pathogenicity, in connection with this, in people with strong immunity, there is a high probability that the disease will remain in an inactive form. Fungi of the epidermophyton family survive quite easily in environmental conditions, especially if there is high humidity with a suitable temperature. This disease can be transmitted even through handshakes. Against this background, if a person's sweat glands are too active, the risk of infection doubles.
In the event that hygiene rules are neglected in public catering places, hospitals, schools or sanatoriums, a whole fungal epidemic may occur.
Provoking factors
Among the factors that contribute to inguinal epidermophytosisin men and women, as a rule, the following reasons are distinguished:
- Hyperhidrosis along with stress and microtrauma of the skin.
- Person wearing tight clothes.
- Being overweight.
- Reduced immunity.
- Hormonal failure and metabolic disorders.
Women and men who do not follow personal hygiene, clean clothes and clean the house, always run the risk of contracting mycosis much faster compared to neat people. In addition, the risk of infection can also be increased by promiscuity, along with the abuse of alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs. The presence of chronic diseases that constantly weaken the protective functions of the body can also provoke pathology. Next, let's figure out what are the symptoms of this disease in men and women.
Symptomatology in men
Treatment of such an ailment as inguinal epidermophytosis in men is carried out shortly after the onset of a fungal infection on the skin. The main sign of mycosis is the appeared spot, which has a rounded shape, the diameter of which is about ten millimeters. It can be solitary, which most often happens in the presence of initial signs. Subsequently, the formation of inguinal epidermophytosis in men and women can grow to several spots that will constantly cause itching, increase in size and peel off.

The appearance of bubbles
Soon, bubbles begin to appear on the affected areas of the skin along the perimeter of the spots, in which there may bepurulent exudate. In addition, crusts form at this place. Unpleasant symptoms of a progressive infection often increase while walking, as well as when bathing. Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men will be discussed below.
When the inflammatory processes calm down a little, clean, pale and somewhat sunken skin appears in the central region of the spots. In their appearance, areas of subsiding infection usually have the form of rings, confirming the cause of the origin of the skin change. In addition to discomfort, against the background of any movement, the spots in the groin area will be very painful when touched. During the development of this infection in men, pustules may be opened, followed by the appearance of ulcers and erosions. In the event that another infection joins during this period, the consequences can be extremely serious.
Chronic form
If this disease is not treated in time, it is likely to become chronic and recur from time to time. The chronic form of this infection is extremely dangerous, because in the future, even despite a complete cure, it can worsen every time against the background of a weakening of the body's defense system.

Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men and women should be timely.
Symptoms in women
Women's symptoms are in many ways similar to men's. The defeat of the fungal microflora in women is also observed in the intimate area, and in addition, on the buttocks and in the armpits. At the same time, the focus of inguinal epidermophytosis inwomen can increase, capturing adjacent areas.
In women, when spots appear in the armpit area, the pathology can even move into the area of folds under the breast. It is not excluded the development of the disease in the interdigital spaces, on the skin of the feet, hands, and in some situations even on the nails. Immediately after infection occurs, symptoms of dermatomycosis appear. Knowing the signs of this disease in women, it is not difficult to determine that this particular pathology has arisen. So, the symptoms of inguinal epidermophytosis in women are as follows:
- The appearance of spots on the skin, which gradually turn pink, and subsequently bright red.
- The surface of the resulting stains may peel off.
- At first, the formation is small, but with the passage of time, the spots increase to ten square centimeters. In some cases, they can reach even larger sizes.
- In the periphery, inflammatory processes may appear along with swelling.
- Formation of papules containing cloudy exudate. If not treated, the pustules may spread throughout the body.
- In the central part, the inflammatory process may stop spontaneously, but after a while, skin lesions in the form of rings are observed.
- Additional symptoms are itching along with burning and discomfort during movement.
In the absence of proper therapy, this disease can develop over several years and with the passage of time onlyaggravated. The severity of the pathology directly depends on the fungal microorganism that provoked it.
How to treat inguinal epidermophytosis is interesting to many patients.

Features of pathology
Treatment is based on the stage of the disease. The easiest way to deal with it is at the initial stage, when the fungus is just starting to multiply and appears as small pink spots.
After the initial stage, an acute one develops. At this time, the spots acquire a weeping character, they increase in size and itching occurs. Further, rings of various diameters appear at the site of the formations, and the intensity of inflammation decreases. Against the background of the chronic stage, clarification of the foci is observed. In the event that a person experiences emotional stress, experiencing stress, then the foci begin to become very inflamed.
The neglected forms of the disease develop with the complication of mycotic pathology. In the event that adequate treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the skin may become covered with large blisters, which will be permanently damaged or infected. In this case, as part of the therapy, the blisters will be opened with their subsequent processing. Now let's find out how the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men is carried out.

After confirming this diagnosis through microscopic and bacteriological studies, patients are prescribed treatment for the disease. Firstturn antimycotic drugs, often in the form of ointments or various creams. Clotrimazole, Lamisil, Mikoseptin, Nystatin ointments are prescribed for inguinal epidermophytosis (in this case, ointments and tablets of the drug are used), Cyclopirox, Econazole and others.
Antifungal drugs are often prescribed along with steroids to help manage the complications of athlete's foot. Medicines perfectly relieve itching, drying the skin and acting as an antiseptic. Such therapy must be carried out under the supervision of specialists in order to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions.
You can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a fungal infection during an exacerbation by using antihistamines such as Cetrin, Zodak and Diazolin. The treatment of inflamed areas is carried out by "Fukortsin", and directly the lotions are made by "Resorcinol", sulfur-tar and zinc ointment. Ointments are applied to the damaged areas of the skin with a thin layer several times a day. Direct treatment lasts quite a long time - until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
Drugs for immunity
In order for the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis to go faster, doctors recommend taking drugs that increase immunity, in particular Immunal in combination with vitamin preparations. On top of that, you need to eat quality and he althy food. In the event that a bacterial infection is added to the fungal infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men.
Very importantcarefully monitor personal hygiene. For example, it is necessary to wash daily, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, and keep the house clean. It is required to boil underwear and bed linen with towels. If possible, it is also recommended to change the washcloths with cosmetics.
Inguinal epidermophytosis is being treated using folk methods.
Treatment with home medicine
Traditional medicine has long been famous all over the world for safe, and at the same time effective treatment of many diseases, including fungal infections. It is possible to apply folk methods only in combination with the main therapy to achieve the fastest, and most importantly, high-quality results. So here are some recipes:
- Insist St. John's wort with chamomile and lingonberry leaves, after which they take half a glass daily. Since lingonberry leaves reduce pressure too much, this remedy is not suitable for hypotensive patients. What else is used in the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis at home?
- Treat inflamed skin with a decoction of string, yarrow and oak bark. Further, immediately after wiping, you can apply any drying ointment.
- Birch and poplar buds are infused with alcohol and then treated with pathological stains.
- It is very useful to lubricate inflamed skin with celandine juice. Decoctions should be made from this herb by adding them to the bath while bathing.
- Treatment can be done with onion gruel.
- Great helps with epidermophytosisapplying a thick baking soda paste.

As part of the prevention of the disease, it is necessary to monitor your he alth by playing sports and strengthening the immune system. If possible, public places where you can easily become infected should be avoided. It is always required to thoroughly wash your hands when you come home from work or from the store, and so on. In summer, it is recommended to wear only high-quality clothes made from natural materials.