How to treat cough in children at home?

How to treat cough in children at home?
How to treat cough in children at home?

Cough is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of foreign objects in the nasopharynx, the development of infection, inflammation of local tissues. Despite the fact that the phenomenon in itself does not pose an extreme danger to he alth, you need to figure out how to act to eliminate the trouble. In our article I would like to talk about how to treat a cough in a child at home.

dry cough in a child than to treat
dry cough in a child than to treat

Let's look at the most effective solutions that allow you to cope with the problem without resorting to the services of doctors and the use of pharmacological drugs.


Before telling how to treat a cough in a child with folk methods, I would like to say a few words about the factors that can provoke trouble. Among them are:

  1. Irritation of the bronchi by a suspension of dust in the airspace, other contaminants. Such a cough is aimed at clearing the respiratorypaths from foreign objects. To make sure that the problem is of the indicated nature, it is enough for parents to examine the child's throat for redness and inflammation, and also to measure the temperature. If everything is in order with the nasopharynx, it may be worth ventilating the room more often, humidifying the air, and going outside with the baby.
  2. Consequences of the development of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the nature of the cough largely depends on the nature of the existing ailment.
  3. Allergic reactions to irritants in the form of animal hair, plant pollen, chemicals. Usually such a cough recedes on its own when the provocative factor is identified and eliminated.


Inhalation is an extremely popular, safe solution for developing a cough in a child. What is the therapy? To prepare a special composition, take the leaves of thyme, chamomile, coltsfoot in the amount of one tablespoon.

how to treat a cough in a child
how to treat a cough in a child

The composition is poured with water and brought to a boil over low heat. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to this. The child is placed over the container with the product and cover his head with a towel. To ease the cough, it is enough for the baby to inhale the vapors of the healing decoction 2-3 times a day.

Egg mixture

How to treat a barking cough in a child? An excellent proven remedy is egg mixture. The use of a prescription potentially makes it possible to eliminate even the manifestations of bronchitis. The tool allows you to qualitatively soften fabricsnasopharynx, remove the effect of irritation.

How to prepare medicine? To make an egg mixture, prepare a glass of hot milk. Butter and honey are added here in the amount of one tablespoon. Then beat the egg yolk well. The ingredients are combined and the resulting composition is mixed until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The finished product is given to the child to drink shortly before going to bed. Therapy is performed daily until the symptoms of barking cough completely disappear.

Cat-and-stepmother and plantain

How to treat a dry cough in a child? A safe solution is the use of a decoction based on medicinal herbs. To prepare the medicine, combine a tablespoon of dried plantain and coltsfoot. Raw materials are poured with boiled water in the amount of one glass. The mixture is transferred to a thermos and infused for 2 hours. To eliminate the symptoms of dry cough, the medicine is given to the child 2 tablespoons shortly before meals. The use of infusion provides high-quality expectoration of mucus accumulated in the bronchi.

cough in a child than to treat at home
cough in a child than to treat at home

During the application of the remedy, the child may experience an urge to vomit. The reason for this is not a very pleasant taste of the medicine. If there is a nuisance, it is worth reducing the dosage of the product or adding a small amount of honey to the composition.

Thyme and thyme

How to treat a dry cough in a child? To do this, it is worth offering the baby a healing tea based on thyme and thyme. These medicinal herbs are traditionally used by folk eliminate the effects of bronchitis. A decoction of herbs makes it possible to remove the inflammatory processes that develop in the tissues of the nasopharynx, as well as relax the trachea.

To prepare a cough remedy, take a handful of dried thyme and thyme. The ingredients are poured into a glass of boiled water. The medicine is infused for 10 minutes. The composition is filtered, then poured into a cup and lemon is added. The child should use the product periodically throughout the day as a replacement for regular tea.

Lemon, honey and glycerine

How to treat a dry cough in a child? A good option is to prepare a healing composition based on lemon, honey and glycerin. The medicine supports the immune system due to the intake of a shock dose of vitamins and trace elements into the body. The remedy reduces the strength and frequency of cough due to the moisturizing effect of glycerin.

temperature dry cough in a child than to treat
temperature dry cough in a child than to treat

If a child has a dry cough, how to treat? To do this, prepare the following remedy:

  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly. The peel is pierced in several places. Citrus is dipped in boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. The lemon is cooled, after which the juice is squeezed out.
  2. About 2 tablespoons of glycerin are added to the resulting drug base.
  3. The composition is poured into a glass. The remaining volume is filled with liquid honey.
  4. The product is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed and sent to a cool place. Infuse the medicine for 3-4 hours.

In orderto eliminate dry cough, the resulting mass is slightly heated in a steam bath. The medicine is offered to the child in a teaspoon shortly before meals. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. If the cough is strong and does not want to recede, the dosage is increased.

Milk and Propolis

Propolis is known as a product that has immune-boosting, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In combination with milk, you can get an excellent remedy that helps get rid of a debilitating cough. As practice shows, a positive effect from the use of a folk recipe is noted already in the first days after the start of therapy.

So, we treat a cough in a child at home. To do this, take a few drops of propolis tincture. The substance is dissolved in a third of a glass of boiled milk. We wait until the product cools down to a comfortable temperature. We offer the medicine to the child 2-3 times a day.

