Why are my earlobes fused? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.
Lobes in humans are located in the lower part of the auricles, they consist of a leathery shell, which is filled with adipose tissue. In the lobe there are small capillaries along with nerve endings. It does not carry any functions that would be associated with the reception of sound, but its value in the aesthetic sense can hardly be overestimated, since this part of the ear is actively used to wear jewelry. It's good when the auricles look harmonious, and the size of their individual parts matches each other, but this is not always the case.

Unified earlobes
Large auricles sometimes have fused earlobes. There are several common forms that attach to the human cheek in various ways. It is considered ideal when the earlobe is one fifth of the area of the shell, and its lower edge is located at the level of the tip.nose. The fact that the earlobes have grown together is not a pathology, it is just an individual human feature that does not really spoil the appearance.
Main reasons
So, the main reasons for this deviation:
- Hereditary feature of the structure of the auricles.
- National or racial. For example, it is believed that the fusion of the earlobe with the cheek is more characteristic of Asians and Jews.
- The presence of dysplasia (underdevelopment) of connective tissues.
- The occurrence of anomalies of the nervous system.
- The appearance of tears, injuries, burns and other damage to the ear.
There is an opinion that the number of people whose earlobes have grown together is increasing every year, and at present this feature is characteristic of almost half of the planetary population. At the same time, a few centuries ago, there were obviously no people with such lobes, because there were no images of them left. It is interesting to note that according to statistics, for every eighteen thousand newborns there is at least one baby with a fused earlobe. So there must be a reason for this.

The correct lobe (this is a dominant feature) is somewhat behind the cheek, partially sagging and forming a bag. In the case of a fused lobe (a recessive trait), there is no such bag, that is, a zone that is devoid of cartilage, and the curl can sometimes rest directly on the cheek.
Ear lobes plastic surgery
Because the situationwhen the earlobes are fused, it does not negatively affect the appearance of a person, then they are rarely corrected. Modern methods in some cases make it possible to solve this problem without surgery, for example, to increase the volume of tissue in the lower region of the ear, lipofilling is used (that is, the introduction of the patient's own fat) along with filler injections. There are two correction options:
- When the lobe does not require a direct increase, but there is only a task to separate it from the cheek. In this case, tissue is excised (wedge-shaped) in the junction area, and then the edges of the damaged surface are sewn separately for the cheek and lobe.
- When the lobe is practically not developed, it requires a mandatory increase. With this option, the correction of the lobe is separated with a certain amount of skin, namely, it is captured in the fold and pulled, and then dissected along the capture line. The resulting curved patch is sutured from the back to form a lobe.

Having considered the subtleties and peculiarities of genetics, you can find out in which case it is possible to inherit the fact that the earlobes have grown together from the parents.
Genetics and Lobe
It used to be thought that the connection between the earlobe and the scalp was controlled by a single gene. But recent research aimed at explaining the appearance of a fused lobe hints to geneticists that several genes are involved in the inheritance of this characteristic trait.
Studies prove that the human earlobe gene comes from the father,and from the mother, since the chromosomes consist of pairs linked together in the form of zippers. In this case, one thread can be inherited from the father, and the other, respectively, from the mother. But what happens if the father's lobes were fused, and the mother's, say, free-hanging? Is it possible that their child will get two completely different ears: one with a fused earlobe, and the other, on the contrary, with a free-hanging one? Of course not, although this can occur, it is very rare. In such a situation, the question often arises about the presence of recessive and dominant genes.
So, a fused earlobe is a sign of what?
Features of genetics and possible combinations
It has long been established that some genes are dominant, while others are called recessive. Dominant genes take precedence. In the case of the earlobes, the free-hanging variant is considered dominant and the fused species is considered recessive. Since a person receives a gene that is responsible for the lobe from both parents, the following combinations are the most likely:

- In the event that a person inherits the dominant free-hanging earlobe gene from the father and exactly the same from the mother, then two similar genes that differ in the free-hanging form will be inherited at once. This means that a person's ears are guaranteed to be with free-hanging lobes.
- In the event that a person inherits a type of recessive fused lobe and an element of the dominant type of a free-hanging form, then he receives both genes at once. The dominant gene haspriority, so that person will also have free-hanging earlobes.
- When a person has inherited both recessive genes for fused earlobes from both parents, this means that he has two genetic elements available for obtaining fused earlobes. In this regard, a fused earlobe occurs in people.
What else should I know about earlobe inheritance?
But do not worry at all if a person finds fused earlobes while both parents have them freely hanging. This does not mean that the person was adopted. The explanation for this is that each parent has a couple of genes that control how the earlobe connects to the scalp.

Genes from parents
It is known that people get only one gene from each parent. In the event that the father has both a dominant and a recessive gene, then this indicates a fifty percent probability that a person will certainly inherit one or another variant of the structure of the earlobe. The same applies to inheriting the earlobe gene from the mother.
Thus, in the event that both parents have both genes, and in fact their lobes are free-hanging, then there is a twenty-five percent chance that their child will have a fused version of the structure. That is, it turns out that the child will be born with recessive fused earlobes. It must be said that in such calculations, the moregenetic variables are taken into account, the more unpredictable the result is.
It should not be forgotten that with hereditary deformity, a much larger number of genes are involved that affect the appearance of the ear. In addition, the earlobe can report congenital diseases. For example, the presence of a diagonal fold on it is called Frank's mark, and this indicates a great tendency to vascular and heart diseases.
What else do fused earlobes mean?

Influence on character
According to a number of experts, the ears, which have grown together with the back wall of the neck muscles, having an acute angle at their base, may indicate the presence of a complex character in the owner. It is believed that people with fused lobes are quite difficult to please in anything, they are very difficult to communicate, stubborn, and, in addition, inveterate debaters.
Such people are considered brave and resolute, and their temperament largely depends on the middle name and first name. They tend to walk on the edge of the blade, are risk-averse. It is completely useless to prove something to them, thus, one can only aggravate the situation, and at the same time run into conflicts. In such a situation, this type of people is uncontrollable, and it is impossible to predict their subsequent plans and actions.

What the fused earlobes say is interesting to many.
Many of these people are first-class athletes: sambists, karatekas, wrestlers or boxers. They arevery cunning, resourceful and assertive. It is very difficult to stop them, only the intervention of an authoritative person can have at least some influence. They are usually inferior to nothing and no one, their goal is to prove their superiority to everyone by showing strength and power.