Moll's cyst: symptoms, causes, traditional and surgical treatment, doctor's advice

Moll's cyst: symptoms, causes, traditional and surgical treatment, doctor's advice
Moll's cyst: symptoms, causes, traditional and surgical treatment, doctor's advice

The appearance of discomfort in the area of the eyelid may indicate the presence of serious diseases. If there is a blockage of the duct, then an accumulation of a secret is formed and a slight neoplasm of a rounded figure occurs. In addition, there is also such a disease - Moll's cyst. In this case, the functionality of the sweat gland of the organs of vision is disrupted.

Moll's cyst is a very common disease that causes severe pain, which is also accompanied by a burning sensation. It is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. These glands are found all over the surface of the human body. Under certain circumstances, their blockage occurs, as a result of which inflammatory processes develop. A cyst is a solid, fluid-filled mass with well-defined boundaries.

moll cyst treatment
moll cyst treatment


There are many reasons why the disease develops.

Quite often a cyst occurs due to poor hygiene. Bacteria that enter the eyes through the palms cause inflammation.

A cyst may occur after an injury to the eyelid, since during this period the integrity of the skin is broken.

Contact lens wearers who also do not follow hygiene rules are often found with this ailment.

Decrease in immunity and excessive use of antibiotics cause changes in the normal composition of the tear secretion.

Exploitation of low-quality and cheap cosmetics can provoke inflammatory processes. For their manufacture, harmful materials are usually used, which lead to clogging of pores.

Various allergic reactions can lead to this disease.

Specialists conclude that constant hypothermia is the main factor for the development of cysts.

As a rule, a Moll's cyst does not need surgical treatment, it resolves itself over time. It is recommended to use antiseptic preparations. However, if a cyst disturbs a person for several days, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. Don't put off seeing a specialist.

moll cyst photo
moll cyst photo


Moll's cyst is a disease associated with a malfunction of the glands located on the shell of the eye. Symptoms of the disease develop gradually and bring great discomfort to the patient. A tumor, similar to a small grain, appears under the skin of the eyelid; on palpation, it is easily palpated and causes pain. Most patients confuse Moll's cyst with barley, as at the initialstages of disease development have similar symptoms.

Throughout the disease, the patient develops a strong swelling of the eye, the body temperature rises. The itching of the eye and the eyelid itself is constantly felt due to uncontrolled tearing, there are strong pain sensations. The feeling of discomfort does not leave the patient throughout the entire time, vision is rapidly deteriorating. If several neoplasms occur in one place, all the symptoms appear in multiple sizes, and purulent stagnations form in the places of their appearance. At the initial stage, the Moll's cyst can be considered as a benign tumor, but if left untreated, the tumor can become a malignant neoplasm.

moll cyst on eyelid
moll cyst on eyelid


Moll's cyst is a neoplasm on the eyelid of a benign type, which looks like a translucent bubble and is located on the eyelid below or above near the eyelashes. The neoplasm is filled with a colorless or yellow liquid.

On examination, an ophthalmologist may suggest the development of a Moll cyst in a patient. But attention should be paid both to the eyelids and to the condition of the skin: in the presence of similar rashes, one can talk about the addition of a viral tumor, so additional research is necessary. Usually the patient is assigned:

  • ophthalmoscopy - helps to detect pathological changes in the fundus of the eye;
  • visiometry - allows you to assess the possible deterioration of vision with a Moll's cyst;
  • analgysemetry to assess the level of sensitivity of the cornea, whichnoted for herpes on the eye;
  • biomicroscopy – an ophthalmologist examines the optical structure of the eye using a slit lamp;
  • examination of excised tissues that were obtained after the removal of the cyst.

This examination is carried out when it is difficult to establish the type of tumor or the symptoms of a malignant course that have arisen. The sequence of the diagnostic algorithm may not always consist of all of the above studies - many of them are carried out only when indicated.

moll cyst on eyelid photo
moll cyst on eyelid photo

How to treat Moll's cyst?

It is a small vesicle on the eyelid, filled with a clear liquid. It belongs to the type of benign neoplasms and does not bring significant harm to the he alth of its owner. The cyst does not always cause pain, but always causes discomfort. Treatment of a cyst will depend on its size and the amount of inflammation that has appeared. Surgical intervention is not required, as the vial of fluid disappears on its own with the right treatment.

The most effective drugs

In the event that the neoplasm is small, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs to treat the Moll cyst on the eyelid, the photo of which is not provided for ethical reasons.

  • Antiviral ointments for external use: "Acyclovir", "Hydrocortisone" and yellow mercury ointment. The dosage will be selected taking into account the general condition of the patient.
  • Antiseptic liquids: iodine,Zelenka, "Fukoricin".
  • Antiherpetic drugs for oral administration.
  • Novocaine blockade for severe pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory drops that relieve puffiness.

Should I use physical therapy?

To quickly eliminate the neoplasm, it is recommended to accompany drug treatment with physiotherapy procedures. You can use warm warm compresses, which are placed on the eyelids for a few minutes. After this procedure, the eyelids are massaged in the area of eyelash growth.

moll cyst on eyelid treatment
moll cyst on eyelid treatment

Surgical treatment

It happens that it is not possible to cure Moll's cyst by common methods, in this case it is necessary to resort to a surgical operation. The cyst must be removed, if this is not done, then there is a huge risk to he alth.

This operation is not classified as complex. During it, the doctor simply pinches the site of cyst formation and removes all of its contents with a sharp object. The duration of the operation usually does not exceed half an hour, and almost immediately after its completion, the patient is sent home. Any operation to remove a cyst from the eye is performed under local anesthesia. To avoid the inflammatory process after surgery, doctors apply an ointment that has a disinfecting effect to the place where the cyst was. The patient's eye must be bandaged, and the bandage can be removed after three days, but only after examination by a specialist.

moll cyst how to treat
moll cyst how to treat

Tois surgery contraindicated?

It is forbidden to perform an operation to remove a Moll cyst:

  • women in position;
  • people who suffer from diabetes;
  • if you have a sexually transmitted disease or if the existing inflammation has become severe.

In all other cases, the operation is allowed.

Laser removal

The mildest way to treat the disease is laser removal of the cyst. It treats the disease without going beyond the boundaries of the affected area, and does not damage the he althy parts. Recovery of a patient after laser therapy is much faster than after a general operation, since less cosmetic damage is caused to a person. Thanks to modern medical technologies that are available in almost every clinic, a cyst can be quickly cured and almost one hundred percent guaranteed that there will be no recurrence. In addition, laser exposure relieves tissues of various bacteria, the whole procedure is completely sterile and very simple.

a molar cyst has developed
a molar cyst has developed

Dermoid cyst differs from all others in its structure. During the procedure for its removal, all actions should be as accurate as possible. If even the most microscopic particle is accidentally left on the eye, this can lead to the formation of an inflammatory process or, even worse, a recurrence of the disease. Often this disease manifests itself in children, as it belongs to congenital paralogical diseases. It should be remembered that any erroneous surgicalintervention can lead to serious complications.
