Ear pain, shooting: causes and treatments

Ear pain, shooting: causes and treatments
Ear pain, shooting: causes and treatments

The occurrence of painful sensations in the ear is often accompanied by a weakening of the auditory function, which significantly impairs the quality of human life. When referring to an otolaryngologist, in most cases, a popular inflammatory process is detected, covering the middle part of the ear, nasopharynx or oropharynx. If the sore throat radiates to the ears, a complicated course of the disease should be suspected.

ear pain shoots to the head
ear pain shoots to the head

What causes ear pain?

Shooting pain in the right ear (or left) can be caused by chronic otitis media, otosclerosis, mastoiditis, furunculosis. It often indicates an inflammatory process, so a person should not self-medicate. If, with a slight pressure on the cartilage of the ear, severe pain is felt, then most likely it is otitis externa. If the pain in the ear is intense, and purulent discharge appears, this is inflammation of the follicle.

If, in addition to the above symptoms, a person has a severe hearing loss, then most often it is otitis media. With such a disease, body temperature rises, headache and general weakness appear.

If a person has a pressing pain in the ear, this indicates that he has a wax plug or there is a foreign object in the ear. Fluid colorwith earache, it also gives information about the disease.

If the discharge is gray with white dots, this indicates the appearance of otitis externa. If the discharge in a person's ear is red or bloody, this indicates that the auricle is damaged.

Pain in the ear can cause a common cold. Neck pain can cause ear pain. Acute sensorineural hearing loss is manifested by hearing loss, malaise and severe pain.

shoots in the ear how to relieve pain
shoots in the ear how to relieve pain

Shooting in the ear

Shooting pains above the ear are a fairly common symptom and may represent the following conditions:

  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • polyneuropathy caused by alcohol abuse or poisoning by other toxic substances;
  • Sluder syndrome;
  • Hunt syndrome;
  • advanced caries;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve due to infection, injury, hypothermia or tumors.
pain in the ear shoots what to do
pain in the ear shoots what to do


Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of shooting pains above the ear. If they occur, you should immediately contact the ENT specialist and undergo an examination, since neglected inflammation, regardless of its cause, can be complicated by suppuration and trigeminal neuritis with the loss of its main functions and functions for which its processes are responsible:

  • hearing;
  • salivation;
  • motor activity of half of the face;
  • swallowing;
  • partially visual;
  • sensitivity of the half of the head it is responsible for.

Due to the fact that the left and right trigeminal nerves are one of the 12 main pairs of cranial nerves that lead directly to the brain, its inflammation, and even more so the development of purulent processes, can lead to inflammation of the brain with all the ensuing consequences, which can only be avoided by timely identification of the true causes of the disease and its treatment.


When shooting pains in the ear or above it, you should not get involved in traditional medicine, and even more so warm the sore spot. Although this may provide temporary relief, it can also accelerate the formation of pus and provoke complications. If you cannot see a doctor right away, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics and painkillers, but you should not delay visiting a doctor.

shooting pain in right ear
shooting pain in right ear

Shooting without pain

Often a walk in cold or windy weather entails the occurrence of backache in the ears, which can be symptoms of various diseases. Therefore, establishing the cause of their occurrence will avoid the risk of complications. The following reasons are possible when shooting in the ears without pain:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat, such as tooth decay and tonsillitis, can cause backaches in the ear.
  2. Neuritis of the facial nerve may be accompanied by backache in the ears.
  3. Backaches also occur as a result of eardiseases - varieties of otitis media, labyrinthitis, mastoiditis.
  4. The consequence of an untreated runny nose (Eustacheitis) is often manifested by discomfort and backache in the ears.
  5. The occurrence of lumbago is possible with sudden temperature changes, as well as after air travel, accompanied by a sharp pressure drop, which leads to blockage of the Eustachian tube. The basis of this are physiological causes that do not require intervention and go away on their own.

Shootings in the ears can disturb the manifestation only on one side of the head. So, lumbago on the left can be due to arthritic changes in the joints. If the pain in the ear shoots to the head on the right side, this indicates a purulent inflammation in the parotid region.

If you experience lumbago in the ears without pain, do not worry. However, with their duration, accompanied by discomfort, you should seek help in establishing the cause of the following specialists: an otolaryngologist, a neurologist and a therapist.

shoots in the ear without pain
shoots in the ear without pain

Sore throat

If the ear starts to hurt, you should start therapy without waiting for the occurrence of complications. Before using ear drops, you need to make sure that the membrane is intact. Only a doctor will undoubtedly help with this.

