Dermatitis on the face can be the result of a reaction to a specific irritant. The causative agent of pathology is often medicines and detergents, that is, products of chemical origin. Dermatitis on the face also develops due to the reaction of the skin to temperature changes and exposure to sunlight. Pathology can also occur due to biological irritants, such as wool or fluff.

Dermatitis on the face also occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to certain elements with which a person comes into contact. Pathology outwardly is a rash localized near the nose, eyes, as well as on the forehead or cheeks.
Types of pathology
Dermatitis on the face (see photo below) is most often an allergic reaction of the body.

Slightly less common pathology of the seborrheic type. As with allergic dermatitis, the disease manifests itself as a rash on the face. However, it is not localized in any particular place. Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by a rash that occurs all over the face. The condition of the skin with this type of pathology can significantlyworsen, which is accompanied by increased fat content or, conversely, dryness.
Dermatitis on the face can be of the atopic type. This type of skin disease is chronic. Most often, atopic dermatitis manifests itself in childhood. The cause of this disease is an allergy to a certain food product. Outwardly, this type of dermatitis is expressed by intense foci of the rash. At the same time, the affected skin is very itchy.

There is another type of dermatitis - oral. It is also characterized by the appearance of a small rash on the face. Oral dermatitis most commonly affects women between the ages of sixteen and forty-five. It is believed that this pathology occurs due to the excessive use of cosmetics. Very rarely, this type of dermatitis occurs in men. Sometimes oral rash occurs in children. The cause of this type of dermatitis is considered to be a malfunction of the digestive system, as well as the presence of infectious foci in the human body. Oral rashes are also caused by hormonal disruptions. Pathology is rarely accompanied by pain syndromes and itching. These unpleasant sensations can arise only during periods of exacerbation of the disease.
How to treat dermatitis on the face?
Elimination of pathology directly depends on its type. So, allergic dermatitis requires getting rid of the irritant that caused it. It can be a cosmetic product or wool, household chemicals, etc. Even if the causative agent of the pathology of recovery is not eliminated,occurs, then after consultation with a specialist, it is recommended to use a hormonal cream (drugs "Advantan" or "Celestoderm"). The doctor may also prescribe antihistamines.
Seborrheic dermatitis on the face is treated with Ketoconazole. The active ingredient of this remedy eliminates the fungus that causes reddening of the skin and the appearance of rashes.
When atopic dermatitis, first of all, you should abandon the food product that causes it. At the same time, a course of antihistamines should be prescribed by a doctor. Oral dermatitis is treated with hormonal creams.
What to do in case of pathology?
Dermatitis on the face is a very common and very unpleasant disease. At the first signs of pathology, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will determine the exact type of dermatitis and prescribe the appropriate therapy. If you are not sure about the cause of the disease, do not try to choose your own medications. Only a doctor can recommend a competent and correct course of treatment.