Currently, scientists have studied a lot of skin diseases. The most common is dermatitis. Symptoms and treatment (photos showing what the affected areas of the body look like with one or another type of ailment are presented to your attention below) is the main topic of this article. This disease is divided into several types, which differ not only in the clinical picture, but also in the causes.
Dermatitis is treatable. In order for it to be effective, a combination of factors must be taken into account. It is best to consult a doctor with such a problem. They will conduct a complete examination, thanks to which the type of dermatitis will be accurately determined. And this is the first step towards healing.
So, let's get acquainted with the features of this disease. Consider what symptoms each species has, and also find out how the disease proceeds.
What is dermatitis?
This pathology belongs to the group of skin diseases. Appears in a specific part of the bodyinflammation. Skin redness and peeling are the main symptoms of dermatitis (this is clearly visible in the photo).
If a person suffers from such a disease, this may indicate a malfunction of the internal organs. The fact is that it is the skin that acts as an indicator of he alth, as it quickly reacts to all changes. Due to the fact that it is directly related to the immune and endocrine systems, a similar reaction occurs. But often there are dermatitis, which are independent diseases.

Dermatitis in children
Very often (every second) is diagnosed with dermatitis in children. Symptoms by and large practically do not differ from those that occur in adults. The nature of the disease is inflammatory-allergic. Both girls and boys are at risk. Most often in children, dermatitis appears due to improper care. Also, the disease is caused by pathogenic microbes. Another cause of this pathology can be a low or high ambient temperature. All these reasons are different, respectively, the treatment should be individual.
Symptoms of atopic dermatitis and allergic are:
- Overflow of vessels with blood (can be both persistent and transient).
- Severe peeling and dryness of the skin is observed on the inflamed area.
- Itching of varying intensity.
- Skin thickening, puffiness.
- Pronounced red pimples.
- Wounds may appear if scratching the affected area.
- Places with inflammation are arranged symmetrically. For example, on both cheeks, hands.
- Eye diseases (keratoconus, conjunctivitis) may result from dermatitis.

Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis in adults (the photo below clearly shows that skin lesions can be different) will differ depending on the type of disease. There are several dozen of them in total. It is simply impossible to consider all these types within the framework of one article, so we will pay attention to the most frequently diagnosed ones. These include:
- ear;
- fungal;
- infectious;
- atopic;
- oral;
- seborrheic;
- allergic;
- contact;
- dry.
This disease in medicine is classified according to the degree of prevalence. Doctors distinguish local (local) variety and general (diffuse). An excellent example in the first case is contact dermatitis (see photos of the symptoms of the disease below). The affected area is localized in one place, directly where the irritant is located.

The diffuse variety is significantly different from the local variety. She is of a diffuse nature. The inflammation affects large areas of the skin. Peculiar to allergic dermatitis.
In addition to the degree of distribution, this disease is classified according to the nature of the course. There are two forms:
- Chronic -characterized by a long course and relapses. The inflammatory process most often flares up with renewed vigor at certain times of the year, for example, in spring, when flowering begins. It is very difficult to fight chronic dermatitis.
- Acute - usually starts suddenly. The disease passes very rapidly with severe symptoms. It is not difficult to cure dermatitis of this form. In most cases, it responds well to therapy. However, if you start the disease, it will become chronic.
So, above it was considered what this pathology is, as well as what types of it are. Now it's time to talk about the causes of dermatitis.
Main reasons
Each doctor, seeing a patient with a skin disease, before making a diagnosis, begins to find out the causes that caused the inflammatory process. After that, an examination is prescribed, and according to its results, treatment is built. Symptoms of dermatitis also do not go unnoticed. This will be discussed in detail a little later. But now let's get back to the reasons.
- Dry skin breaks down easily in cold weather.
- The functions of the sebaceous glands do not work properly.
- Development of diabetes, allergies, biotin deficiency.
- Taking drugs that are applied to the skin.
- Occurrence of fungal infections.
- Allergic reaction to cosmetics, synthetic materials, metals, dyes.
- Interaction with chemicals.
- Nervous disorders, stress,experiences.
- Intensive sweating.
- Presence of bacterial and viral infection.
General symptoms
The symptoms of dermatitis in adults will differ depending on the type of disease. However, there are also signs that doctors call common. Now consider five symptoms that are characteristic of all types of this skin disease.
- Itching. Any area of the skin with a lesion begins to itch. The intensity of itching will depend on the degree of inflammation. If the nerve fibers in the dermis are strongly irritated, then it intensifies. Most often, this symptom occurs simultaneously with inflammation. However, there are exceptions. With atopic dermatitis, itching occurs due to a reaction to the pathology itself.
- Rash. All varieties of dermatitis are accompanied by the appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin. The difference is only in appearance. The rash can appear as simple light red spots of small size, as well as localized nodes (papules). The latter have a capsule filled with a serous substance. Based on the characteristics of dermatitis, the rash appears most often on moving parts of the body.
- Change in skin pigmentation. Almost any inflammatory process is accompanied by redness. Dermatitis is no exception. However, it should be noted that in the chronic form, such a symptom is quite rare. Severe redness is characteristic of acute dermatitis. It is thanks to this that the disease can be diagnosed at an early stage.
- Peeling and dryness. In most cases, this pathologyaccompanied by these symptoms. Their intensity will depend on the type of skin. If it is dry, even small cracks may appear.
- Isolation of exudate. This symptom appears only with advanced dermatitis. When crusts and plaques appear at the site of the lesion, when they break through, the skin becomes wet.
It is important to understand that in the process of treating dermatitis, symptoms in adults (as well as in children) can disappear very quickly. However, this does not mean that the disease is defeated. There are special medications that quickly and effectively relieve symptoms, but they do not affect the root cause. Only by understanding the causes, you can fully recover.
Ear dermatitis
Based on the name, it becomes clear that with this pathology, the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears and the skin around them are affected. The ailment is accompanied by the appearance of a rash, and it can spread deep into the auditory canal. The skin becomes visibly red. The disease can appear both in children and in adults.
Dermatitis symptoms:
- The photo below clearly demonstrates the appearance of peeling and discoloration of the auricle and the skin next to it.
- Without treatment, the rash on the affected areas will crust over.
- Ear canal feels very itchy.
Causes that cause ear dermatitis:
- irritation;
- injury;
- fungal infection;
- mechanical damage caused by scratching.

