
Correction of bite in adults: methods, age and timing

Correction of bite in adults: methods, age and timing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If parameters such as the degree of whiteness of the teeth and the absence of stains are purely an aesthetic point, then malocclusion in adults and children can harm he alth in general. It's a must to fix it

Products for teeth: a list of useful and harmful. Best Teeth Whitening Products

Products for teeth: a list of useful and harmful. Best Teeth Whitening Products

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Diseases of the teeth and gums, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the development of sensitivity of the enamel or its darkening - all this is closely related to the peculiarities of nutrition. There are foods that lead to a strong multiplication of bacterial flora in the mouth. And most often this category includes the food loved by the majority. But there are also useful products for teeth that strengthen enamel and prevent plaque

How to brush your teeth if there is no toothpaste: folk remedies, pasta replacement and dentist advice

How to brush your teeth if there is no toothpaste: folk remedies, pasta replacement and dentist advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It is desirable to take care of the oral cavity after each meal. It happens that the toothpaste suddenly runs out or it is difficult to perform a hygiene procedure while being in nature. Lack of access to cleaning products and brushes is not a reason to avoid caring for your teeth. As an alternative solution, natural materials and substances can be used

Which filling is better: types, composition, durability and advice from dentists

Which filling is better: types, composition, durability and advice from dentists

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Teeth are made up of fairly strong mineral compounds that wear out slowly and are able to withstand a variety of external influences. However, the occurrence of defects in the structure of a natural material requires the elimination of trouble by prosthetics. Conservative therapy consists in the use of fillings. There are a number of solutions that allow you to close the cavities formed in the structure of the teeth and stop the development of caries

The second row of teeth in children: causes, methods of correction

The second row of teeth in children: causes, methods of correction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sometimes a child grows a tooth in the second row. Of course, this fact will cause concern among parents. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs when the milk tooth has not yet fallen out, but the root has already appeared. You can wait a while and it will fall out on its own. But if this does not happen, you need to urgently contact a specialist. At an early age, it is much easier to solve this problem than in an adult

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Incorrect bite can cause a lot of complexes. Therefore, many parents install braces for children when the first signs of curvature appear. At the same time, they have a lot of questions about the procedure itself. How is the installation of braces? How long do you need to wear them? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article

Toothpaste with calcium: list, description, application rules and reviews

Toothpaste with calcium: list, description, application rules and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Recently, calcium toothpastes have become popular. What is special about such hygiene products, which of the available pastes is better to choose and answers to other questions of interest can be found in the article

Surgical dentistry - what is it? Methods of treatment and operations to remove teeth

Surgical dentistry - what is it? Methods of treatment and operations to remove teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For almost every person, going to the dentist is a real test, but it is not always possible to avoid it, even if all hygiene rules are followed. Surgical dentistry is the most complex and serious branch of the entire science of dentistry, and in what cases it is used, is described in the article

How dentists think teeth: location, established norms, photos

How dentists think teeth: location, established norms, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Everyone can figure out how dentists count teeth if they become familiar with all common systems. In this article, they are given and it is described in detail how exactly to determine the number of each tooth on your own

Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n. The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population

Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n. The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Our state is trying to "improve" this fate by introducing the Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n, which details how, when and in what circumstances medical organizations should act. This legislative act entered into force on March 31, 2012, after publication in Rossiyskaya Gazeta No. 61 of March 21, 2012

Internal braces: reviews, photos, name, installation. In some cases, do not put internal braces?

Internal braces: reviews, photos, name, installation. In some cases, do not put internal braces?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Brackets used to be bulky and ugly. Often they greatly spoiled the impression of a person. However, now there is such a thing as internal braces, which are invisible and do not prevent their owners from living a full life. A man can smile and no one will notice his little secret

Ceramic crowns on front teeth

Ceramic crowns on front teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Advantages of installing ceramic crowns on the front teeth, varieties and methods of manufacturing. Sample photos

Orthodontic dentistry - the path to a radiant smile

Orthodontic dentistry - the path to a radiant smile

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern medicine has come a long way in recent times. The latest preparations, equipment of domestic and foreign production are used. Proceeding from the fact that a person tries to maintain his he alth, beauty at the proper level, orthodontic dentistry has taken one of the leading places in the field of medical services

Cyst in the gum of the tooth: treatment with folk remedies

Cyst in the gum of the tooth: treatment with folk remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In dentistry, there are a number of methods for painless and less traumatic removal of cystic formation. However, some patients are still afraid to go to the clinic, pinning their hopes on the treatment of tooth cysts with folk remedies

Tooth hurts after canal cleaning: reasons for how to eliminate pain

Tooth hurts after canal cleaning: reasons for how to eliminate pain

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

During endodontic treatment, a person may encounter a situation where a tooth hurts after cleaning the canal. To those who do not know the intricacies of the procedure, this fact seems surprising. After all, how can a tooth be disturbed after a nerve is removed? That is why we will talk about the process of treating pulpitis, consider the causes of pain and, most importantly, how to alleviate the condition in such cases

