Chronic dermatitis: types of dermatitis, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Chronic dermatitis: types of dermatitis, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures
Chronic dermatitis: types of dermatitis, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction of the skin to irritants. They can be both external and internal negative factors. Inflammation manifests itself in the form of pain, swelling, redness, fever and, as a result, dysfunction of the epidermis. Due to the appearance of dermatitis, the main functions of the human skin are affected, namely: the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, the evaporation of sweat, protection and immunity, and the sensitivity of receptors.

girl at the doctor
girl at the doctor

Types of dermatitis

Dermatitis is different, doctors classify it like this:

  • atopic;
  • seborrheic;
  • diaper;
  • contact (allergic);
  • irritable (simple, contact);
  • unspecified;
  • exfoliative;
  • prurigo and lichen simplex;
  • caused by substances taken from outside.

Reasons for appearance

In the medical concept, causes are divided into two types - conditional and general. The general ones include structural features of the skin, lack of vitamins, diet, non-observance of personal hygiene rules and unfavorable living (or working) conditions, nervous exhaustion and constant stress. Conditional types: chemical, mechanical, biological, physical and allergens.

dermatitis in children
dermatitis in children

Dermatitis symptoms

Regardless of the origin and type of dermatitis, they are united by some symptoms: changes in the skin and pathological sensations in the form of itching, pain and burning. The most terrible type of dermatitis is necrotic, in which the necrosis of skin cells and the appearance of a scar occur. The chronic course of the disease is characterized by constant redness, excessive dryness and thickening of the skin.

Chronic dermatitis. Photo

dermatitis photo
dermatitis photo

What does this disease mean? After the allergen enters the human body, the first stage begins - acute, with itching and blisters. After it comes the second - subacute, in which crusts begin to appear and skin flakes peel off. If no help is provided to the patient, then the third stage begins - chronic, with thickening and dark pink skin color. Consider the types of chronic dermatitis:

  • Contact. This type of dermatitis is very similar to a burn. It arises from contact with an irritant. It can be plant sap, medicines, paints, glue, alcohol cosmetics, detergents,latex, metalwork, fabric, sunburst and more.
  • Chronic seborrheic dermatitis. Occurs in places with hair follicles, clogs the sebaceous glands. This type of dermatitis is especially common in infants, men and adolescents during puberty. According to statistics, from three to five percent of people in the world suffer from seborrheic dermatitis. One of the most unpleasant and problematic diseases is seborrheic dermatitis of the skin of the face. This type causes a lot of inconvenience to both women and men. Women suffer from the fact that they cannot hide their illness under a layer of decorative cosmetics, and men cannot shave properly - each procedure is accompanied by "terrible" irritation and itching.
  • Chronic allergic dermatitis. It is a skin inflammation, which is manifested by a reaction to a certain substance that enters the bloodstream. Allergens include animal hair, dust, plant pollen, food, medicines, aromatic fragrances, toxins in the human body. Toxins can be formed due to hormonal failure or a serious disease of the internal organs.
chronic dermatitis in a child
chronic dermatitis in a child

Dermatitis on the face. Risks

Chronic dermatitis on the face (perioral) can occur as a reaction to cosmetics or medicinal ointments. It is dangerous because the first symptoms may look like ordinary pimples, and no one attaches much importance to them. And these rashes will spread over the face very quickly, and it will be problematic to get rid of them. In addition to unpleasantsensations, there is a risk of a serious cosmetic defect.

on the face
on the face


Chronic atopic dermatitis in infants very often appears on the pope. The most important feature of the skin in atopic dermatitis is constant dryness. If you do not regularly moisturize the child's body with emollients (special means), then irritation, itching will appear, and in especially advanced cases, cracks may even form. If you begin to notice that after applying the usual baby skin care products, it becomes very dry quickly, and the child shows anxiety, then be sure to contact your pediatrician and dermatologist.

Diagnosis of dermatitis

The speed and effectiveness of therapy depends on the correct diagnosis. It is very important to correctly assess the extent of skin damage, which is often very difficult for the attending physician, since it is necessary to find the exact causes of its occurrence and exacerbation. The main role in the diagnosis is assigned to the allergist, because only he will be able to figure out (during research) from which group of allergens atopic dermatitis occurs.

