Lipoma (wen) is a benign neoplasm, which is a clot of connective tissue. The place of its localization can be absolutely anything, but most often it comes out in depressions depleted in adipose tissue on the face, neck, arms, legs, and so on. Wen itself does not pose any danger to its owner, creating only a cosmetic defect. There are many options on how to get rid of wen on the face and other parts of the body. It is only necessary to choose the most effective one.
The exact causes of the formation of wen are still unknown. Doctors can only name the most likely circumstances of their occurrence.
These include:
- Violation of embryonic development, as a result of impaired metabolism in the mother.
- Genetic predisposition - if the mother or father has a tendency to form them.
- Hormonal changes - according to statistics, women in the postmenopausal period are more prone to the formation of various skin tumors. This is due to a violation or lack of certain hormones.
- Inadequate work of the pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid gland. These structures producespecialized hormones and active substances (cell markers) to maintain the proper functioning of the digestive, metabolic, vegetative systems.
- Influence of a traumatic situation. The long-term destructive influence of severe stress leads to the formation of many psychosomatic diseases. The formation of wen and other skin problems may be the result of excessive internal anxiety of the patient.
- Infectious, bacterial damage.
- Disease of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus.
- Alcoholism.

Types of wen
The classification of wen is very diverse. They are divided by appearance, by location, by content.
- ring-shaped - appear most often on the neck;
- tree-like - complex blotches of subcutaneous fat, located in joint bags;
- encapsulated and non-encapsulated;
- multiple lipomas;
- ossified - adipose tissue inside the lipoma is rich in chordate elements;
- soft-bodied, compacted with their own nerve endings.
Cellular composition of the wen cavity:
- lipofibroma is a soft neoplasm filled with white fatty paste;
- fibrolipoma - cystic growths filled with a large amount of fibrous tissue;
- angiolipoma - in it, in addition to adipose tissue, there are capillary networks;
- myolipoma - in the internal cavity there are also muscularfiber;
- hibernomas - wen filled with brown liquid.
Location location:
- scalp and ears;
- on the body - back, stomach;
- on upper and lower limbs;
- on the chest;
- on the organs of the abdominal cavity - kidneys, in the preperitoneal space, in the stomach;
- on the genitals;
- inside the brain;
- elsewhere.

Laser removal
There are a number of ways to get rid of wen on the face. The most popular are listed below:
- Surgical method - removal with a scalpel.
- Cryodestruction - freezing of a wen with liquid nitrogen.
- Radio wave method - radiation is transmitted through the electrode.
- Laser method - the laser cuts the surface, making it much easier to get the wen.
Pros and cons
Of course, each of the above approaches has its advantages and disadvantages, but the most commonly used option is the last one.
Its popularity is due to factors such as:
- No scars and scars after surgery.
- The bloodlessness of the procedure.
- Absolutely sterile.
- Painless process.
However, it should be borne in mind that laser removal of a lipoma is impossible if the wen is too deep - this is perhaps the only drawback.
Progress of operation
SchemeThe procedure is extremely simple: the doctor, using special equipment, dissects the cover of the tumor and immediately cauterizes the edges of the damaged vessels back, which avoids blood during the process.
Next, the surgeon removes the lipoma capsule and applies cosmetic sutures. A gauze bandage is also applied to the surface. In general, the entire procedure takes from a quarter of an hour to thirty minutes.

First of all, the surgeon injects an anesthetic. As a rule, it is lidocaine or novocaine. After anesthesia, the doctor makes a small incision - the so-called excision of the lipoma. The next step is the husking stage - the adipose tissue and the capsule of the wen are cut out. Then he begins to sew the edges of the tissues in layers, using self-absorbable threads. Most often, the stitches are removed from the patient either after a week or ten days. In exceptional cases, special ointments are used to accelerate healing.
Post-operative period
After the procedure, the patient is in the hospital for three days. It is very likely that scars will remain after the procedure, but most often they dissolve after a while. It is also worth considering that it is strictly forbidden to lift heavy objects in order to avoid divergence of the seams and further relapse. You should also be prepared for hematomas - hematomas are a common side effect after surgery.
In general, negative consequences are extremely rare. Most often they occur if the procedure is not carried out by a sufficiently experienced specialist.

