Perianal warts are warts in the area around the opening of the anus. The rash can also spread into the rectum. In this case, doctors talk about anal warts. Such formations are of viral origin. The disease in which warts form is called papillomatosis. This is one of the sexually transmitted diseases. How to get rid of warts?
Perianal warts are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many strains of this microorganism. Warts in this area are most often caused by infection with HPV genotype 6 or 11.

Papillomaviruses are often oncogenic and without treatment can lead to the development of malignant tumors. However, HPV types 6 and 11 have low oncogenicity, and the likelihood of warts turning into oncological formations is extremely small.
Transmission routes
Most often these types of HPV are transmitted sexually. The infection spreads through any kind of unprotected contact (anal, vaginal, oral). Many people are carriers of this virus. In rare cases, infection occurs through the household route. You can get an infection using someone else's bedding, clothes, and towels. The virus is also transmitted while visiting the pool or solarium. Very often, anal and perianal warts are combined with rashes in the genital area. In this case, a pregnant woman can infect a child during childbirth. An infected newborn has warts in the throat and larynx.
Provoking factors
Condylomas of the perianal area do not appear immediately after infection. The incubation period can be very long - from several weeks to several years. All this time the virus is in human cells in an inactive state. Perianal condylomas occur only when a person's immunity decreases. This can happen under the influence of the following adverse factors:
- hypothermia;
- avitaminosis;
- pregnancy and childbirth;
- stress;
- smoking and excessive drinking;
- after suffering a cold;
- after exacerbation of chronic diseases.

All these conditions and diseases lead to a decrease in the body's defenses and activation of the virus.
The papillomavirus enters the body through contact of mucous membranesshells of an infected person with the patient's skin. The pathogen enters the dermis through small wounds and cuts. The microorganism can be in the deep layers of the skin and not make itself felt. With a decrease in immunity, HPV begins to actively multiply and comes to the surface of the skin. Eruptions appear on the epidermis in the form of warts. Most often, primary rashes form on the mucous membrane of the genitals. Then they grow and move to the anus. This is how perianal warts occur.
It is important to remember that a person is contagious from the moment the rash appears. However, the patient is not always aware of his disease. Warts can be located not only on the skin around the anus, but inside the anus. In this case, they are not visible, they can only be detected during a medical examination.
Appearance of rashes
When HPV is infected, 2 types of rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes. They differ from each other in appearance:
Genital warts of the perianal region. They look like papilla-shaped warts that rise above the skin. Their color usually differs little from the shade of the main part of the epidermis. At the beginning of the disease, they appear as single rashes on the skin. If left untreated, warts merge. Formations appear in the form of a comb or head of cauliflower

Flat warts. They are much less common than genital perianal warts. This is a more dangerous type of rash, since flat-shaped warts are very difficult todiscover. Usually the patient learns about them only after contacting a doctor. They only rise slightly above the skin and are very often flesh-colored, so they are often not detected even during a medical examination
Photos of perianal warts can be seen above.
Skin rashes in the form of sharp or flat warts are not the only symptom of papillomatosis. The patient is also disturbed by other unpleasant manifestations:
- Itching and burning in the anal area.
- You may feel pain in your perineum.
- With large internal warts, discomfort and a feeling of a foreign body in the anus appear.
- In advanced cases, bloody and purulent discharge comes out of the rectum.
Painful sensations can be aggravated by accidental irritation and trauma to the affected area with underwear. It is important to remember that papillomatosis is often observed in a patient along with other sexual infections - chlamydia, genital herpes, etc. In this case, pain in the perineum and pathological discharge are noted much more often. Also, due to injury to the rash, a secondary bacterial infection can join HPV.
The treatment of perianal condylomas is carried out by a dermatovenereologist together with a proctologist. Diagnosis of the disease is usually easy:
- First, the doctor conducts an external examination of the perianal area. Already at this stage, a specialist may suspect the disease by characteristic rashes.
- Then the proctologist performs an endoscopicexamination using a sigmoidoscope. After all, warts are often localized not only outside, but also on the walls of the rectum.
- Additionally take a blood test for PCR diagnostics. This helps identify the HPV strain.