Fungal dermatitis:photos, symptoms and treatment
This type of dermatitis occurs only with a fungal infection of the skin. The following reasons cause it:
- poor immunity;
- increased sweating;
- poor skin resistance to fungus.
Fungal dermatitis occurs, usually already on pre-damaged (for example, due to an allergic reaction) skin cover
- red round spots;
- skin peels or gets wet;
- severe itching;
- cracks and crusts form on burst bubbles over time.
- swelling of the affected area;
- purulent rashes.
The fight against this disease begins with an examination and testing. According to their results, the doctor prescribes treatment. Antimycotics are used to control symptoms. Reception of these drugs is carried out both externally and internally. Also, the treatment does not go away without taking antihistamines. And in order for the affected area not to disturb at night, it is recommended to use sedatives.

Infectious dermatitis
A rather dangerous type of dermatitis is infectious. Foci occur not only on the upper layer of the skin, but also internal. May affect large areas of the body. The disease is accompanied by a bright red rash.
- infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus;
- skin wounds;
- carrying diseases such as scarlet fever, smallpox, measles.
- strong inflammatory process;
- rashes with numerous purulent pimples;
- abscesses;
- purulent necrotic formations (carbuncles);
- boils.
Atopic dermatitis: symptoms, treatment and photos
This type of skin disease is the result of improper treatment of allergic dermatitis. It can also occur in those people who have a hereditary predisposition. The complexity of this type lies in the fact that the infection is capable of not manifesting itself for a long time. Dermatitis of this type can develop very unexpectedly, for example, after severe stress has been brought. It also provokes a hormonal surge. If a person does hygiene procedures incorrectly for a long time, this can also cause atopic dermatitis.
- spots of red on the skin;
- affected areas itch a lot, itching is sometimes unbearable;
- rapid development - the stage from initial symptoms to crust formation is very short.
In medicine, this type of dermatitis is called eczema. It has two forms. Acute in a fairly short period of time becomes chronic. The reason for this is the rapid course of the disease. Eczema not only prevents a person from living a full life, but also poses a danger to life.

Oral dermatitis
This type of dermatitis appears as red spots. Depending on the stage of inflammationskin can vary from light pink to maroon. According to the degree of distribution, it belongs to the local ones. Affects areas of skin near the lips. In a neglected form, it grows, capturing the eyelids and the bridge of the nose. At risk are young people under the age of 20 to 30.
- weakened immune system;
- digestion problems;
- metabolic disorder;
- nervous disorders;
- reaction to hygiene products (lipstick, shaving cream, toothpaste, etc.).
Dermatitis symptoms are easy to relieve. As a rule, it is enough to replace all cosmetic preparations that were previously used. Spots of oral dermatitis can be quite small, so sometimes people do not pay attention to them, confusing them with ordinary irritation. But it is undesirable to do so. Without treatment, the skin in the affected areas becomes very rough.