Nitrogen removal
It is possible to remove a lipoma with the help of cryodestruction. The wen is affected by cold liquid nitrogen, thereby freezing the connective tissues. Then they die off, a blister appears on the skin. Subsequently, a he althy epidermis grows under it.
If the tumor is large, it will take 2 to 4 sessions. Only then will education disappear completely. After such a session, puffiness forms on the skin, which will disappear in 2-3 days. This is a normal reaction of the body.
Procedure contraindications:
- individual intolerance to cold treatments;
- hypertension;
- presence in the patient's medical history of a heart attack or stroke;
- kidney and liver disease;
- high body temperature.
- does not require anesthesia;
- reusable;
- no bleeding;
- does not require stitches;
- can sometimes replace surgery.
After the procedure, the blister is not recommended to touch and pierce. It is also forbidden to wet it for the first time and use cosmetics.
It is worth refraining from exposure to the sun. Direct exposure to sunlight can cause pigmentation.
You need to treat the burn site several times a day. Soon, a crust will appear on it, which will begin to dry out, and there will be no traces or marks on the surface.

Removal by radio wave method
Removal of wen by radio wave method is carried out under the influence of a local anesthetic. After that, the lipoma is removed along with the capsule using a radioknife. A radio knife is a thin tungsten filament through which an electric current passes. This thread can cut the vessels and coagulate them. To begin with, the proposed site of the operation is treated with antiseptics, then the tumor is cut off with an anesthetic, the skin is dissected, and the wen is peeled in layers along with the capsule.
This method is very safe for the skin: it is bloodless and does not leave scars, it is especially useful for those who are afraid of ruining their skin. In general, the procedure is almost completely painless, so the anesthetic is administered rather so that the patient does not have moral fear (the placebo effect works here). After the wen has hatched, the vessels are immediately soldered, as a result of which blood loss is reduced to almost zero.
Unlike laser therapy or simple surgery, with this method, tissue incision occurs without physical pressure on the area of operation.
Concluding, we can note the advantages of this method:
- Injury with this method is reduced to zero.
- The radio wave has a disinfecting effect on the wound.
- There is almost no swelling after the operation.
- After the operation, there is no scarring and the place of the wen cannot be visually distinguished from the tissues that surround it.
However, this method is not suitable:
- people with diabetes;
- people who havethere are metal prostheses in the body;
- with exacerbation of infectious diseases.
Ointments from wen
Lipomas are called benign formations. At the initial stages, special ointments are prescribed by the doctor for the treatment and elimination of the wen. It is necessary to lubricate the surface with lime until it completely disappears.
Types of ointments for the treatment of formations:
- Vishnevsky's ointment from wen, according to reviews, in the first place. Balsamic liniment is an antiseptic, the composition of which is very widely used to eliminate inflammatory formations on the surface of the skin. To prevent an increase in the size of the lipoma, it is necessary to lubricate its surface, you can also squeeze a small amount of ointment onto a cotton swab and apply it as a compress overnight.
- Ichthyol. The substances that make up the ointment have absorbable and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it is widely used in the treatment of wen. To do this, squeeze out a small amount of balm and work the surface in a circular motion.
- "Levomekol" from wen. As an alternative to the already proposed drugs, you can use a combined remedy containing levomekol. The ointment is used in the treatment of purulent skin formations, for this it is necessary to rub a small amount of cream into the skin over the wen. The course of this treatment should not exceed three weeks.
- Ointment "Vitaon" from wen. The complex includes only natural oils, which allows the use of this tool intreatment of formations on the skin of the face and tissues surrounding the eyeballs. The balm is applied with massaging movements. The duration of the therapeutic effect is a month, but it should be noted that natural ingredients can cause an allergic reaction, so you must first conduct tests on the skin before using the drug.

What helps with wen?
However, some part of the population prefers traditional medicine to surgical intervention. In the arsenal of "grandmother's tools" there are many options for how to get rid of a wen at home.

The most popular are listed below.
- Kalanchoe juice is a quick way to get rid of a wen at home. The leaf of the plant should be cut and attached to the formation. Carry out the procedure daily.
- Bow. For this operation, you need to grind the onion into a pulp and mix with grated laundry soap (two large spoons). Apply the mixture on the wen. Repeat until the lipoma disappears completely.
- Zhirukha and butter - a recipe from wen, often used at home. Mix fifty grams of butter with one spoonful of crushed watercress and apply on the neoplasm.
- Aloe. Cut an aloe leaf and put it on a wen, securing it with a band-aid on top. Unlike previous methods, the lipoma will not resolve, but will open, exposing the rod that needs to be pulled out.
- Wheat is anotherhow to get rid of wen without surgery. Having brought the wheat to a homogeneous consistency, spread the mass on the wen. After a certain time, the neoplasm will soften and begin to release fluid, but you should not stop there - continue the procedure until the lipoma completely disappears.