Enterocolitis is a fairly common disease, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small or large intestine. Such a disease can occur for various reasons. However, it is important to be aware of what the symptoms of enterocolitis look like. After all, a person with similar problems needs the help of a doctor.
Causes and forms of enterocolitis

As already mentioned, the inflammatory process can be caused by various factors of the internal or external environment. Therefore, before considering the main symptoms of enterocolitis, it is worth learning about its forms. To date, it is customary to distinguish several types of inflammation depending on the causes of its occurrence:
- Alimentary enterocolitis occurs as a result of malnutrition.
- There are also toxic forms of the disease caused by poisoning.
- Helminths and other parasites can also lead to enterocolitis.
- The mechanical form of the disease occurs as a result of prolonged constipation.
- Quite often, inflammation develops against the background of otherdiseases of the digestive tract. In this case, enterocolitis is called secondary.
- Also, a bacterial infection is often the cause.
Symptoms of enterocolitis

The acute form of the disease begins, respectively, acutely and is accompanied by very clear signs. Abdominal pain, bloating, rumbling, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever, weakness, body aches, headache - these are all symptoms of enterocolitis. In addition, in the presence of a bacterial infection, mucus and sometimes blood impurities are present in the feces. The disease proceeds completely differently if a person has chronic enterocolitis. Symptoms in such cases are less pronounced, but from time to time there are periods of exacerbation, which are accompanied by pain in the abdomen. In addition, patients suffer from constipation or diarrhea. As a result of a chronic process, the small intestine gradually loses its functions, as a result of which the human body does not receive enough nutrients and nutrients. Therefore, patients can often observe constant fatigue and weakness, weight loss, apathy, beriberi, etc.
Treatment and diagnosis of enterocolitis

As a rule, the diagnosis of acute enterocolitis is not difficult: only blood and stool tests are needed. In some cases, additional studies are carried out, in particular retroscopies. As for treatment, the choice of methods directly dependson the severity and origin of the disease:
- In order to eliminate pain, antispasmodic and pain medications are prescribed.
- In some cases, preparations containing enzymes are also used, since in the process of treatment it is extremely important to restore bowel function.
- Antibiotics are used if there is an infection.
- In addition, the patient is prescribed probiotics, which restore the normal composition of the microflora and improve digestion.
- Sometimes enemas are additionally performed using decoctions of medicinal plants.
- With severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary to monitor the drinking regimen to prevent the development of dehydration.
- Extremely important part of therapy is the right diet, which should include light, wholesome, low-fat foods, such as cereals with water.