Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies: features and recommendations

Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies: features and recommendations
Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies: features and recommendations

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm that is formed from adipose tissue. Because of this feature, a lipoma is popularly called a wen. This tumor often occurs in the subcutaneous tissue and is localized in the neck, shoulders, chest, arms. Somewhat less often, it occurs on the abdomen, legs, as well as internal organs with adipose tissue. Is it possible to treat lipoma with folk remedies? This is our article.

General information about the disease

Determining the presence of a lipoma on the human body is quite simple. This neoplasm is a soft-touch knot. It is not connected to the surrounding tissue, so it is quite mobile. The size of such a neoplasm usually does not exceed 1.5-2 cm in diameter, however, there are also benign tumors that significantly exceed this figure. In some cases, lipomas may be slightly firm due to the presence of connective tissue.

It is characteristic that the size of the lipoma is in no way related to the weight of the human body. The patient may gain weight or lose weight, but the lipoma does not change with age.sizes. Moreover, a person with weight loss may notice that the tumor continues to grow. When wen appear, not every person goes to the clinic for diagnosis and agrees to the operation.

lipoma treatment folk remedies
lipoma treatment folk remedies

Surgical treatment of lipoma is carried out in such cases:

  • Wish of the patient.
  • Pain.
  • Rapid growth of neoplasm.
  • Inflammation of tissues surrounding the lipoma.
  • Significant cosmetic effect.

Surgery is performed not only with a scalpel. The following modern methods are currently being used:

  • Laser therapy.
  • Puncture-aspiration method.
  • Radio wave therapy.

The reason for the refusal of any of these types of treatment should be sought in the absence of serious symptoms - the tumor does not cause pain. In other words, such a pathology is considered mainly as a cosmetic defect.

Treatment of lipoma without surgery

Lipoma is a benign tumor that, during growth, does not injure neighboring tissues, but pushes them apart. In addition, it does not spread to neighboring organs, as is the case with cancer cells. The lack of aggressiveness of the lipoma and its small size allow doctors to take a wait-and-see attitude or prescribe medication. However, many people who are faced with such a pathology choose home treatment for lipomas.

Now there are many means and methods of traditional medicine. However, with suchapproach, you need to remember a few rules.

  1. In no case should a wen be opened on its own or try to squeeze it out. This will cause soft tissue injury.
  2. Before carrying out self-treatment, it is necessary to undergo a medical diagnosis. On examination, the doctor must confirm that it is indeed a lipoma.
  3. Treatment procedures should be carried out for a long time, while the regularity of treatment is extremely important.
  4. Methods of treating lipomas can be different - these are medical masks, compresses, evaporation, the use of ointments, the use of products inside. All of them can be used separately or in combination.


Those who decide to start treating lipoma on their own should definitely use fresh aloe leaves. This houseplant is well known as a cure for many diseases.

Aloe compress is one of the easiest ways, but hundreds of people have already seen its effectiveness. To prepare a compress, you need a fresh aloe leaf. It must be cut into 2 halves lengthwise and placed with pulp on the wen area. From above, the sheet is fixed with a plaster or a bandage is applied. You need to keep until the liquid is completely absorbed from the sheet. This procedure should be carried out 2 times a day (in the morning and before going to bed). Many people confirm that small wen are opened after 10-14 days. After removing the internal fluid, the wound quickly heals.

breast lipoma treatment
breast lipoma treatment

Often used aloe with honey andchestnut. Strengthen the therapeutic properties of aloe will help horse chestnuts and honey. To prepare a compress, take 1 tablespoon of aloe, previously grated, add 5 chopped horse chestnut fruits and 1 tablespoon of honey. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the area of the lipoma. A gauze bandage is applied on top. Do this twice a day until the wen is completely resorbed. Aloe with honey and chestnut does not cause severe irritation of the epidermis, so this remedy can be used to treat breast lipomas and other areas with delicate skin.

Vodka compresses

Good absorbing effect is achieved when using vodka. To reduce skin irritation from alcohol, vodka is mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions. The resulting liquid lubricates the place of the wen, slightly capturing he althy tissues. On top it is worth fixing cling film or special paper for compresses. To achieve the greenhouse effect, a scarf or a warm scarf is applied to the film. Such compresses should be done daily, best before bed. In this case, the therapeutic effect will last all night. In about 2-4 weeks, the lipoma resolves or decreases significantly in size.

