Folic acid deficiency in the body: symptoms, causes, consequences for the body

Folic acid deficiency in the body: symptoms, causes, consequences for the body
Folic acid deficiency in the body: symptoms, causes, consequences for the body

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that our body can produce on its own, but in very small amounts. Theoretically, the main part of vitamin B9 should come with food, but now it is quite difficult to make a diet so that all the necessary nutrients come in the required amount, especially when it comes to urban residents. In light of this, the symptoms of a lack of folic acid in the body are felt by many people.

The role of vitamin in the human body

Acid is involved in the production of red blood cells. It is due to B9 that protein synthesis occurs in hemoglobin. Simply put, the optimal amount of B9 in the body allows you to ensure a good blood composition and normalize carbon and fat metabolism.

Vitamin is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, the molecules of which contain the geneticinformation. B9 allows the child to grow normally and promotes the renewal of all cells.

Folic acid promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness; if there is a lack of it, depression may develop.

The main thing to remember is that acid breaks down under the influence of light and high temperatures, so fruits and vegetables containing it should be consumed raw. An artificially synthesized vitamin also cannot be stored for a long time.

Lack of acid
Lack of acid


If there are symptoms of a lack of folic acid in the body, then this problem should be addressed immediately. The lack of this substance can affect not only appearance and he alth, but also on subsequent generations.

The shortage of acid in Russia is particularly acute, because due to geographical features, people cannot constantly have green vegetables and salad on the table. Although a similar trend is observed in other countries, in France, Northern Europe and Spain.

Canada and the United States have gone the other way, they enrich many products, including grain, with additional vitamin, that is, at the state level, the prevention of lack of B9.

However, poor nutrition is not the only problem. Almost all folates are destroyed during cooking. The amount of vitamin decreases in the body while taking a number of medications: anticonvulsant and antitumor.

Dysbiosis, that is, a decrease in beneficial intestinal flora, plays an important role. Lead to this stateinflammatory processes and treatment with antibacterial agents.

early baldness
early baldness

There is a danger of oversupply

Excess of useful substances and vitamins in the body is a rather rare occurrence. However, the likelihood of hypervitaminosis is possible with uncontrolled use of the drug. Symptoms of a lack of folic acid in the body and an overabundance are even very similar in some ways. Nervousness, intestinal discomfort, and increased gas formation may occur. Perhaps even the appearance of 12-deficiency anemia and kidney disease. It is dangerous when intoxication occurs in a latent form, especially in pregnant women. The consequences of an excess of the vitamin can be seen only in a newborn. These babies may have impaired cognitive abilities, visual impairment and a predisposition to obesity and bronchial asthma.

But, fortunately, an overabundance is very rare, because the vitamin is excreted from the body with urine.

Reason for shortages

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency in the body in men and women can be observed from birth. This condition is possible against the background of a genetic failure and disturbances in the development of the fetus. But this happens extremely rarely, and the shortage appears against the background of a number of factors:

  • lack of greens in the diet;
  • abuse of foods high in preservatives, consumption of convenience foods;
  • eating only boiled or fried foods;
  • frequent consumption of large quantities of alcoholic beverages;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking certain medications;
  • pathology of the circulatory system.
Wrinkled face
Wrinkled face


Symptoms of folic acid deficiency in the body of a woman and a man can manifest themselves in different systems. First of all, it is the circulatory and hematopoietic systems. Red blood cells cannot become complete, so megaloblastic anemia develops. And this unequivocally leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs. All this happens against the backdrop of decreased performance, brittle nails and hair loss.

Another common symptom of a lack of folic acid in the body is a violation of the psycho-emotional state. This is due to the fact that the normal production of norepinephrine and serotonin is disrupted. As a result, a person has depression, constant mood swings, it seems that stress does not leave the body. A common symptom is insomnia and constant nervousness. There may even be memory problems, apathy.

Lack of B9 adversely affects reproductive function. Men with this deficiency cannot fertilize a woman. Fertility worsens, spermatozoa are “sluggish” and inactive. Paternal DNA is broken in many spermatozoa.

In addition, with a lack of B9, pallor of the skin can be observed, acne and age spots often appear, and other rashes. Often there is a decrease in weight against the background of a disorder of the digestive system.

Symptoms in women withpregnancy

The lack of folic acid in the body of a future mother can be a real tragedy. These women have a huge risk of early miscarriage. The embryo in this situation is not able to fix normally in the uterus, as a result, the woman's body rejects the fetus.

Even if a woman manages to bear a child, it is likely that the baby will have disorders in the development of the brain and limbs. Another possible outcome is a non-closure of the spinal canal. These babies are usually underweight.

Consequences for a child with a lack of folic acid during pregnancy - abnormal development or underdevelopment of the neural tube of the fetus, which is formed already on the 16th day after conception. It is at this moment that the laying of physical and mental he alth occurs. Therefore, it is often recommended to start taking B9 not even in the early stages of pregnancy, but during the conception planning period.

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman


It has long been known that a lack of folic acid in a child's body is characterized by anemia. And this is typical for premature babies and those with low weight. Also, inadequate feeding and problems with the digestive tract can lead to a lack of a vitamin.

If a child has autism, studies show that increasing the amount of vitamin in the body can improve verbal communication skills and reduce the level of behavioral symptoms characteristic of sick children. Although the origin of autism is not known, a link has been established betweenthe amount of acid in the body and disease.

Newborn baby
Newborn baby


Lack of vitamin will not allow the body to fully cope with the environment and infections. The risk of developing thrombosis and anemia increases. There is a high probability of early baldness and skin pigmentation.

Menopause in women is much more difficult to tolerate against the background of a lack of acid. The lack of vitamin in the body negatively affects the appearance, and this manifests itself in a large number of wrinkles. In some patients, there is a decrease in the normal digestibility of fats and protein. It is also possible the onset of one of the varieties of anemia - megaloblastic anemia.

Daily Value

In order not to feel the symptoms of a lack of folic acid in the body in women and men, the vitamin should be supplied in a volume of 400 mg per day. In some cases and during pregnancy, an increased dosage may be required, up to 600 mcg.

Recommended doses by age:

  • up to 6 months - 65mcg;
  • 6 to 12 months - 80mcg;
  • 1 to 3 years - 150mcg;
  • 3 to 17 years - 200 mcg.

The amount of vitamin is adjusted depending on the physical activity of a particular person, that is, athletes need more. Older people also need more acid.

Food content

In order not to face a lack of folic acid in the body and the consequences, you shouldadjust your diet. First of all, a large amount of vitamin is found in green onions and lettuce, broccoli, parsley. Spinach, walnuts, basil, Chinese cabbage, coriander and a number of other vegetables that are dark green in color are found in significant amounts.

Folic acid is found in eggs and meat, fish, but after heat treatment it completely evaporates. You should also remember that greens grown in greenhouses contain much less vitamin B9.

Foods with vitamin B9
Foods with vitamin B9

How to track the intake of a vitamin in the body

First of all, it is recommended to eat liver, caviar and eggs. Naturally, the menu should contain fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also recommended to eat cheese and cottage cheese.

During pregnancy, childhood or the presence of oncological diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to use additional sources of replenishment of the body's vitamins - use synthetic forms of acid. By the way, artificial acid is absorbed by the human body much better.

Refusal of alcohol
Refusal of alcohol

It is recommended to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum and increase the consumption of live yoghurts, biokefir.

Do not forget that you will need an increased amount of acid during sunbathing and in stressful situations.
