Eye keratitis: symptoms and treatment

Eye keratitis: symptoms and treatment
Eye keratitis: symptoms and treatment

Keratitis of the eye is an inflammation of the cornea, manifested as lacrimation, photophobia, blepharospasm. May be of infectious or traumatic origin. There are several complications of keratitis, which manifest as a sharp decrease in vision resulting from corneal clouding.

Feature of the disease

Keratitis of the eye, the photo of which clearly demonstrates the peculiarity of the disease, is characterized by the presence of inflammation in the cornea, which can be of viral or bacterial origin. Fungal keratitis is very rare. This is a fairly serious disease that requires the provision of competent and timely medical care. If the patient turns to the doctor late, then corneal suppuration and death of the organ of vision may occur.

Eye keratitis
Eye keratitis

Keratitis of the eye, the photo of which allows you to determine what kind of disease it is, clinically looks like a violation of the transparency of the cornea. The inflammatory process is based on an infiltrate consisting of various cells. An important role in the diagnosis is played by the depth of its location. Superficial infiltrates resolve very quicklyon their own, but deep ones leave pronounced scarring and severe clouding.

What are the types of keratitis

Many suffer from a variety of eye diseases. One of the most complex and dangerous eye disease is keratitis, which can occur in a variety of forms, namely:

  • filamentous;
  • acanthamoeba;
  • fungal;
  • viral.

The filamentous type of disease occurs due to insufficient activity of the lacrimal glands. It mainly develops against the background of dry eye syndrome. The cornea and conjunctivitis dry out, resulting in an inflammatory-dystrophic process, and visual acuity decreases. In severe cases, there may be a prolapse of the membranes of the eye.

Herpetic keratitis
Herpetic keratitis

Fungal keratitis of the eye occurs when parasitizing various types of fungi. Acanthamoeba type of the disease occurs when there are amoebae in the body. Infection can occur when swimming in fresh water in contact lenses, washing them with water and other liquids that are not intended for this procedure. This form is characterized by a sluggish flow.

Viral keratitis of the eye develops against the background of a viral infection, in particular, such as mumps, measles, chickenpox and many other diseases. This form is characterized by the formation of rashes that look like bubbles, swelling and redness of the eyes. The cornea becomes cloudy and ulcers may form on it. Basically, this disease occurs in children and adolescents.


Eye disease keratitis, depending on the cause, can be traumatic and infectious. Traumatic type occurs as a result of damage to the cornea by foreign bodies, improperly growing eyelashes. An infectious species occurs when pathogens enter the membrane of the eye.

In addition, there may also be many other causes of the pathological process, in particular, such as:

  • prolonged wearing of contact lenses and improper care of them;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • presence of worms in the body;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • systemic infections;
  • eye irritation.

Keratitis of the cornea of the eye can also occur in the presence of allergies. In people prone to allergic reactions, various kinds of diseases of the organs of vision can occur. The cause of the pathological process in this case is exposure to allergens.

Causes of keratitis
Causes of keratitis

Quite common is herpetic keratitis of the eye, which develops as a result of the penetration of the herpes simplex virus into the body, which remains in it for life. For a long time, it may not manifest itself at all and begins to activate only when exposed to provoking factors, in particular, when the immune system is weakened. It is enough to transfer the herpes virus on the lips after hypothermia, as it will spread tothe cornea of the eye.

Signs and symptoms

Regardless of the form of the course of the disease, the symptoms of keratitis of the eye have some similarity. First of all, the disease manifests itself in the form of severe pain. The degree of their severity largely depends on the severity and form of the pathological process. Among the characteristic signs, photophobia should be distinguished, and the patient also feels the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

Blepharospasm may additionally be observed, in which the eyelids close themselves. This occurs as a result of irritation of the receptors of the trigeminal nerve. In the presence of keratitis, blurred vision necessarily occurs. The picture has fuzzy edges and appears somewhat blurry. Headaches can also join, which are most pronounced on the side of the diseased eye.

There may be accumulation and discharge of pus. With a sluggish and chronic inflammatory process, a vascular network appears in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. Bacterial keratitis is a very serious disease, as it can lead to temporary disability or even blindness. In addition to general signs, during the examination, an infiltrate and mucopurulent contents provoked by conjunctivitis are detected.

Symptoms of keratitis
Symptoms of keratitis

The bacterial form progresses very quickly, and after the collapse of the infiltrate, an ulcer forms. The defect of the cornea consists of two parts, one of which heals very quickly, leaving scars, and the other progresses more and more, covering new areas.

The most common type is consideredviral keratitis of the eye, which leads to a significant decrease in the sensitivity of the cornea. It affects the surface layer, where bubbles form, which, bursting, turn into erosion, resembling tree branches in their shape.

Non-infectious forms of keratitis have virtually no symptoms, so they are discovered quite by accident. They are determined by the characteristic swelling in the center of the cornea, as well as the presence of inflammation and erosion. A purulent infiltrate forms at the site of the injury in 2-4 days, due to the addition of an infection.

When the first signs of a disease occur, you should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and, if necessary, subsequent complex treatment.


The doctor can make a diagnosis of "keratitis of the eye" only after seeing the patient. Such people mostly wear dark glasses or cover their eyes with a handkerchief, as the organs of vision react very painfully to lighting.

First of all, the doctor collects a complete medical history in order to have an idea about the course of the disease. After that, he conducts an external examination and palpates, if possible, suspicious areas. In addition, one of the diagnostic methods is ophthalmoscopy, during which the eye area and adnexa are examined. The level of fundus reflexes is assessed.