Treatment with lamb fat

Sheep fat can be called as an effective additional remedy for the treatment of lipoma. You can prepare the drug yourself. Lamb fat is cut into small pieces and melted in a saucepan over low heat. After the mass has cooled, a cotton pad is moistened in it and the skin is rubbed in the area of the lipoma for minutes.15-20. In this case, you need to perform light massaging movements. Despite the natural origin of the products, such rubbing is recommended for no longer than 1 week. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per day. Therapeutic procedures are repeated after a week break.


This plant is used for many ailments. Onions can be found in any kitchen. It will be an excellent assistant in the fight against lipoma. We offer two recipes.

1. Peel the onion head and grate it (instead, it can be passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender). 1 tablespoon of such gruel is applied to the affected area, covered with a film on top. This mask should be on the skin all night. Remove the compress in the morning and repeat in the evening. The duration of treatment of lipoma in this way can reach 2-6 weeks. As a result, the tumor should completely resolve.

lipoma treatment without surgery
lipoma treatment without surgery

2. In this case, the same onion will come in handy, but not fresh, but baked. The medicine is made in the following way. The onion is baked until soft, chopped and mixed with 1 tablespoon of grated laundry soap. The ingredients are actively mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous. A small amount of ointment is applied to the wen and fixed with a bandage. Frequency of repetition - 2 or 3 times a day.


There are remedies for lipoma for internal use. Few people know that cinnamon prevents the growth of benign neoplasms. The medicinal properties of thisproduct confirmed by scientists.

For the treatment of lipoma at home, ground cinnamon should be consumed daily. The amount of spice should be at least a tablespoon. This fragrant seasoning can be safely added to any dish: cereals, main courses, tea, drinks, sandwiches.

lipoma treatment methods
lipoma treatment methods

This type of treatment can be actively combined with any other therapy options (masks, lotions, compresses). However, do not forget that cinnamon is not a drug, so you will not be able to achieve a quick result. Lipoma reduction will begin only after 1-2 months of using the spice.

Vietnamese balm "Asterisk"

This drug is well known to everyone who lives in the post-Soviet space. Such an ointment was often used as a warming agent for many diseases. Many will be surprised to learn that "Asterisk" is excellent for the treatment of lipoma.

treatment of lipomas "Asterisk"
treatment of lipomas "Asterisk"

Daily, the ointment is applied in a small amount to the sore spot and covered with a plaster on top. You need to repeat this treatment until the wen opens up. After that, liquid will flow from the wound for several days. You can speed up the process a little by slightly squeezing the lipoma with your fingers. It must be remembered that this method is strictly prohibited to remove wen on the face.


When treating lipomas with folk remedies, bee products are often used. They not only effectively fight wen, butand have a positive effect on the entire body.

lipoma treatment at home
lipoma treatment at home
  • Propolis. They take a small piece of propolis, knead it a little to make it soft and form a cake out of it according to the size of a wen. It must be fixed with a plaster or bandage and left for several hours. You need to apply this method until the lipoma begins to dissolve.
  • Honey with vodka. Another option for medicines based on bee products is a mask of vodka and honey. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of vodka, and two tablespoons of honey. After thorough mixing, the mass is placed on a piece of gauze and applied to the sore spot. This dressing should be changed 2 or 3 times a day until the lipoma disappears.

Celandine juice

There are many plants that help get rid of wen. One of them is celandine. The fresh juice of the plant acts as a remedy here. For each wen, you need to drop 1 or 2 drops of juice (this depends on the size of the neoplasm). You need to repeat such actions several times a day (2 or 3). It should be remembered that celandine juice is a toxic substance, so you should not exceed the specified rate.

herbal treatment for lipoma
herbal treatment for lipoma

After several days of such treatment, a small hole will appear on the skin in the area of the wen, from which liquid will flow. As soon as this happens, celandine juice should be discarded. Next, you need to use the method of treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. On a cotton pad or a regular piece of cottonapply a little ointment and apply to the tumor. The ointment will help draw out the fluid and prevent infection.

Despite the large number of folk recipes, you should not completely abandon traditional medicine. Consultation with a doctor will save you from possible complications. In addition, medicine now offers various treatment approaches that give quick and reliable results.