Black radish

If parents are faced with the acute question of how to treat a dry cough in a child without resorting to the use of medication, in this case they resort to using the following recipe. Take a large black radish. The root crop is thoroughly washed under running water, cleaning the peel with a brush. The core is cut out with a knife. A few tablespoons of honey are placed in a bowl-shaped recess.

wet cough in a child than to treat
wet cough in a child than to treat

Black radish is placed on a jar and then left alone for 4-5 hours. After the specified time has passed, the root crop is filled with an abundance of juice, which is combined with honey. The resulting liquid is offered to the child in a dessert spoon before each meal. Therapy is performed daily for a week. The black radish is reused by adding the next rate of honey.

Onion broth

If there is a cough-barking in a child, how to treat? In this case, it is worth adopting a recipe that has been successfully used by traditional healers for centuries to eliminate such pathological conditions. We are talking about miraculous onion broth.

The recipe is as follows. Take 2-3 medium-sized onions peeled from the husk. Such raw materials are placed in a small saucepan, covered with milk and boiled until fully cooked. The liquid is filtered, and the onion pulp is discarded. For each glass of the volume of the received product, a dessert spoon of honey is added.

How to treat a cough in a child with onion decoction? The remedy is offered to the baby in a tablespoon with a frequency of one hour throughout the day. Therapy is continued until the characteristic barking that occurs during coughing fits disappears.


If there is a dry cough and fever in a child, how to treat? In such a situation, it is worth paying attention to a remedy prepared on the basis of ginger root. The product has been successfully used by folk healers to treat coughs since ancient times. The tool has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, supports the immune system.

baby month cough than to treat
baby month cough than to treat

The medicine is prepared according to the following recipe. Use a large rootginger. Raw materials are peeled, crushed with a grater and poured with several glasses of water. The resulting mass is put on the stove, holding on low heat for 20 minutes. Then the composition is carefully filtered. Add a tablespoon of honey to the liquid. The cooled remedy is given to drink to the child. It is advisable that the baby gradually absorb the medicine throughout the evening in small sips.

Potato compress

How to treat a cough in a child? A good solution is to use a compress based on boiled potatoes. The tool is prepared according to this scheme. Several large potatoes are boiled until fully cooked, without peeling. Raw materials are thoroughly kneaded. The resulting mass is placed in a plastic bag. 2 dessert spoons of sunflower oil are added here. Everyone mixes well.

The compress is placed in the chest area. If the potato mass is too hot, put a towel under the bottom. The child is put to bed and covered with a warm blanket. After cooling, the compress is removed. Prolonged holding of hot potato mass on the chest produces an excellent therapeutic effect. The tool makes it possible to qualitatively warm up the deep tissues and enhances blood circulation. Thus, the airways are cleared of accumulated mucous masses faster, which contributes to the speedy passage of cough.

Licorice root

How to treat a wet cough in a child? An excellent tool that provides a quick discharge of sputum and qualitatively softens the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx is an infusion of the rootlicorice.

how to treat a cough in a child
how to treat a cough in a child

The medicine is prepared according to this scheme. Take about 10 grams of dry, crushed raw materials. The plant base is poured with boiled water in the amount of half a liter. The mixture is covered with a lid and infused for an hour. The resulting product is filtered. The liquid is offered to the baby in half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Badger fat

How to treat a cough in a child from 3 years old? An excellent safe option is the use of badger fat. The product contains linolenic acid, which stimulates the nutrition of tissues with useful substances. As a result of the use of the remedy, the immune system quickly copes with infections that provoke the disease. To prepare cough medicine, a few tablespoons of fat are slightly warmed up. The substance is applied to the skin in the chest area, performing light massaging movements. The child is wrapped in a warm blanket. The procedure is carried out at night.


How to treat a cough in a child from 2 years old? In this case, take a tablespoon of mustard. The substance is diluted in a glass of hot water. A paper napkin is applied to the area of the bronchial tubes. A piece of fabric is soaked in the mustard mixture. The latter is folded in several layers and placed on top of the napkin. The tool is covered with a warm scarf. The compress is held for 3-4 minutes. The procedure is repeated for half an hour, each time after the dressing has cooled down.

Table s alt

If a child is a month old, how to treat a cough? Help ease the well-being of the baby in suchsituations can warm the chest with s alt. Such raw materials are heated in a frying pan, after which they are poured into a bag. If the product is too hot, wrap it in a towel. The compress is placed on the chest of the child and removed after cooling. The use of the recipe stimulates blood circulation in local tissues, contributes to the speedy discharge of sputum accumulation from the bronchi. You can use this method only after consulting a doctor.

Barley decoction

When there is a dry cough in a child, how to treat? An excellent softening effect has a decoction of barley. The recipe involves the following steps. Take about a tablespoon of ground grains. Raw materials are brewed in a glass of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for 4-5 hours. Then the medicine is additionally boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. The liquid is expressed and the baby is offered a tablespoon every few hours.

Honey, anise and s alt

How else to treat a dry cough in a child? The safest solution seems to be to use the following tool. Combine a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of s alt. Add a few tablespoons of anise seeds to this. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass of water. The composition is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. The remedy is removed from the fire, and then filtered. The liquid is given to the baby in a teaspoon every 2 hours. Do not exceed the indicated dosage. Since anise is a laxative, it can cause diarrhea.

In conclusion

So we found out what folk remedies make it possible to alleviatethe well-being of the child with the development of cough. Finally, I would like to draw attention to one important point. Before proceeding with specific actions, it is important to determine the factors that provoke the occurrence of a pathological condition. Perhaps the reason for the development of a cough is the banal dryness of the air, the dustiness of the room, or the body's reaction to the pollen of indoor plants. A visit to the pediatrician will allow you to determine exactly what is causing the trouble.
