How to treat different types of lichen?

How to treat different types of lichen?
How to treat different types of lichen?

Modern medicine can quite easily answer the question of how to treat lichen. However, she still does not know why some people are prone to this unpleasant disease, while others never suffer from it.

how to treat lichen
how to treat lichen

It should be noted that some experts in this field still have some guesses about why a person falls ill with this disease. In their opinion, the body is most susceptible to deprive in stressful situations (long-term), as well as during a period of reduced immunity.

Types of disease and how to eliminate them

When interested in how to treat lichen, the patient should definitely consult a doctor. After all, only an experienced dermatologist will be able to determine the type of this disease and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

How can you treat ringworm pink?

Giber's lichen (or pink) has not been fully studied by medicine. Presumably, the causative agent of this disease is a virus. Most often, girls are exposed to it in the autumn or spring periods. In some cases, such a disease goes away on its own within one to two months. In other situations, a person is prescribed antihistamines that lower allergicreaction (for example, Tavegil).

Ringworm and microsporia: how to treat?

Trichophytosis (or ringworm) is caused by fungi such as triphytons. They quickly affect the skin, mainly on the hairy areas of the body (for example, on the head). As for microsporia, the presented fungal disease is always confused with ringworm. So how to treat lichen of these varieties?

how to treat lichen in humans
how to treat lichen in humans

To get rid of trichophytosis, you need to completely shave off your hair, and then periodically lubricate the affected area with a three or five percent iodine solution. Before going to bed, lichen needs to be treated with tar or sulfur-salicylic ointment.

how can lichen be treated
how can lichen be treated

Microsporia most often affects children, as they have constant contact with various animals, not only at home, but also on the street. Treatment of this type of disease is carried out in exactly the same way as in the previous case.

Shingles: how to get rid of it?

Before you learn how to treat lichen of this variety, you should understand that they develop as a result of a virus such as herpes entering the body. Most often, this disease is localized in the area between the ribs. During the treatment of the presented species, the main emphasis is on taking antiviral drugs such as Valaciclovir and Acyclovir.

How to treat lichen in humans (pityriasis and flat red)?

Pityriasis versicolor is accompanied by scaly, colorless spots that are quite noticeable on tanned skin. It should be treated with antifungal agents. For example, topical creams, gels and solutions, as well as Exoderil, help quite well.

Lichen planus needs to be eliminated using tools such as Tavegil and Zyrtec. They will save a person from the unbearable itching inherent in this disease. In addition to drugs, therapy should be carried out to quickly and effectively strengthen the immune system.
