People remember the papilloma virus only when it makes itself felt by visible manifestations. But not everyone knows that most of us are carriers of this viral disease. In addition to purely cosmetic discomfort, this virus is the cause of cervical cancer in women and many other troubles. This article is about the ways of infection, preventive measures, treatment of papillomas.
Omnipresent and diverse
The human papillomavirus has been known for a long time - it is he who is responsible for the benign growth of cells and the formation of various types of warts (papillomas) on the skin and mucous membranes (warts). But he came under the close attention of doctors when his direct connection with cervical cancer in women was discovered - in 90% of biopsy samples, the human papillomavirus is found. At the same time, about 70% of the world's population are its carriers and these are all age groups - children, adults and the elderly. The virus occurs in men andwomen, is available on all continents of the planet. Today, more than 600 strains of papillomaviruses occur in humans, more than 40 of which cause the formation of vulgar (common) warts, papillomas and condylomas. The virus has a certain trophicity to the urogenital tract and to the skin.

Polyomavirus family
All human papillomaviruses belong to the Papillomaviridae family, which consists of 5 genera and 27 species. The Human papillomavirus species includes more than 100 strains with varying degrees of human pathogenicity. The dimensions of the virion (extracellular form) have a diameter of 45 nanometers and cubic symmetry. These are viruses with a simple capsid (shell) and a nucleoid containing double-stranded DNA. About 100 serotypes have been registered and assigned numbers. In the external environment, the virion is unstable, but for some time it can remain contagious on objects.
Routes of entry into the body
The "reservoir" of the infection is only a person. For the penetration of the papillomavirus into the epithelial cells requires direct contact. Infection most often occurs during unprotected intercourse with an infected person, and the clinical manifestations of the disease may be absent. Self-infection is possible during shaving, epilation and other skin-damaging procedures.
In the acute form, when the virus is present in the saliva, it is possible to be infected by contact-household. In addition, the papillomavirus is quite stable in the aquatic environment, so it can be infected in the pool, sauna. You can catch the virus in a medical office in the absence of the required equipment sterilization. Infection of a newborn is possible if the mother has genital warts in the birth canal and on the genitals.
What happens in cells after a virus attack
After getting through damaged integuments and mucous membranes, the virus infects the lower layer of epithelial cells. In cells, it can be present in two forms: episomal (when the virus genome is not integrated into the cell genome) and integrated (embeds its hereditary material into the DNA of the host cell). The result of a virus entering a cell is a violation of its life cycle and uncontrolled growth.

The number of young viruses in the cell increases, epithelial cells do not go through a full cycle of differentiation. The structure of the epithelium is disturbed, thickenings and epithelial outgrowths of a benign or malignant nature are formed, which depends on the type of papillomavirus and on the immune status of the human body.
Pathogen serotypes
Papillomavirus has more than 100 varieties or serotypes. About 40 of them cause various pathological manifestations in humans. At the same time, non-oncogenic serotypes are distinguished (human papillomavirus (HPV) types 1, 2, 3, 5), low-oncogenic serotypes and highly oncogenic (the most common are HPV16 and HPV18). Recent studies have moved more and more serotypes to the oncogenic category. It is HPV16 that in 54% of cases leads to cervical cancer in women. Treatment of the human papillomavirus in its early stagesdevelopment, which is why it is of great clinical importance. And in this direction, doctors are actively talking about the need for state infection screening programs.

Problem status today
According to medical statistics, in the US, the cost of diagnosing and treating human papillomavirus is second only to AIDS.
There is experimental evidence that this virus is an inducer of many types of cancer of the mucous membranes and skin. But the most significant thing is that it is he who causes the second most common cancer among women - cervical cancer.
Papillomavirus infection is often asymptomatic for quite a long period of time. And this is what causes the late diagnosis of human papillomavirus in women, while the treatment of advanced stages of cervical cancer is the most problematic. Often the only way to get rid of cancer is surgery.
Modern diagnostic methods may well prevent cancer from the papillomavirus in women, while the treatment of precancerous conditions and the initial stages of cancer always has a better chance of recovery.
Clinical picture of the disease
Once in the body, papillomoinfection begins with an incubation period. It can last from a month to several years, the virus during this period behaves quietly and does not manifest itself in any way. But with the onset of favorable conditions for the pathogen, its activity intensifies,there are visible signs of infection. Symptoms of the disease are the same in men and women and are characterized by the appearance of:
- Rough-surfaced papillomas, or warts vulgaris. Their diameter is up to 2 millimeters, they appear more often in groups on the hands, under the knees.
- Flat neoplasms of skin color. Often flushed and itchy.
- Flat neoplasms on the soles of the feet. In the initial stage, they look like dry corns. Over time, they become full-fledged papillomas.
- Papillomas are filiform - can reach up to 6 millimeters. Thin and yellow.
- Genital warts on mucous membranes. They don't cause pain. Sizes may vary. They are located on thin legs and have a flesh tone.
The impetus for the appearance of symptoms can be a decrease in the overall immune status of the body, smoking and alcoholism, stress, past infectious diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The risk group includes all sexually active segments of the population.

