Although such a diagnosis - "tumors of the choroid" sounds quite frightening, a lot of people face such a disease. Sometimes what a person takes for an ordinary mole, in fact, turns out to be just a tumor. It is benign, and its appearance can be very different.
Tumors of the choroid plexus can be localized in the internal organs, and in the brain, and on the skin. In another way they are called angiomas, there are a lot of varieties of them. The type to which they are assigned depends on the vessels that are affected, the general symptoms, and the features of the development of the phenomenon. It is noteworthy that tumors of vascular origin represent different degrees of danger to the body. They can range from harmless to life-threatening.
Medicine at the moment has not found an answer to the question of why they develop. The mechanism of their appearance is considered a little-studied area. But it is known for certain that sometimes benign vascular tumors are congenital. When parents see this, they tend to panic. Andthis is really a reason to turn to specialists.
The vascular tumors presented in our article in the photo differ from each other. For the most part, there are two large groups - hemangiomas and lymphangiomas. In addition, they can be both benign and malignant.

In this case, the word "cancer" is not used in this case, since it refers to the pathology of the epithelium, and in the case of tumors of the vascular tissue, it is rather a sarcoma.
Capillary hemangioma
Hemangiomas are called tumors in the blood vessels. The capillary variety is most common - in 90% of cases it is she who develops. As a rule, it is located on the mucous membrane in the internal organs. The tumor is formed from small vessels - capillaries.
Arterial hemangioma
In cases where a vascular tumor hemangioma is formed in the region of the arteries or veins, we are talking about the arterial variety. When there are more arterial parts, the affected area has a much more pronounced coloration. If the pathology develops, the tumor becomes bluish.
The arterial type of vascular tumor of hemangioma develops much less often than the capillary variety. At the same time, they lie much deeper in the body, the affected area is more extensive.
Cavernous hemangioma
This variety is considered the rarest. This type of vascular tumor consists of thin-walled vessels with wide openings. Thrombi are observed in the cavities. Cavernous hemangioma usually affects the gastrointestinal tract. Often it is a vascular tumor of the skin.
It looks like a spongy neoplasm filled with blood. It is bumpy and red-cyanotic. However, many types of hemangiomas are distinguished, depending on additional features - the features of their structure, character.
The cavernous variety has purple hues. Usually such a tumor is a spot that rises above the skin. At the same time, most of the affected area is located inside, under the skin. This is a spongy formation that sometimes affects muscle tissue. This phenomenon is dangerous due to the fact that there is an increased vulnerability to injury. Sometimes bleeding opens, and this increases the likelihood of infection. If the angioma is large, there may be a violation of blood circulation in the affected area. Then anomalies will appear in he althy tissue nearby.
Lymphangioma is also isolated - a tumor of the vessels of the lymphatic system. It is limited, cavernous, progressive. Children are most susceptible to the first type. The location of such a vascular tumor, as a rule, is on the thigh or on the buttocks.
Cavernous are most often congenital. Progressive lymphangioma usually occurs in males. It looks like a pink neoplasm on the limbs, less often on the trunk.

Superficial hemangioma
Usually people suffer from superficial hemangiomas. And even if these are not malignant vascular tumors, theycan cause a lot of discomfort to the owner. Those who carefully monitor their appearance suffer especially.
The superficial variety is usually congenital and may also appear early in life. This is a painless point that is located on the face.
Sometimes there are tumors of the choroid. Less often it is noticed on the neck, in the scalp. Girls are three times more likely to have these lesions than boys.
The main duty of parents is to pay close attention to the appearance of even small formations. Pathological processes of this kind are very insidious: they can grow instantly, spreading throughout the body. Vascular tumors of the face can lead to skin necrosis, ulcers with bleeding may appear. Subsequently, inflammatory processes may begin. And even if the neoplasms are painless, they can harm the appearance. They can be extremely difficult to eradicate once they have grown rapidly.
However, diagnosing hemangioma in childhood is not difficult. The main signs - the tumor decreases, if it is squeezed, it becomes pale. If you release it, it will fill with blood again, turning red. At the same time, pain does not occur, the neoplasm does not bother the child in any way.

Treatment tactics
It is noteworthy that, according to some doctors, hemangioma sometimes does not need to be treated. She disappears on her own. And doctors confirm that, as a rule, vascular tumorsupon reaching 5-7 years, they dissolve without leaving a trace. However, the decision to use expectant management should be taken directly by the specialist. It is necessary to take into account the clinical picture, the development of pathology.
There is no doubt that formations that interfere with eating, breathing, hearing should be treated as soon as possible. Be sure to remove tumors on the eyelids, otherwise they can damage the visual organs. The danger is represented by vascular tumors of the brain, as well as hemangiomas, located in places where there is constant friction. We are talking about the genital area, neck, neck, back.
Sometimes parents are very afraid of surgical interventions in the early years of a child's life. But do not be afraid of the removal of vascular tumors - because modern medicine reduces the risks of complications to a minimum, operations of this kind are painless and safe for children. In addition, earlier removal reduces the likelihood that in the future they will be bothered by cosmetic defects associated with a hemangioma.
Stellate hemangioma
In children older than 5 years, as well as in pregnant women, the so-called "spider nevus" often occurs. It is a reddened neoplasm, vessels radiate from it. Sometimes you can even see the ripple in them.
Wine stains
Parents begin to worry a lot when they notice port-wine stains in their child. They are large, located on the neck, face, head. As a rule, they are not convex, but red or bluish. Such formations have uneven edges. ita cosmetic defect that is not amenable to any surgical intervention.
Cherry angiomas
People over 30 often develop multiple cherry angiomas. Their diameter is about 1-5 mm. At first they are red-cherry, and then they reach up to burgundy. Often there are a lot of them - there can be several tens or hundreds of them. As a rule, these are not malignant tumors, but if their number increases sharply, this phenomenon is a direct indication for contacting an oncologist.