Partial prosthesis: types, designs, reviews

Partial prosthesis: types, designs, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern medicine allows not only to return a beautiful smile to the patient, but also to restore the lost functions of the oral cavity. Prosthetics come to the rescue. In some cases, a partial prosthesis is installed, in other situations, the restoration of chewing functions requires the manufacture of a complete structure. But all of them can improve the quality of life of the patient and restore the aesthetics of the dentition

Dentistry "AVVA", Elektrostal: patient reviews

Dentistry "AVVA", Elektrostal: patient reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

For almost two decades, dentistry "AVBA" (Elektrostal) has been providing qualified assistance to the population. Patient reviews will help us objectively assess the quality of the services provided. So today we will devote our article to a review of the dental clinic

How to relieve swelling after wisdom tooth removal?

How to relieve swelling after wisdom tooth removal?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Dental practice shows that wisdom teeth eruption often goes away with complications. When caries appears, they are not treated, but removal is recommended. As a result, these units, called third molars by dentists, are rarely saved. Today we will talk about the reasons for the swelling after the removal of a wisdom tooth. We will also find out what actions are recommended by specialists in cases of complications after surgery

Teeth brushing methods and their features

Teeth brushing methods and their features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Even if you follow all the rules for care and use the most effective means, there is no guarantee of complete elimination of plaque. Indeed, in our oral cavity there are enough hard-to-reach places. A regular brush is not able to process them. In this regard, there is always a risk of accumulation of plaque, which over time will transform into solid deposits. Professional methods of brushing teeth will help to solve this problem. We will look at what they are and what are their features

How long does swelling last after tooth extraction: causes and features of treatment

How long does swelling last after tooth extraction: causes and features of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

During life, each of us has to seek help from a dental office. And not in all situations it is possible to save a bad tooth. In the article, we will learn about how the surgery goes and how long the swelling lasts after tooth extraction. We will also consider some of the nuances that are useful for everyone to know

Tooth protrusion: description of the anomaly, causes and methods of treatment

Tooth protrusion: description of the anomaly, causes and methods of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Abnormal arrangement of individual teeth or the entire jaw row looks unaesthetic. One of the most common problems that patients visit the dentist for is tooth protrusion. This is a disease characterized by pathological protrusion of the teeth forward. However, the timely help of an orthodontist allows you to get rid of the problem, to get a perfect smile

Braces peel off: reasons for attaching back, recommendations from dentists

Braces peel off: reasons for attaching back, recommendations from dentists

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Wearing a bracket system can bring a lot of unpleasant moments. For example, in most patients during treatment, the lock came off at least once. When this happens for the first time, the patient panics, does not know why this happened and what to do now

Teeth brushing rules. How much time to brush your teeth? How to teach a child to brush their teeth

Teeth brushing rules. How much time to brush your teeth? How to teach a child to brush their teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many actions performed by a person in everyday life are brought to them almost to automatism. One of them is oral hygiene. Carrying out this important procedure, hardly anyone thinks about fairly simple questions, namely, what is it for, is it important, and do we perform it correctly?

Toothpastes: classification, properties, purpose and application

Toothpastes: classification, properties, purpose and application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Toothpaste maintains oral hygiene. This tool has a therapeutic and preventive effect. Modern toothpastes have a pleasant taste, freshen breath and rarely lead to allergic reactions. There is a classification of toothpastes by composition. Each type has its purpose

Antibiotic stomatitis: causes and treatment

Antibiotic stomatitis: causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Stomatitis is called inflammation of the oral mucosa. It appears against the background of a specific reaction of the body to certain drugs. Stomatitis from antibiotics is common. The disease can give various complications, including the appearance of ulcers, granulomas. Conservative treatment is necessary with the use of local preparations, medicines of general action. This is discussed in the article

Gag reflex when brushing teeth - causes. How to choose a toothbrush and paste

Gag reflex when brushing teeth - causes. How to choose a toothbrush and paste

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sometimes when brushing your teeth, there is a gag reflex. Many mistakenly believe that this phenomenon is associated with intolerance to the components of the cleaning composition: paste, but the problem may be more serious. The cause of the gag reflex when brushing your teeth may be an internal ailment. Therefore, it is first important to determine what leads to this phenomenon. This article will help with this. About the causes of the gag reflex when brushing your teeth and how to eliminate it in detail below

Gum swelling: causes, treatments, drugs

Gum swelling: causes, treatments, drugs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Why does gum swelling appear. It is a symptom of what diseases of the oral cavity. What are the medical preparations for the treatment of gum swelling. Folk recipes. Preventive measures to help avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity

Teeth have become sensitive: causes and treatments. Toothpastes for sensitive teeth: rating

Teeth have become sensitive: causes and treatments. Toothpastes for sensitive teeth: rating

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

When a tooth suddenly becomes sensitive, it is impossible to eat cold and hot food normally, and it is also difficult to clean thoroughly due to acute pain. However, it is not at all a hard shell called enamel that causes discomfort. It is designed to protect dentin - a loose layer of the tooth - from the aggressive influence of various factors. But in some cases, the enamel becomes thinner and the dentin is exposed, which is the cause of the pain

How to brush your teeth without a toothbrush? What can replace a toothbrush?