Exacerbation of dermatitis

Exacerbation usually occurs in autumn and spring. This is primarily due to the onset of the heating season and, consequently, the dryness of the air in the room. In addition, contact with allergens is very important: pollen from flowering plants, woolen fabrics, synthetic fibers of clothing. During an exacerbation, it is important to monitor nutrition, to avoid new rashes. Try not to eat citrus fruits, berries,sweets and exotic fruits. Reduce consumption of spicy and s alty foods. You need to be very careful about your he alth: do not overheat and do not overcool, treat viral diseases and colds in time to avoid a decrease in immunity. Before buying skin care products and decorative cosmetics, you should carefully read the composition - cosmetics must be hypoallergenic.

folk remedies
folk remedies

How to cure dermatitis with diet

Before you start treating chronic dermatitis, you need to adjust your lifestyle and habits. Namely: improve living conditions, quit smoking and alcohol - even this will help to significantly reduce the risk of exacerbation.

With dermatitis, you must adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, which includes the following products: dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal), river fish, beef liver and tongue, low-calorie dairy products, cereals (buckwheat, barley, millet, oats, rice and eggs), sunflower and butter, vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, potatoes, spinach and cucumbers), berries (black currants, gooseberries), apples and green pears, tea without additives, dried fruit compote. If you follow this diet, the rash will not spread to he althy areas of the skin.

Drug treatment of chronic dermatitis

Important! Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor - a dermatologist or an allergist. For the treatment of this disease, there are oral agents that need to be combined with ointments:

  • Corticosteroids: ointments and creams of the type"Pimafukort" and "Gyoksizon".
  • Antiseptics: Levomycetin, Erythromycin or Chlorhexidine.
  • Anti-inflammatory: based on naphthalan (creams, gels, shampoos).
  • B vitamins.
  • Antihistamines: Cetirizine, Suprastin and Diphenhydramine.
  • Sorbents (oral): "Phosphalugel", "Enterosgel" and "Polysorb".
  • In severe forms, glucocorticoids such as "Prednisolone" or "Hydrocortisone" are prescribed.

Folk treatment

Alternative medicine offers many prescriptions for the treatment of chronic dermatitis. It should be remembered that alternative treatment will not relieve you of the cause of the disease, but can only relieve symptoms, alleviate the condition.

Tar has proven to be a very effective treatment for dermatitis, even in severe forms. Apply it to the affected areas of the skin during an exacerbation. Most tolerate this procedure well, so it is recommended even for chronic dermatitis in children. After applying the tar, the patient feels a sharp relief, the itching stops. Wash off with warm water fifteen minutes after application. It is better to start treatment with tar with a mixture (1 part of tar + 2 parts of water), increasing the concentration with each procedure and bringing it to a pure substance. As soon as the aggravation begins to subside, dilute the tar again with water and apply until complete recovery.

There is also a healing ointment that helps prevent dermatitis. Howas soon as the skin began to dry and become inflamed, prepare an ointment and apply in the evening. Wash off with warm water in the morning. Ingredients: one teaspoon of fresh milk + one dessert spoon of glycerin + half a dessert spoon of rice starch. Mix thoroughly and apply immediately to affected areas.

Children (especially babies) are very difficult to tolerate dermatitis. To alleviate their condition, take care in advance and prepare a miracle oil. Chop the flowers and leaves of St. John's wort (thirty grams) and pour a glass of olive oil into a dark bottle. Keep in a warm and dark place, shake daily. In a week, you will have an excellent emollient and healing oil for baby's dry skin.

For the treatment of dermatitis from the inside, prepare an infusion that will help fight the disease from the inside. Take in equal parts: currant bark, string, chamomile, licorice and red viburnum bark. Grind and pour into an airtight container. Every day, take one teaspoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, and in an hour the infusion is ready. Consume fifty grams four times a day.

Thanks to folk remedies, it becomes easier and easier to treat chronic atopic dermatitis. Of course, this does not mean that drug treatment is worse - a doctor's consultation is required for this disease! The perfect alliance for he althy skin: nature + science + common sense.

cream on the finger
cream on the finger

How to avoid dermatitis

Recently, chronic dermatitis has become a very common disease, akin to an epidemic. But dermatitis is notIt is transmitted by human contact - only by inheritance. If one of the parents is susceptible to this disease, then the probability that this disease will be transmitted to the child is fifty percent. And if both mom and dad are chronically allergic, then the probability increases to eighty. In order to avoid this disease for as long as possible, they offer an algorithm, following which gives a chance to avoid the fate of parents:

  • Timely treatment of diseases of internal organs.
  • Give up bad habits, normalize sleep and rest.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations.
  • Eat regularly and properly.
  • Use sunscreen, dress seasonally in natural fabrics.
