Laparoscopic surgery is an excellent alternative to open surgery. Used in this case, special medical products allow for medical and diagnostic procedures in the cavity of the small pelvis and peritoneum without incisions on the wall of the latter. This method is widely used in abdominal surgery, endocrinology, urology, and gynecology.
Why does body temperature rise after laparoscopy?
There are several explanations for this phenomenon. First of all, the reason for its increase is caused by physiological factors. As a result of laparoscopy, as well as other surgical intervention, a wound is formed, which is stressful for the body. Why temperature after laparoscopy? Regardless of the origin, the wound process has a corresponding course, which is divided into several phases:
- First - it takes about a week in duration. During this period, energy processes predominate, and someindividuals lose little weight. It is during this period that an increase in temperature is observed, and this phenomenon is considered an adequate reaction of the body.
- Second - in this phase, the concentration of hormonal substances in the blood increases, recovery processes become more active, electrolyte balance and metabolic processes, as well as temperature return to normal.
- Third - the individual gains lost weight, the body is fully restored.

How long does the temperature last after laparoscopy? In most cases, it returns to normal within a week after the operation. It should be noted that with this type of surgical intervention, the temperature rarely exceeds 38 degrees. For example, after laparoscopic surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, gallbladder or appendicitis, body temperature can reach 37.5 degrees in the evening. This moment is directly dependent on the severity and extent of the surgical intervention. And this is explained by the course of the wound process. If an individual has had drainage installed, then after laparoscopy the temperature is 37 degrees and above for more than a week. This phenomenon is also not considered abnormal, but is a response of the body. The temperature returns to normal after the drainage is removed. However, there are situations when serious complications occur, despite the best efforts of the medical staff.
When to sound the alarm?
Complications after surgical interventions are caused by damage to internal organs,nervous tissue, blood vessels, infection and other factors. You should contact a medical facility in the following cases:
- After laparoscopy, the temperature rose and did not subside for more than a week.
- Excessive sweating, chills.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- The wound oozes pus, its edges are reddish and hard.
- Intense pain in the puncture area.
- The individual developed symptoms resembling the development of an infectious process, such as pneumonia: wheezing in the chest, coughing or signs of intoxication - rapid pulse, dry mouth, as well as signs of peritonitis.
Recovery period after laparoscopy
The rehabilitation period after surgery should be supervised by medical professionals who monitor recovery processes and, if necessary, make the necessary appointments in the form of additional examinations and correction of ongoing pharmacotherapy, including evaluating the feasibility of using antipyretic and analgesic drugs. How long does the temperature last after laparoscopy, and is it possible to take drugs that reduce it? This question interests many patients who have undergone surgery. In the absence of postoperative complications, fever in the patient is recorded within a week. The decision to take antipyretic drugs is decided by the medical staff individually, depending on the condition of the individual. In practice, mainly drugs of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which, in addition to antipyreticanti-inflammatory and analgesic action.
Prevention measures
Any complication, including constant (within a month after laparoscopy) temperature, is easier to prevent than to treat. This can be achieved under certain conditions:
- Minimum hospital stay - both before and after surgery.
- Prevention of nosocomial infection. Strict observance of sanitary and epidemiological requirements.
- Timely detection and treatment of various infectious processes in an individual before surgery.
- Mandatory prescription of antibacterial agents to the patient in order to prevent possible infectious complications.
- Use of high-quality consumables and medical devices, including suture material.
- As soon as possible to identify adverse postoperative consequences and take measures to eliminate them.
- Early start of physical activity under the supervision of a therapeutic gymnastics instructor.
Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst
This method of surgical intervention in gynecological practice is used quite often and is carried out both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is not possible to cure a cyst with medications. Laparoscopy is the most gentle way to access the affected organ. Before the operation, the individual is given general anesthesia. No more than three incisions are made in the wall of the peritoneum, through which all surgical procedures are carried out. Peritoneumfilled with air. During the operation, the cyst is cut off along with the ovary or fluid is sucked out of it. Only two incisions are sutured, and drainage is inserted into the third. In terms of time, the surgical intervention lasts no more than an hour. In order to reduce the risk of postoperative complications, which include an increase in temperature after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, contraindications are preliminarily identified. The operation is not performed at:
- impaired breathing;
- exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
- overweight;
- blood clotting problems;
- pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of an infectious nature.

High blood pressure, abdominal adhesions and some other factors are considered relative contraindications to surgery. In these cases, the doctor makes an individual decision.
Recovery period
Sometimes women are discharged from the hospital two days after surgery. However, if complications are detected, the length of stay in the hospital increases. During the rehabilitation period, after laparoscopy of the ovary, a temperature within 37 degrees can be recorded for several days, usually no more than five. During this period, the body activates all the forces to heal wounds and restore the reproductive system. On the fourth or fifth day, the drainage is removed and the stitches are removed. Pathological processes are evidenced by its sharp increase to 38–39 degrees or prolonged fever inrehabilitation period.
Possible negative consequences after removal of an ovarian cyst
Complications and such a phenomenon as high fever after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is quite rare in medical practice, about two percent of the female. Due to the weakening of the body, the risk of infection increases. Serious consequences, such as adhesions leading to infertility, damage to large vessels, as well as damage to nearby organs, are usually associated with errors that were made during the surgical intervention by medical personnel.
An urgent visit to the doctor is needed if after a laparoscopy cyst:
- temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher, or there are sharp jumps, i.e. it is unstable;
- redness is observed in the seam area;
- heavy bleeding;
- growing weakness;
- Vaginal discharge that is brownish or yellow-greenish in color.

