Rubella is one of the most common childhood diseases. Therefore, many parents are interested in what are the symptoms and treatment of rubella. In addition, it will be useful to read information about disease prevention.
Causes and signs of rubella in a child

To begin with, it is worth noting that this is an infectious disease of viral origin. Infection is possible only through contact with a sick person. As for the incubation period, it usually lasts from 16 to 24 days.
The most characteristic symptom is a small red rash. In most children, it appears on the first day of illness, in others a few days later. Redness first covers the face, after which they pass to the trunk and limbs - in most cases, the lower back, back, buttocks and extensor surfaces of the arms and legs are especially affected. Although some children complain of itching, the disease does not bring serious discomfort, especially at such a young age.
In addition, there are general symptoms of intoxication. In some babies, body temperature rises - itkeeps at around 38 - 39 degrees, but not more than three days. The child feels tired and sometimes complains of dizziness, body aches and headaches.
Sometimes there is also swelling of the joints, although this symptom occurs in only 30% of children. After the illness, a strong immunity remains in the body - repeated rubella is considered a very rare occurrence.
Treatment of rubella in a child

When a rash appears, it is best to call a doctor. The specialist will examine the baby and assess his condition. Rubella treatment in a child in most cases takes place at home.
Children need to stay in bed. During illness, you need to drink plenty of water, which accelerates the removal of toxins, as well as good nutrition.
Naturally, you can not comb the rash - this is fraught with infection, the appearance of pustules. However, no special preparations are needed here. The doctor can only recommend antipyretic, sometimes sedative medications. Hospitalization is necessary only in severe cases.
How to treat rubella in adults?

If rubella passes quickly and easily in children, then for adults this disease is extremely dangerous. Firstly, in adulthood, the infection is very difficult to tolerate - the rash sometimes covers the body almost completely. In addition, adult patients complain of severe joint pain, as well as migraines and weakness. Often a complication of the disease isarthritis.
Secondly, this virus is very dangerous for pregnant women. Quite often, the disease leads to stillbirth and miscarriage, and sometimes to violations of intrauterine development of the fetus.
Treatment of rubella in adults should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and in especially severe cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary. In no case should you self-medicate.
As for prevention, modern medicine offers vaccination that will protect the body from infection. Vaccine injections are essential for that part of the adult population who did not have time to recover from the disease in childhood.