Doctors recommend that patients with papillomatosis undergo a comprehensive diagnosis for sexual infections. Often, along with HPV, other viruses and bacteria are also found in patients. If the patient has a permanent sexual partner, then he also needs to be examined. Often a person himself does not suspect that he is infected.
Medicated treatment
Treatment of genital warts of the perianal area is aimed at combating rashes and strengthening the patient's immunity. It should be remembered that it is absolutely useless to fight rashes with folk remedies. It is possible to remove warts by medical methods only with the help of special solutions:
- "Solcoderma";
- "Condilina";
- spray "Epigen Intimacy".
Each of these means has its advantages and disadvantages:
- The drug "Solcoderm" effectively destroys perianal warts. It contains acids that cauterize and mummify warts. To get rid of rashes, one procedure is often enough. However, this solution can only be used in a medical institution. If it comes into contact with he althy skin, it can cause burns.
- Solution "Kondilin" with extensive rashes sometimes have touse multiple times. In one procedure, they can process no more than 50 genital warts. It can be used at home. However, it is desirable that the first procedure is carried out by a doctor.

Spray "Epigen Intim" is the most gentle remedy. It does not cause burns when it comes into contact with he althy skin. However, with extensive rashes, the spray is not effective enough
Also, antiviral rectal suppositories "Panavir" and "Genferon" are used for the treatment of genital warts. These drugs are good at fighting the causative agent of the disease, but their use is not enough to get rid of rashes.
Oral drugs are also prescribed to fight the virus:
- "Cycloferon".
- "Panavir".
- "Isoprinosine".
- "Groprinosin".

Strengthening the body's defenses plays a big role in the treatment. For this purpose, multivitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed ("Polyoxidonium", "Immunolmax").
Surgical removal of warts
Removal of perianal warts by surgical methods allows you to get rid of rashes in a short time. Such methods of treatment are much more effective than the treatment of rashes with cauterizing solutions. Currently, the following wart removal methods are used:
- Cryodestruction. The neoplasm is removed with liquid nitrogen. Warts are frozen, then on thema white crust is formed. It falls off after a few weeks. After 4-6 months, the patient's normal skin color is restored, and there is no trace of genital warts.
- Laser therapy. This is the most painless way of surgical treatment. The laser cauterizes and destroys wart cells. After the treatment, there is no scarring.
- Radioknife. This is a rather expensive method for removing genital warts. Warts are cut off under local anesthesia, and the blood vessels at the site of the lesion are cauterized. This helps to avoid infection and bleeding.
- Removal with a scalpel. This is the most traumatic method of surgical treatment. It is rarely used at present. Traditional excision of warts is indicated only for extensive rashes and suspicion of malignancy of the formations. In this case, the removed areas of the rash are sent to the laboratory for histological examination.

The recovery period after removal of warts may take a different time. Healing can last from 7 to 30 days. The skin should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or decoctions of chamomile and calendula. After the operation, the doctor prescribes antiviral and pain medications:
- "Panavir".
- "Miramistin".
- "Ketorol".
- "Ibuprofen".
The most easy recovery period after laser and radio wave therapy. If warts were removed with a scalpel, then rehabilitation may take up to 1 month.
It is impossible to get rid of HPV completely. This virus, once introduced into the cells of the body, remains in them forever. You can only take measures to prevent exacerbations of papillomatosis. To do this, you must first of all strengthen your immunity, eat right, avoid hypothermia and colds, and also observe hygiene. This will help keep the virus inactive.
Preventing HPV infection is quite difficult. After all, more than half of adults are carriers of this virus. However, the following measures can help reduce the risk of infection:
- avoid promiscuity;
- using a condom;
- refusing to use other people's personal belongings;
- Regular HPV testing.
Today, the vaccines "Gardasil" and "Cervarix" against HPV have been developed. However, the vaccine protects against infection only if the patient is not infected with this strain of the virus. Therefore, before vaccination, it is necessary to take an HPV test.