How to brush your teeth without a toothbrush? What can replace a toothbrush?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are times when a toothbrush is not available. But oral hygiene must be observed regularly. You should not panic in this situation, because there are ways to solve the problem. How to brush your teeth without a toothbrush

How a wisdom tooth climbs: symptoms, possible complications and treatment

How a wisdom tooth climbs: symptoms, possible complications and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Wisdom teeth are the last to grow, but they start to deteriorate first. Most of the problems associated with the growth of these molars are due to the inferior development of the human jaws. The outer teeth simply do not have enough space, so they begin to grow in the wrong direction or inside the gums. In this case, a person begins to suffer from severe pain, radiating to the temples, throat and even the back of the head

How to choose Fluorodent toothpaste for dental diseases?

How to choose Fluorodent toothpaste for dental diseases?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Proper brushing of teeth is not only a hygienic procedure, but also the prevention of tartar, gum disease and teeth. The composition of toothpaste directly affects the he alth of the oral cavity and teeth. An excess of fluoride in the body leads to fluorosis. Let's take a closer look at how to choose a toothpaste

Dental cutters: types of tools, production methods

Dental cutters: types of tools, production methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Dental burs and burs are widely used for processing dentin, composite materials, ceramics, cement, metal alloys and other materials used in dentistry. Through rotation, the abrasive grinds, polishes, grinds, cuts, prepares or levels the surface. Milling cutters and burs differ in physical characteristics and scope. Let's take a closer look at their range

Who puts braces? How old are braces? Braces for children

Who puts braces? How old are braces? Braces for children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Installation of braces is a common dental procedure that eliminates bite problems. The design consists of locks, ligatures and other details. However, not everyone knows who puts braces. The answer to this question, as well as all the nuances of the procedure are presented in the article

Stomatitis after tooth extraction: symptoms, causes and treatment

Stomatitis after tooth extraction: symptoms, causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The occurrence of dental disease often results in the extraction of a tooth that cannot be treated. In most cases, this procedure takes place without consequences for the patient. However, sometimes complications develop. Among them, the most common is stomatitis after tooth extraction

How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice

How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Various factors influence their he alth. It is necessary to properly care for the oral cavity, follow the rules of hygiene, visit the doctor regularly. If you adhere to this from early childhood and do not evade this scheme, then you can hope that your teeth will be preserved until old age. Of course, not the last place is occupied by heredity, general he alth

The proximal surface of the tooth is the surface of contact with the tooth located behind. Anatomy of teeth

The proximal surface of the tooth is the surface of contact with the tooth located behind. Anatomy of teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The tooth crown has a multi-faceted configuration that provides complete grinding and chewing of solid food. The division of the tooth into sections is used to describe the relief of the dental arch and various pathological processes occurring on the surface of each tooth. The upper dentition is located in the form of a semi-ellipse, the lower - an ellipse. Due to the contact of the teeth with each other, a single row is created. Let us consider in more detail the main forms of the surface of the teeth

Restoration of teeth is Description of the procedure, types of materials, photos before and after

Restoration of teeth is Description of the procedure, types of materials, photos before and after

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Restoration of teeth is a series of restorative procedures aimed at recreating the original state of the dentition. There are quite a lot of ways today and everyone can choose the one that suits them in terms of quality and price

Which dentures are better and cheaper: dentist reviews, types, new items and comparisons

Which dentures are better and cheaper: dentist reviews, types, new items and comparisons

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What are the best dentures? Everything you need to know about the types of prosthetics: the most advantageous solutions, a detailed description, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations from dentists and user reviews

A crown with a pin fell out - what to do? How to fix the crown of the tooth yourself

A crown with a pin fell out - what to do? How to fix the crown of the tooth yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If the tooth is destroyed, then a crown is placed on the remaining root, or it is placed as a bridge. It can be simple, on an individual tab or on a pin. If a crown with a pin falls out, it will be necessary to re-treat the root canal and make a new design. Some patients do not want to go back to the doctor and try to fix a broken tooth on their own, is it possible to do this and how to deal with the problem?

Good orthodontist in Krasnoyarsk: reviews

Good orthodontist in Krasnoyarsk: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to find a good orthodontist in Krasnoyarsk? Beautiful straight teeth and a correct bite are unlikely to ever go out of fashion, and therefore people continue to turn to specialists who can correct defects and give a Hollywood smile. The list of the best orthodontists in Krasnoyarsk, presented below, will help you choose the best