Almost every person occasionally (if not often, but even constantly) is interested in the question: “Why are my ears blocked and my head is spinning?” The symptom does not seem to be too serious, especially if it does not repeat every day. But the sensations are undoubtedly the most unpleasant, so I would like to take some action so that I never encounter them again. It should be noted that the reasons for which the head is spinning (or even hurting), laying the ears, can be very different: from completely harmless to requiring immediate action. Let's deal with the most frequent ones, starting with the "lightest".

Sulfur plug
The most innocent of all factors! True, the accumulation of sulfur may indicate problems with metabolism, but this is an extremely rare case. If your ears are stuffed up and dizzy after a pool or bath, most likely the water or its vapors have softened the layers inside the ear, and they clogged it. In the case of a significant thickness of the cork, it shouldextract doctor. This is done quickly, by the district lore, and all discomfort disappears instantly.

Sudden movements
Many people complain that their ears are blocked and their head is spinning at the moment when they quickly get up. Most often this happens after a long sitting, especially on a soft one. The heart simply does not have time to deliver a slightly larger amount of blood to the brain. Symptoms can be supplemented by darkening in the eyes and even loss of balance. People with low blood pressure are most susceptible to this phenomenon. They are usually aware of this and try to get up smoothly.
The same reason, together with a quick change in visual images, explains the sensations of people who have blocked ears and feel dizzy when riding a carousel, driving a car, etc. So even people with developed vestibular apparatus.

Everyone who flew in an airplane faced it. The so-called "air hole" - and your ears are blocked and your head is spinning. This is caused by a sharp change in pressure in different parts of the ear. People who travel by plane often enough know that when taking off or shaking, you need to open your mouth. If you don't want to look stupid, drink water in small sips. However, barotrauma passes quickly enough and without outside intervention.
The daily routine is needed not only for children
Common truths people tend to ignore. But in vain! If you regularly have a headache, stuffy ears, and evenweakness with nausea is observed - it means that you have not been on vacation for a long time, and it is clearly not too early to go to bed. Overwork and lack of sleep cause such symptoms very often, and in workaholics they are the main ones.

The same manifestations can be provoked by improper, and most importantly, irregular nutrition. The body does not receive "fuel" and begins to burn itself. First of all, glucose is broken down - and you get a warning symptom: stuffy ears, dark before the eyes, nausea, dizziness, trembling legs, general weakness. If you do not immediately eat something (preferably sweet), fainting will follow. You will feel exactly the same way if you lose weight too fast.
Bad habits can also be attributed to this section. Smokers quite often have a headache, stuffy ears, dizziness is observed - this is caused by a lack of oxygen. The same symptoms are observed in those who spend too much time playing shooter video games like Quake.
Stress is to blame
Such popular opinion is fully justified in this case. With nervous tension, especially if it is prolonged in time, the state of "stuffed up ears and dizzy" is observed in ninety percent of people. It can be accompanied by a decrease in appetite - and at the same time nausea, it can bifurcate in parallel in the eyes, weakness can be observed, a person can lose spatial orientation or forget the most familiar things. Explanation - in abnormal (insufficient or excessive) saturationblood with oxygen. In most cases, with the elimination of stressful causes, discomfort also disappears. But in some cases, it is necessary to restore the normal state under the supervision of a doctor.

What diseases can these symptoms indicate
The list is quite long, let's list the most common cases.
- Tit.
- All diseases that cause nasal discharge. One of the first effects that a runny nose has is stuffy ears. The doctor will tell you what to do, it is quite possible that specialized treatment will be required.
- Viral infections, especially related to children: mumps, measles, rubella.
- Hypertension. Especially with sharp "jumps" in pressure, including those caused by medication.
- Allergy is most often medicinal. If your ears are stuffed up and your head is spinning shortly after you start taking new drugs, this may indicate your incompatibility with them.
- Migraine. Painful light and sound perception is added to the described signs.
- Osteochondrosis in the neck. Clamping of the arteries with it causes oxygen starvation of the brain, leading to impaired hearing, perception and coordination.
- Digestive problems, in most cases - poisoning. Toxins that enter the body disrupt the activity of nerve cells. The same is observed with a hangover.
- Stroke.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Brain cancer.
As you can see, seemingly funny and frivolous symptoms can signal a verydangerous diseases. So do not ignore these signals: if they are repeated periodically, it is worth spending time on a medical examination.