Seborrheic dermatitis
Focuses of this type of disease are concentrated in areas of accumulation of sebaceous glands. Inflammation begins due to the active reproduction of the saprophytic flora. It is these microorganisms that change the composition of the sebaceous glands. Although the disease occurs suddenly, it is formed long before the manifestation. The fact is that with a weakened immune system, the body does not have the strength to fight the pathology on its own.
Dermatitis symptoms will vary depending on the form. There are two types:
- Fatty - characterized by a profuse rash with purulent inflammation. skin acquiresgreasy shine.
- Dry is the exact opposite of the first. The skin, affected by dermatitis, is very dry, constantly flaky, covered with scales. They are not removed by cosmetic procedures, it is only necessary to undergo special complex treatment.

Allergic dermatitis
Now let's look at the symptoms of allergic dermatitis. Treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating discomfort and visible manifestations, but also at combating the underlying cause. And it lies precisely in the reaction of the body to an external stimulus. What are the most aggressive allergens? There are many of them:
- drugs used in cosmetics;
- pollen during flowering plants;
- medicines;
- food, including vegetables and fruits;
- animal wool.
Pathology does not appear suddenly. It provokes direct contact with an object that causes allergies.
- change skin color to red;
- flaking;
- very noticeable puffiness;
- itch;
- may increase watery eyes.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to detect an irritant. If you stop interacting with it, then the inflammation will go away by itself within 2 days. However, there are some allergens that cannot be removed from the environment. Then you will need to take antiallergic drugs.

Contact dermatitis
The allergic appearance of this disease is quite similar in its symptoms to contact dermatitis. The treatment is pretty good. As a rule, it proceeds in a mild form. But at the same time, it is by no means impossible to ignore it, since over time the inflammatory process will intensify, and this will lead to the formation of bubbles. If at the very beginning of the development of the disease itching is almost imperceptible, then without treatment the degree of its intensity increases.
This type of dermatitis occurs upon contact with an irritant. It is for this reason that it is called contact. In addition to hypersensitivity to the usual allergens, a negative reaction can also manifest itself in ultraviolet (sun rays). This form is called photodermatitis. Symptoms of this disease are typical: redness, peeling, itching.

Dry dermatitis
Symptoms of this type of dermatitis appear only in the cold season. At risk are the elderly. As a rule, the following factors are the reasons:
- hereditary predisposition;
- hypothermia;
- dry air environment;
- psychosomatics;
- restrictions on functionality and movement.
The disease is localized most often on the feet. It rarely affects other areas.
- dry skin;
- cracked heels;
- pigmentation;
- itch.
Cure this type of dermatitis is quite difficult. It escalates seasonally. Long lastingover.
Having told in detail about the symptoms of dermatitis, we can talk about methods of treatment. Given that each type of this disease proceeds differently, therefore, there is no single scheme for dealing with them. Medications are selected by the doctor after the examination. It is important to understand that the effectiveness of treatment will depend on the individual approach.
You can designate a certain scheme that doctors use in the fight against dermatitis. A complex effect on pathogenesis is carried out. To do this, first neutralize the pathogenic factor that affects negatively. In parallel with this, the patient is relieved of the symptoms. It is also mandatory to strengthen the immune system.
Treatment continues until the skin is completely regenerated, that is, the affected areas heal. In most cases, the course lasts about a month.

Folk treatments
Not only medicines, but also folk remedies can be used to treat dermatitis. Symptoms that cause discomfort are removed with the help of celandine juice. It is used as a compress. To prepare juice, you need to take the young sprouts of the plant. Grind them. Collect in gauze and squeeze out the juice. Dilute the resulting liquid with water. The proportion is observed - one part of celandine and two water. Apply gauze soaked in this solution to the affected areas until the condition improves.
Also, a string is used to combat dermatitis. The tincture is prepared as follows. One tablespoonherbs are brewed with 150 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist in a dark place for about three hours. Lotions and baths are useful.
When large areas of skin are damaged, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of periwinkle decoction. The solution is prepared for 10 minutes over low heat. Dosage: per liter of water 300 g of crushed periwinkle leaves.
To relieve severe itching and inflammation, Japanese Sophora is used. For a decoction, take 100 g of fruit. Pour 300 ml of water. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Apply gauze soaked in the solution to the affected areas.
People who have very dry skin on the affected areas can use geranium oil as a moisturizer. It is purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. To do this, you need the flowers of a simple indoor geranium and olive oil. First, it is infused in a dark place for five days, after which it is necessary to transfer it to the light and keep the tincture in such conditions for 6 weeks.