All life processes of the body are regulated by various trace elements. One of the most important is potassium. It is involved in many intracellular processes. The lack of this trace element leads to various he alth problems. If this condition is not eliminated immediately, more serious consequences are possible, up to cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to identify the first symptoms of a lack of potassium and know how to make up for it.
The role of potassium in the body
Potassium is one of the most common metals on Earth. It is part of the soil, sea water, various minerals. There is potassium in plants and animals. It is this microelement that ensures the vital activity of all living organisms. In humans, potassium is found inside cells and in the intercellular space. The work of the cell is impossible without it, so its amount is restoreddue to interstitial fluid. This microelement is contained in muscles, bones, in all body fluids.
Potassium is an electrolyte. It is a positively charged ion that not only maintains water and electrolyte balance in the body, but also performs many other functions:
- transmits impulses along nerve fibers to muscles;
- normalizes the acid-base balance of the blood;
- maintains normal blood glucose levels;
- participates in protein synthesis;
- regulates the excretion of toxins through the intestines.

Causes of potassium deficiency
In the body of an adult for normal life, the level of potassium must be maintained from 1.8 to 5 grams. The need for this microelement increases with certain pathologies, with increased body weight, large losses of fluid through sweat or urine. Potassium enters the body with food. It is highly soluble, so it is absorbed almost completely. In the body remains as much as needed, the rest is excreted in the urine. Therefore, its deficiency can be observed in three cases: with large losses of fluid with which it is excreted from the body, with insufficient intake from food and with improper absorption.
This can happen under the influence of various factors. The main causes of potassium deficiency are:
- wasting, malnutrition;
- following various strict diets;
- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to insufficient absorption of thistrace element;
- thyroid disease;
- large fluid loss with increased sweating, diarrhea or vomiting;
- frequent use of diuretics, asthma drugs, some antibiotics;
- congenital disorders of metabolic processes.
Sometimes symptoms of potassium deficiency in men are observed with frequent stress, increased physical or nervous stress. This can happen in athletes who do not follow the drinking regimen and lose a lot of fluid. This condition can be observed with prolonged profuse diarrhea, frequent vomiting, high blood glucose levels. Symptoms of potassium deficiency in women often occur during pregnancy, since most of the micronutrients go to the needs of the child.

Initial deficiency symptoms
First, a decrease in the intake of this microelement with food or its increased excretion is independently regulated by the body. But over time, the first symptoms of potassium deficiency begin to appear. At first, they are implicitly expressed and resemble signs of other metabolic disorders. A person notices increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, irritability and decreased performance.
Gradually, more pronounced symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body appear. This is primarily a decrease in muscle tone and convulsions. There may be hand trembling, muscle pain, fatigue. For some people, this slows down the pulse. One of the characteristic symptoms of potassium deficiency is increasedurination or polyuria. Urine can be excreted up to 3 liters per day. In addition, the patient's wounds do not heal well, bruises appear even for a minor reason.

Severe potassium deficiency: symptoms in adults
If measures are not taken in time to eliminate this deficit, the condition gradually worsens. This has a particularly strong effect on the functioning of the kidneys and digestive tract, as well as on muscle contractility. Therefore, with a serious lack of potassium, the following symptoms are observed:
- impaired kidney function;
- problems with urine outflow;
- bloating, vomiting, flatulence, possible intestinal obstruction;
- paresis and paralysis of muscles;
- frequent seizures;
- edema;
- dizziness;
- cardiac arrhythmias, reduced heart rate;
- respiratory function disorder;
- frequent high blood pressure.

Symptoms of lack of potassium and magnesium in the body
Often, along with potassium, magnesium is also excreted from the body. Therefore, there is rarely a lack of any one trace element, usually the level of several decreases at once. Especially often, the symptoms of a lack of potassium in the body in women are combined with signs of a lack of magnesium. This mostly happens during pregnancy. But with increased fluid loss, both of these trace elements are also excreted from the body. At the same time, the symptoms of the pathology are more pronounced:
- observedstate of chronic fatigue, reduced performance;
- irritability, depression, sleep disorders, phobias appear;
- headaches, dizziness occur;
- frequent cramps in the muscles of the neck, calves, feet, hands;
- fluctuations in blood pressure, pain in the heart;
- lipid metabolism disorder;
- prone to thrombosis;
- indigestion;
- hair loss, tooth decay, brittle nails.

The consequences of such a state
This pathology without treatment leads to serious he alth problems. Especially severe consequences are caused by a lack of potassium in the body in women. This happens during pregnancy, breastfeeding. With a lack of this microelement, serious pathologies can develop in a child, the work of many organs in a woman can be disrupted.
Hypokalemia always leads to serious consequences. The body cannot make up for the lack of this microelement on its own, therefore, various pathologies develop:
- myalgia, decreased muscle tone;
- arrhythmia, a decrease in the strength of heart contractions, in severe cases this can lead to cardiac arrest;
- insulin production decreases, which threatens the development of diabetes;
- violated acid-base balance in the body and electrolyte balance;
- shortness of breath;
- decreased immunity;
- infertility, impaired potency.

If symptoms of potassium deficiency appear, you should consult a doctor and be examined. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable, since such a condition is observed in many pathologies, and an excessive intake of this trace element can be no less dangerous.
Lack of potassium can be detected when examining other organs or during a dispensary examination. For example, the characteristic signs of this condition appear on the ECG. After all, this condition leads to a violation of the heart rhythm, the appearance of heart murmurs, the development of a long QU syndrome, as well as left ventricular hypertrophy. In addition, urinalysis can detect hypokalemia.
Correction methods
If you find symptoms of a lack of potassium in the body, you should consult a doctor. After a conversation with the patient and examination, the specialist will determine the causes of this condition and develop a method for its correction. First of all, a special diet is recommended, which includes foods with a high content of potassium. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of hypokalemia by curing the pathologies that caused it. Medicines containing potassium are rarely prescribed, because an excess of it in the blood can lead to even more serious problems.

Sometimes the symptoms of a lack of potassium in the body in men appear due to smoking, drinking alcohol and an unbalanced diet. Bad habits slow down its absorption. But in general, ordinary nutrition provides a person's needs for this microelement. BUTto compensate for the lack of potassium, you need to include some vegetables and fruits in the diet more often. Especially a lot of it in such products:
- bananas;
- broccoli;
- seaweed;
- potato;
- eggplant;
- melon;
- apricots;
- tomatoes;
- avocado.
In addition, you need to eat cereals, buckwheat, barley and oatmeal are especially useful. The source of potassium are mushrooms, dried fruits, legumes, herbs, cocoa. Be sure to eat beef, dairy products, fish.
Such methods of correcting hypokalemia are used only under medical supervision. Injection administration of drugs is indicated with a clear deficiency, proven by analysis. After all, intravenous administration of potassium preparations can have the opposite effect. In addition, such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Therefore, drugs in tablets or capsules are most often used for symptoms of potassium deficiency. Such funds are especially popular: Asparkam, Panangin, Potassium Orotate, Potassium Chloride. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor, since it is important to combine them with other drugs in the presence of other pathologies.