Regardless of whether the disease is traced on the left side or on the right, the use of ear drops is prescribed for two ears. This can help not only get rid of clinical signs, but also prevent the spread of infection fromnasopharynx/oropharynx to the second ear. For a diseased ear, a therapeutic dose is necessary, for a he althy ear, a prophylactic dose is enough.

sore throat shoots into the ear
sore throat shoots into the ear

Throat and ear treatment

If a sore throat shoots into the ear, a systematic therapeutic approach is needed. Systemic substances are also used in the treatment of ear pain:

  1. Antihistamines, for example Tavegil, Suprastin. They can help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube, increase its gap, thereby improving ventilation function. Sanitation of the middle ear guarantees inhibition of the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. When nausea occurs, antiemetics are prescribed, for example, Cerucal. Vomiting indicates destruction of the inner ear compartment.
  3. In the absence of purulent masses, but with massive secretion of serous discharge, hormonal preparations are recommended.
  4. Antipyretics are indicated for fever control. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will not only reduce hyperthermia, but also the severity of inflammation.

Shooting pain in the ear: what to do?

Some of the best medicines to help with ear pain can be found at any pharmacy. All the drugs that have been listed will absolutely help with ear pain, but you should consult your doctor before buying, and some of them are prescribed by the doctor himself.


It is a strong antibiotic, but it is used only inif the patient has purulent otitis media. It is prescribed as a complex therapy drug and only by a doctor. Children under 12 years of age, as well as people with intolerance to the components of the drug, are not allowed to give medicine.


The drug is quite common, and the effect of its use is almost instantaneous. Otipax is a good antiseptic, a good pain reliever, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. This drug is suitable for both children and adults. The drug should not be used if the patient has intolerance to the components of the drug, an allergy to lidocaine and if there is damage to the eardrum.

Boric alcohol

Like Otipax, a good antiseptic that is dripped into the ears. For the best effect, this solution is heated, so it will also have a warming effect that will help fight pain.


An antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. The drug is released only on prescription. "Otofa" fights many pathogens, such as gonococcus and staphylococcus aureus. Warm before use and use three times a day.


The drug is used to treat external and barotraumatic otitis media. It is used two to three times a day, and for the best effect, the drug must be warmed up in the palms. The tool must be used with caution, as the patient may have allergies and irritation of the ear canal. "Otirelax" is suitable for children and newborns. The drug should not be used by those who are sensitive to itcomponents, and if the eardrum is damaged.

shooting pains above the ear
shooting pains above the ear

Folk methods

Traditional medicine should not be used as the main one, it is ideal as an addition to medical treatment. Folk remedies will help patients recover faster. How to treat shooting pain in the ear? The following recipes will have a beneficial effect on the ears:

  1. Beets. It is necessary to clean, cut and boil small beets together with honey. After preparing the mixture, it must be applied to the ear that hurts and causes discomfort.
  2. Vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is a good pain reliever that will relieve not only shooting, but also aching pain.
  3. Walnut and almond oils are the most popular. Apply as follows: put two or three drops of oil in each ear and bandage with something warm.
  4. Beet juice. It is necessary to clean and boil the beets, then extract the juice from it and drip two or three drops into each ear.
  5. Bow. Wrap a few pieces of onion in cheesecloth and put it in your ears. Onions will not only relieve pain, but will also have a beneficial effect on a stuffy nose.
  6. Chamomile infusion. Pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of chamomile, wait until the infusion cools, strain it. Rinse each ear with this solution. Chamomile is a good antiseptic.
  7. Walnut leaves are another way to relieve shooting pain in the ear. Squeeze the juice from the leaves of the walnut and drip four drops into each ear. The pain will go awayquickly.
  8. Propolis and honey. Mix honey and propolis tincture in a one-to-one ratio, for example, one spoonful of tincture and one spoonful of honey. The resulting solution must be dripped two to three times every day.
  9. Infusion of lemon balm. Pour a glass of boiling water over one teaspoon of lemon balm. The broth must be allowed to cool, and then carefully strain. The infusion can be consumed as a tea or dripped into each ear.

Ear pain most often occurs at night, it is difficult to relieve it, and children suffer the most from it. Don't delay your visit to the doctor, because every minute things can get worse.