Combined hemangiomas
While superficial hemangiomas affect only the patient's emotional state and are not accompanied by pain, tumors under the skin can cause discomfort. If they are located in the internal organs, this can negatively affect the life of the whole organism. Functions of internal organs are disturbed.
Pineal hemangioma
This is a common type of cavernous hemangioma. It is a small tumor of dark red hues. Usually located on the face. Usually brings a lot of psycho-emotional discomfort to the owner.
Venous hemangioma
Venous vascular tumor is a cyanotic protrusion on the skin. As a rule, it appears in a place characteristic of varicose veins. For example, it can easily occur on the limbs of an adult. Such a tumor speaks of the beginning of a whole complex of pathologies in the veins. Here it stagnatesdeoxygenated blood. Usually thrombi are localized here. Angioma of this nature is not inclined to affect the main vessels, it is located in the muscles or deep in the tissues. The danger lies in the fact that the affected area can expand greatly in a very short time. Then a whole network of communicating foci of branched angioma is formed.
Treatment of superficial brain tumors
It is noteworthy that sometimes there is a vascular tumor in the brain. In such a case, the person suffers from many additional symptoms, usually. So, problems with maintaining balance can begin. A vascular tumor of the brain provokes pain, dizziness, and it can double in the eyes. The patient usually gets tired quickly. For these reasons, treatment in this case must begin immediately, at the first symptomatology, contacting a doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

Diagnosing superficial vascular lesions is not difficult - the signs of these phenomena have been studied quite well. In any case, additional histological studies are required to establish the exact type of tumor, to exclude the possibility that it is malignant. Treat benign pathologies is not always. But there are indications for mandatory therapy.
So, it is imperative to get rid of angiomas, which often bleed, in which ulcers appear. If the tumor grows rapidly, immediate medical attention is also necessary. Sometimes an angioma interferes with comfortable wearing,shoes. If, with the appearance of a neoplasm, the functional abilities of internal organs decrease, it is important to remove it in a timely manner.
Treatment methods
Modern medicine includes many methods of therapy for vascular tumors of various nature. For the most part, they are aimed at stopping the further development of angioma, resuming blood flow in the affected area. It also removes tissue that has been irrevocably deformed.
One of the most promising methods of therapy is laser surgery. The tumor is removed in layers without destroying intact tissues. This is an effective technique.
If the tumor is small, electrocoagulation is often used. This is a procedure that consists in cauterizing the affected areas with current. Although this method is painful, it is effective.
Cryotherapy is the effect of cold on a vascular tumor. Freeze the affected area with nitrogen or carbon dioxide. As a rule, the procedure is easily tolerated by children, it is effective.
Other methods of treatment require a neoplasm that is located in hard-to-reach places or has already managed to grow over a fairly large area. In this case, radiation therapy helps - shock doses of radiation are used. This requires additional treatment.
Sometimes surgeons-oncologists resort to sclerotherapy of tumors. During it, a special composition is introduced into the tissue, as a rule, it is based on alcohol. This procedure is painful, and it is used quite rarely: the duration of the full course is quite long.
Sometimes the mostThe most effective method is surgical intervention. This is especially true of vascular tumors that are located deep in the tissues. In some cases, this is generally the only way to get rid of the pathology, while other methods simply cannot cope with this task.
If it is not possible to carry out surgical treatment of an extensive angioma, they resort to hormonal therapy. Hormones are able to stop the further development of the tumor, the vascular networks of the affected area begin to dry.

Folk remedies
Treats offered by traditional healers are popular and capable. Relying on them completely and getting rid of a vascular tumor is unlikely to work - not a single person without special medical equipment can accurately determine the type of tumor. Whether it is malignant or benign - only the analysis will confirm.
Traditional healers suggest using tinctures of medicinal herbs to get rid of hemangiomas. As a rule, aloe, celandine, walnut are used. There are also radical methods - pulling small tumors in such a way that blood stops flowing to them. But it must be borne in mind that you should not resort to any method without informing the attending physician. So, celandine is generally poisonous, and if a person takes tinctures from it, this can make basic treatments ineffective or harmful. If the doctor is already treating the patient's vascular tumor through radiation therapy, and the patient secretly takes celandine from the doctor,the body may simply not withstand such a concentration of toxic and harmful effects.
Folk tinctures are prepared simply - you need to take two tablespoons of the plant and pour 0.5 vodka. Putting the tincture in a dark place, they forget about it for two weeks, having previously covered the product tightly with a lid. After this period, they begin to accept it.
Hemangioma inside the brain
It is important to diagnose a tumor in the brain as soon as possible. After all, if it grows, the consequences can be the most severe. If in other internal organs it would not cause such harm, here its effect may be critical. As a rule, such pathologies arise as a consequence of craniocerebral trauma. Sometimes the reasons lie in the hereditary factor.

Often a vascular tumor of the brain leads to the appearance of epileptic seizures, thinking disorders, intellectual abilities can be significantly reduced. The sense of smell, taste are disturbed, speech can become slurred. Sometimes a person suffers from vomiting, tinnitus, vision may deteriorate.
If an aneurysm develops near the tumor, hemorrhage may begin. A brain tumor sometimes resolves on its own, but this does not always happen. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid serious damage to the body.
Modern technologies consist in catheterization of cerebral vessels, which provides access to the neoplasm, and the introduction of special compounds here. They are the ones who fillcavity and prevent further tumor development.
It is important to consider that such lesions are widespread among the population. Nevertheless, there are still cases when their diagnosis is difficult. It is not always possible to differentiate a vascular tumor of a particular type from similar neoplasms.