Diagnostic measures
In the stage of manifestation of the acute form of the disease, a gynecologist, urologist, and, of course, a dermatologist can diagnose it. The clinical picture with the appearance of papillomas leaves no doubt in the diagnosis. To determine the type of papillomavirus, additional studies are being carried out - a blood test for a polymerase chain reaction, quantitative HPV tests. Whether the papilloma virus in women has oncogenicity is determined by calposcopy and biopsytissues from the cervix.
Destructive treatment of papillomas
These are methods of getting rid of neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes.
- Cryodestruction, or treatment with liquid nitrogen. With this method of treating human papillomas, each neoplasm is subjected to freezing for 30 seconds. Before the papilloma completely disappears, 2-3 procedures will take place. After local treatment of the papilloma virus, only a small wound will remain, which will heal quickly. The method is quite inexpensive, does not require anesthesia, the efficiency is up to 80%. The disadvantages can be considered the appearance of pigmentation at the site of papilloma treatment. For women, this method causes a lot of concern.
- Laser therapy - exposure to a laser beam on papilloma causes the cellular contents to boil and turn it into a scab. It disappears within a week. The procedure requires local anesthesia, the effectiveness is up to 70%, residual scars are possible. Laser treatment of human papilloma is quite expensive.
- The method of deathermocoagulation involves exposure to neoplasms with high-frequency currents that destroy intracellular proteins and tissues. This method of treating human papillomas in women and men is appropriate for large single neoplasms, since coagulation of the vessels also occurs. The method is expensive, requires anesthesia, scarring is possible, but the effectiveness is up to 95%.
- The radio waves of the Surgitron device destroy the structure of cells and stimulate the coagulation of papilloma. Treatment of the virus in this way is safe, does not require anesthesia, is effective in 90% of cases, but is expensive.
Comprehensive approach is important
Treatment of the papilloma virus, in addition to destructive measures, involves the correction of the general immune status of the body. In this case, immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs based on interferons are used. Their use enhances the specific immune response and improves the status of the system.
As you know, it is impossible to completely get rid of papillomavirus. In 90% of cases, the body mutes the infection on its own, but in acute situations, treatment is necessary, and a specialist should prescribe it. Without eliminating the causes and treating papillomas, they can lead to sad consequences: cracks and bleeding in the localization of neoplasms, the addition of secondary infections and expansion of the affected area.
Modern medicine is not conservative
Herbalists and traditional healers say that there was no medicine in the classical sense when there were already papillomas. Alternative treatment of papillomas offers many recipes. Still, it's best to consult your doctor. Here are just a few recipes for topical treatment.
External application of freshly squeezed juice of green celandine will definitely lead to shrinkage of papilloma. True, such destruction can take a long time. In addition, this method is not recommended for removing warts on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Garlic cream enjoys good reviews. Two parts of any cream and one part of mashed garlic are taken. Lubricate the bandage with this mixture and make an application for 2-3 hours in the papilloma meta. Course duration fromtwo weeks.
If you are not afraid of additional pigmentation, you can use ground young walnuts. The tincture is prepared as follows: two-thirds of the nuts are taken into a three-liter jar, which are poured with pure kerosene. After three weeks of infusion, the liquid is filtered and placed in a dark glass bottle. The affected area of the skin is smeared in the morning and evening for at least 10 days.
Reviews about the treatment of papillomas with laundry soap are often exaggerated. After all, it contains components that, from the point of view of physicians, have no therapeutic value. The People's Council says that papillomas will disappear if a bandage with a thick layer of soaked soap is fixed on it at night. The procedure is advised to be carried out until the papilloma dries up. Well, you can try.

Papillomas on the body
These benign growths can appear on any part of the body, but more often they occur on the delicate skin of the armpits and on the neck. Treatment of papillomas is necessary when they cause concern, are located in places where they are subject to constant injury or for cosmetic purposes. In no case is it recommended to remove them yourself. Treatment of papillomas on the neck and other parts of the body is carried out in the following ways: cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen), exposure to podophyllin resin solution, laser removal.
Treatment of papillomas in a medical institution has another advantage - the collection of samples for histological examination. This procedure is carried out at the request of the patient. And although inin most cases, these neoplasms are benign in nature, it will never be superfluous to make sure of this.

HPV16 and HPV18
It is these serotypes that are deservedly considered the causes of flat condyloma of the cervix, which can degenerate into a malignant formation. Papillomavirus changes the shape and size of the nuclei of the epithelium, as a result of which condyloma grows and leads to cervical dysplasia. Flat warts are already the result of a long and chronic infectious process. Calposcopy will show the degree of malignancy of this formation. When malignant cells are detected, treatment is carried out in oncology dispensaries. Destructive and restorative methods of treatment are used.
It is with respect to flat warts of the cervix that the importance of vaccinating women of childbearing age from the age of 12 increases. Foreign statistics show positive dynamics on this issue. Oncological diseases in men associated with the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body have not been identified.
Prevention and vaccination
There is no specific prophylaxis against this infection. To prevent the appearance of papillomas, the treatment of which is always associated with certain risks, it is important to adhere to the general rules of body hygiene, strengthen the body's immune forces, and avoid promiscuity. Recall that up to 90% of people are carriers of this virus, and a condom is not a guarantee in the prevention of infection.
Vaccination against the virus in the world has not yet been invented, but there are manycertified vaccines that prevent the development of infection in the human body. Vaccination is recommended for women and men of childbearing age. Disputes about the safety of vaccination in the world of medicine are still ongoing. Among the side effects, infertility in women is often mentioned. Therefore, everyone must make such a decision for himself and consult with specialists.
Summing up
If you find papillomas in yourself, your partner or your child, do not panic and do not look for ways to self-medicate. The most correct choice is to contact a specialist who will establish the type of human papillomavirus. Treatment is prescribed only individually and only if necessary. Remember: the human papillomavirus in your body is more likely than not, and its activity directly depends on the effectiveness of the body's defenses. Take care of your he alth and the he alth of your loved ones.