Diagnosis of keratitis
Diagnosis of keratitis

If a disease of an endogenous nature is suspected, the patient should be examined for the presence of concomitant pathologies. Also shown is themicroscopy of eye scrapings and determination of the causative agent of the disease. Allows you to assess the state of the structure of the anterior chamber of the eye biomicroscopy.

After conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the form of the pathological process.

Feature of treatment

Treatment of eye keratitis is aimed at eliminating the existing symptoms and the causes of the pathological process. That is why therapy should be carried out in a complex manner. If the disease is shallow and proceeds without complications, then the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Acute keratitis of the eye is treated exclusively in a hospital.

The bacterial form of the pathological process implies taking antibiotics externally. It can be erythromycin or tetracycline ointment. In especially advanced cases, a solution of "Monomycin", "Kanamycin", "Neomycin" can be injected under the conjunctiva. Antibacterial agents can be administered orally or intramuscularly into the body. If keratitis has a fungal form, then antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Eye keratitis treatment
Eye keratitis treatment

An ophthalmologist may prescribe antimicrobial, disinfectant or anti-inflammatory drops, such as Floxal, Torbex, Oftawix, Naklof. If the integrity of the epithelium is not violated, then hormonal drops can be additionally prescribed, in particular, such as Maxidex or Desmetasone.

Quite often, during the course of this disease, adhesions can form, so drugs are prescribed that contribute topupil dilation. In case of severe infection, the doctor may prescribe washing the tear ducts with special antibacterial drugs.

Be sure to additionally apply physiotherapy measures, in particular, such as:

  • phonophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Sometimes a doctor may recommend the use of biogenic stimulants. With herpetic lesions, the treatment of keratitis of the eyes is carried out by using the Zovirax ointment and the drug Acyclovir. The intake of vitamin complexes is indicated for absolutely any form of the pathological process. In the most advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated. Among the most popular methods, cryotherapy, keratoplasty, and laser coagulation should be singled out. It is very important to stick to proper nutrition and follow a special diet prescribed by your doctor.

Use of folk remedies

Treatment of keratitis with folk remedies can be combined with traditional methods of therapy. Sea buckthorn oil will help eliminate photophobia and pain. In the first days of the course of the disease, 1-2 drops should be instilled every hour, and then every 3 hours. The use of sea buckthorn oil is especially effective in traumatic keratitis.

Often, the treatment of keratitis comes down to the use of special lotions. Basically they are done 2-3 times a day for 1 hour. Beforehand, the place for the compress must be wiped. Lotions can be made with clay. To do this, on a napkin you need to apply a layer of clay with a thickness of about2-3 cm so that it does not crack. The mixture should be quite thick and dense, without lumps.

People appreciate the eye grass, which is called eyebright. With a decoction, wash the eyes with 3-4 drops or make a compress. To do this, take 1 tsp. flowering eyebright for 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, and then insist for 2-3 hours. In addition, the intake of this remedy inside is shown.

Features of the flow in children

Symptoms and treatment of eye keratitis in children can be very different, since the disease can occur due to a viral or bacterial infection. The herpetic form occurs mainly in children under the age of 5 when in contact with the herpes virus, since the child's body does not have specific immunity. This disease is characterized by an acute onset, redness, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, swelling, and lacrimation.

Bacterial keratitis is characterized by the presence of a purulent ulcer on the cornea. The causative agent is coccal flora, which develops when a foreign body enters the eye or in case of microtrauma. In the center of the cornea, a gray infiltrate is formed, which over time acquires a yellowish tint, characteristic of purulent discharge. The pathological process can develop very quickly and ends with the formation of a thorn in the eye after perforation of the cornea. In children, this form is quite rare.

It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and subsequent treatment of the disease. It is very important to complete in a timely mannercomprehensive treatment to prevent complications.

Features of the course of the disease in animals

Very often keratitis can occur in the eye of a dog. Among the main reasons for the formation of this disease can be identified as:

  • microorganisms;
  • avitaminosis;
  • injury;
  • decreased immunity;
  • melanin deposition and increased pigmentation;
  • genetic predisposition.

The risk group for this disease includes collies, Pekingese, pugs, bulldogs. Also, cats can often suffer from this disease, especially Persian and British breeds.

Eye keratitis in dogs
Eye keratitis in dogs

Among the first signs of the onset of the disease are photophobia, lacrimation, clouding of the cornea and the presence of discharge from the eyes. The pathological process can spread to the surface layer and deeper tissues. If you do not show your pet to the veterinarian in a timely manner, the disease can lead to very serious complications, in particular, such as thickening of the eyelid, corneal ulcer, and many others. Treatment of the disease must be carried out by a qualified veterinarian. At home, you can wash your eyes with a solution of boric acid, instill antibacterial drops, for example, such as Levomycetin. In addition, Tetracycline antibacterial ointment can be placed in the conjunctival sac.

Consequences of the disease

Keratitis can leave scars on the cornea of the eye, the presencewhich significantly affects the level of visual acuity. That is why you need to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. Complications largely depend on the nature of the inflammatory process, the area of its localization, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.

Prevention measures

To avoid the occurrence of infection and maintain good he alth of the organs of vision, it is imperative to carry out preventive measures, which include:

  • injury prevention;
  • timely replacement of contact lenses;
  • treatment of inflammation of the eyes and viral infections;
  • avoiding contact with patients with infectious diseases.

In addition, it is worth remembering that a timely visit to the doctor significantly reduces the risk of complications.