In some cases, new formations appear on the site of the removed cyst. For their prevention, doctors recommend hormonal therapy. Taking antibacterial agents significantly reduces the risk of infectious complications. To restore the body, vitamin complexes and preparations from plant materials are shown.
Causes of fever after hysterectomy
After a laparoscopy of the uterus, the temperature may be elevated for several days after the intervention. During this period, the woman is in a hospital. ATdepending on the condition of the patient, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. The temperature within subfebrile is considered a normal reaction of the body and does not require urgent action. Antipyretic agents in this case are not indicated. In case of registration of higher numbers, medical assistance is required, as this is one of the symptoms of abnormal processes that occurred in the postoperative period. To prevent such a situation after the operation, a mandatory course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed, due to which the risk of inflammatory reactions in the body of the individual, and, accordingly, the temperature is reduced. In addition, the reasons for its increase are:
- Infection or pathogenic microflora entering the wound.
- Failure to follow certain rules recommended by the doctor when using hygiene products. For example, after removal of the uterus, it is forbidden to use tampons, since through them it is easy to bring microorganisms into the vagina and provoke an inflammatory process.
- Inflammation also develops against the background of low immunity.
Thus, there are several reasons for the rise in temperature, but this phenomenon is not always dangerous. If the temperature has not returned to normal for a long time, i.e. more than a week, then you should visit your doctor.
The consequences of the operation to remove appendicitis
Fever after laparoscopy of appendicitis at an early stage is considered a normal process and indicates a natural reaction of the body to the stress associated with surgery. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:
- formation of toxic tissue breakdown products;
- fluid loss due to bleeding;
- drainage to improve the outflow of secretions from the wound;
- decrease in defenses in response to stress caused by tissue damage by medical instruments.
Thus, if after laparoscopy the temperature is 37 degrees, then this indicates the natural resistance of the individual's body. The temperature normalizes on its own within a week, since it takes about that much time for the wound to heal.

The danger sign is a fever that lasts for an extended period of time with symptoms such as:
- constipation;
- pain in the abdomen;
- dysbacteriosis;
- sweating;
- bouts of loss of consciousness;
- vomit.
In addition, prolonged hyperthermia or fever a week after laparoscopy is observed in the following situations:
- In inflammatory processes and sepsis, the temperature rises sharply a few days after surgery. In these cases, sometimes they resort to a second operation, as well as prescribe antibacterial and other drugs.
- In the postoperative period, the individual has low immunity. Infections and viruses easily penetrate into an insufficiently well-protected organism, causing the development of a pathological process, which is accompanied by a rise in temperature.
- After laparoscopy temperature37 degrees and above is observed in the presence of a drainage that was installed to the patient during the operation. When it is removed, the temperature returns to normal, antipyretics in this case are prescribed quite rarely.
It is important to remember that a fever after being discharged from the hospital is a reason to go to a he alth facility.
Gallbladder removal
The occurrence of consequences after surgery, including fever, depends on the method of performing the operation to remove the gallbladder. The following methods of cholecystectomy are known:
- transgastric or transvaginal;
- open minimally invasive;
- traditional open;
- laparoscopic.

