If a person, after having measured the pressure, found a deviation from the norm, then this may be accompanied by a number of reasons. You should not take a lot of drugs right away, but if these indicators bring along poor he alth and other symptoms, you need to consult a doctor with this problem.
The first step is to determine what kind of deviations in the general condition and well-being the patient feels, and based on these indicators, treatment is already prescribed. What to do with a pressure of 90 over 80 and a pulse of 80?

Main symptoms
Symptoms at pressure 90 over 80, pulse 80:
- Eyes watery.
- Dizzy, irritable patient appears.
- Lack or extra hours of sleep.
- May experience nausea.
- Symptom of constant fatigue.
- Disturbance of movement, disorientation in space.
- There is not enough air when breathing.
- Gagging, nausea and vomiting.
- Low performance, headaches.

Why does a person suffer from low blood pressure
If, after measuring the parameters, the indicators gave a result of 90 to 80, you should not immediately panic, this may be the usual reasons that do not require treatment, but the final conclusion should be made by the doctor.
Main causes of low blood pressure:
- A disease called hypotension. She is the one who calls for low readings and accompanying symptoms.
- With heart failure, arterial hypotension may develop. It can also be caused by brain injuries and experienced nervous shocks, blood loss.
Also, with improper diet and lifestyle, pressure can drop to these indicators. In the event that such jumps in blood pressure occur frequently and this leads to the symptoms indicated above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to normalize indicators
You should try to sit down or take a horizontal position and not be nervous. If low blood pressure is not a sign of illness, but simply the body's response to certain factors, you can try to normalize these indicators at home:
- You need to find a sofa, take a horizontal position and not think about anything, lie down for a few minutes.
- Another option: sit down, while lowering your head down, this will help normalize blood flow.
- Drink a glass of water or strong black tea with sugar, this drink has an invigorating effect on the human body. Coffee can also help. But at the same time, only natural varieties will help to have a positive effect on pressure, but all drinks should be drunk slowly.
- A glass of beet or carrot juice has a very positive effect on the body.
- Also help to normalize the pressure of playing sports. Just keep in mind that you need to do the right workouts, which should be prescribed by a specialist.
Treatment with drugs
These medicines can be taken after they are prescribed by a doctor, it is not recommended to self-medicate with low blood pressure, as well as to use various traditional medicines. Can help:
- Citramon tablets can thin the blood and relieve headaches.
- If autonomic abnormalities occur in the body, the doctor will prescribe "Tonginal". But in no case should you use this drug without a doctor's prescription!
- If the patient has hypotension, you need to take "Gutron", this medicine can be bought in the form of tablets or drops. You need to take it according to the instructions, but not in one go, but in certain courses.
- In the event that the patient is stressed or depressed, you need to take "Etimizol", it stimulates breathing and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
In the event that the drugs did not help, you need to call an ambulance at home. In order to normalize blood pressure, you should follow the right diet, move more, play sports, give up bad habits.

High heart rate
Why is my heart rate high with low blood pressure? Several options:
- Due to trauma and blood loss.
- During depression or shock.
- If the patient has vascular dystonia.
- Drug overdose.
- If there is insufficient fluid in the body after poisoning or prolonged exposure to the sun.
- Due to diabetes or inflammation.
- Disturbance in the work of the circulatory system of the body.
- During pregnancy.
- When drinking and smoking.
- Irregularities in the work of the heart.
- For thyroid diseases.
- If the body does not have enough vitamins and minerals.
Other factors
Very often in pregnant women there is a pressure of 100 to 80, a pulse of 90. The reason for this phenomenon is the effect on the vessels of progesterone, which increases during the growth of the fetus due to the load on the veins. Since the blood circulates more actively, a normal pulse in pregnant women is considered to be between 100 and 110.
In some cases, the cause of such a phenomenon as a high pulse and low blood pressure can be trophic ulcers, disruptions in the endocrine system, tumors inside the body.
If the pressure readings are 120 over 80, the pulse is 90 detected in people of advanced age, the consequence may be a heart attack, dementia and disturbances in the circulatory system. For many people, high heart rate and low blood pressure can be caused byheart or kidney disease.
In some cases, the causes of such phenomena may be climate change, change of seasons, bad weather, stress and emotional tension. In any case, only a doctor can establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What medications do they take?
All medicines with a pressure of 90 to 80, a pulse of 80 are prescribed by a doctor after a complete examination. Therefore, it is impossible to drink medicines at random, as well as to use traditional medicine. Sometimes taken as therapy:
- Valerian tincture. It reduces nervous tension and, accordingly, normalizes the heart rate. It is recommended to use at pressure 90 over 60, pulse 80.
- "Valocordin" - this medicine helps to reduce spasms in the heart, at the same time normalize the pulse and blood pressure.
- "Mezapam" normalizes the heartbeat, which becomes very frequent, due to the fact that blood pressure has dropped. It also relieves emotional outbursts and reduces nervousness.
- "Grandaxin", is a sedative for the nervous system, respectively, the level of blood pressure is normalized. Effective at pressure 130 over 80, pulse 90.
- "Phenazepam" helps to eliminate nervous tension and tachycardia.

Many patients, in addition to taking drugs at a pressure of 90 to 80, a pulse of 80, are advised to follow the following rules:
- Try not to be nervous, move away fromstress.
- Loose weight.
- Get the right amount of sleep.
- Take vitamins without beriberi.
- Be active and exercise.
- Do not take alcohol or smoke.
- Consume less coffee.
- Set up a diet and replenish the diet with vegetables and fruits.
Therefore, in order to normalize your blood pressure, you need not only to take medications, but also to lead a he althy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, exercise and get outside more often.
And do not forget that self-treatment with a pressure of 110 over 80, a pulse of 90 can do a lot of harm, so take your time and seek the advice of a doctor. Since a disease detected in time can be cured, and in advanced cases it develops into a chronic form.
Accordingly, timely measures will help to identify the causes of pressure 90 to 80 and pulse 90 at an early stage.