Let's dwell on the latter in more detail. Laparoscopy is recognized as the best way to remove the gallbladder. This is a safe and effective operation. It is carried out with complications of gallstone disease, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and some other pathological conditions. Before surgery, general anesthesia is administered. Next, several small punctures are made in the wall of the peritoneum, through which special tubes are inserted, and through one of them the laparoscope itself is inserted directly. It has a miniature camera with which the image is displayed on the monitor. In addition, carbon dioxide is pumped into the abdominal cavity. After the operation, which lasts about an hour, the punctures are sewn up. The rehabilitation period lastsa few days.
Temperature after laparoscopy of the gallbladder is due to a number of reasons:
- postoperative complications;
- abnormal inflammatory processes.
Fever after gallbladder removal
Fever up to 38 degrees in the first six days after surgery is not a cause for concern. In addition, in some cases, even 39 degrees are considered within the normal range for the early postoperative period. This phenomenon is caused by the response of the individual's immune system to the intervention. So the body responds to tissue damage and protects itself from harmful microorganisms by absorbing toxic substances from the wound into the bloodstream. Complications after removal of the gallbladder are possible with any method of surgical intervention. However, the lowest risk of their occurrence after using the method of laparoscopy. The temperature after removal of the gallbladder serves as the so-called indicator of postoperative consequences. If the temperature lasts more than six days, constantly increases or appears from time to time for no particular reason, then most likely an inflammatory process develops in the body.
Reasons for rising temperatures
The most common provocateurs of postoperative complications with a rise in temperature are infections, pneumonia, and diarrhea. The latter, after removal of the gallbladder, is associated with an intestinal infection, the manifestation of which is due to the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora against the backdrop of a weakened immune system.
Causespneumonia may be atypical microflora. Its signs are manifested by fever, perspiration, headache, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, dry cough. Infection with temperature after laparoscopy of the gallbladder occurs directly in the wound and abdominal cavity. In the first case, the cause is the contamination of the wound surface with pathogens from the dermis, which is caused by errors in the preparation of the surgical field or poor-quality wound care after surgery. It is also possible to introduce pathogenic bacteria through poorly processed medical devices. Also, the reason may be in the weakened immune system of the individual, poor-quality cleaning of the wards, the operating unit, etc. The infectious process in the peritoneum (for example, peritonitis, abscess) is caused by non-compliance with aseptic rules, damage to the intestines during the operation, ingestion of bile and blood into the peritoneum. Usually the temperature after laparoscopy in these cases is above 38 degrees. In addition to it, the individual manifests:
- Swelling of the edges of the wound, on palpation, the discharge of contents from it, soreness, redness. These symptoms are typical of postoperative wound infection.
- Pain in the abdomen, constipation, bloating, severe itching of the dermis, jaundice, polyuria or urinary retention, deterioration in general well-being. Such phenomena are characteristic of the infectious process in the peritoneum.

The risk of complications associated with fever after laparoscopy of the gallbladder increases with non-compliancefollowing conditions:
- correct preparatory period, which consists in the treatment of existing comorbidities, fasting, bowel lavage, taking medications to prevent bloating and flatulence, hygienic water procedures before surgery;
- for surgery there must be strong indications;
- following the diet recommended by the doctor after laparoscopic surgery.
What should be done in case of complications after gallbladder removal?
If a postoperative complication is detected, you should immediately contact your doctor. He will conduct the necessary types of examinations and prescribe adequate therapy. Do not try to cope with the situations that have arisen on your own or resort to the advice and help of friends and relatives. If the temperature persists after laparoscopy, then doctors most often recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as symptomatic therapy:
- "Diclofenac";
- Voltaren;
- "Ibuprofen";
- Brufen.
The above drugs have a low level of toxicity and do well not only with fever, but also reduce inflammation and pain. It is important to remember that fever in the postoperative period is not always a complication. According to the observations of practical doctors, after a laparoscopy operation, the temperature rises to 39 degrees and lasts for about seven days, after which the individual is fully restored and ready to start working.activities.
Main causes of rising temperatures
Any intervention is perceived by the body as something unnatural and alien, and it experiences severe stress, and the protective functions fall. An increase in temperature is one of the possible reactions of the body to such external influences. The main causes of fever are:
- absorption of decay products formed after tissue injury;
- decrease in the level of fluid in the bloodstream.
With a favorable course of the postoperative period, a slight increase in temperature returns to normal after a few days. Otherwise, the temperature after laparoscopy is a consequence of all kinds of complications that have different symptoms, including hyperthermia. What if the body reacted to the intervention in this way? In such cases, you should focus on the nature of the increase:
- If there are no other signs, and the temperature increased immediately after the operation, then no measures should be taken, including taking medications that reduce it. This is a natural process and the temperature will return to normal within a few days.
- If, in addition to a high temperature, other signs are observed, for example, pain, then a specialist consultation is required. He will assess all risks and identify possible pathological processes in order to prescribe appropriate treatment in the future.
If the temperature rises after laparoscopy, it is absolutely natural. However, this moment does not exclude control over itsvalues.
How to take the temperature correctly?
Temperature measurement is an absolutely simple procedure, the main thing is to follow some rules. One of the most common mistakes is its incorrect measurement. In order to correctly evaluate the testimony, one should take into account such points as:
- room temperature should not be below 18 and above 25 degrees;
- air must not be allowed into the armpit;
- temperature in the oral cavity is half a degree higher than in the armpit;
- do not measure temperature after eating, smoking, hot drinks;
- it is undesirable to take a bath with hot water, do sports and exercise immediately before the measurement;
- the thermometer is pulled out in a smooth motion;
- armpit dermis should be dry;
- It is not recommended to take the temperature several times to make sure the thermometer is working.
The average time to take readings from a measuring device is about six minutes, for a mercury thermometer - ten, for an electronic one - three. During the period of illness, the temperature is measured at least twice, in the morning and in the evening. If possible, it is best to do this at the same time to follow the dynamics.

If the high temperature does not subside for a long period of time after surgery, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This will help to identify pathology in a timely manner and begin appropriate therapy. Shouldn't be doingself-medication, as it is dangerous and can be harmful to he alth.
Thus, the temperature after laparoscopy is both a sign of a normal physiological process and a symptom of a pathological condition. The recovery period, spent under the supervision of medical professionals, reduces the risk of adverse effects, and if they occur, allows them to be eliminated as quickly as possible.