Partial prosthesis: types, designs, reviews

Partial prosthesis: types, designs, reviews
Partial prosthesis: types, designs, reviews

Modern medicine allows not only to return a beautiful smile to the patient, but also to restore the lost functions of the oral cavity. Prosthetics come to the rescue. In some cases, a partial prosthesis is installed, in other situations, the restoration of chewing functions requires the manufacture of a complete structure. But all of them improve the patient's quality of life and restore the aesthetics of the dentition.

partial denture
partial denture

What is a partial denture?

This is an orthopedic design that restores part of the missing units of the dentition. To install removable dentures, one condition must be met. The patient must have at least two natural teeth. A prosthesis will be attached to them using attachments or clasps.

The considered designs are used in the absence of several (usually chewing) units.

Partially removable dentures - dental structures that allow you to quickly and inexpensivelyrestore lost functions. Usually they are made entirely of plastic. Only clasps (hooks) are made of metal. It is for these reasons that the design turns out to be quite light and affordable for all segments of the population.

Types of partial dentures

Let's see what they are:

1. The simplest type and affordable is a partial lamellar denture. It allows you to restore lost functions due to the absence of the main chewing teeth. Also, experts recommend it to patients in the absence of several units in a row on the jaw arch.

2. Segments or removable sectors are unilateral prostheses. Use them in the absence of several teeth on one side.

3. An immediate prosthesis is a temporary construction. Specialists impose them immediately after tooth extraction. Also, such designs are relevant for wearing during the manufacture of a permanent prosthesis. This will keep the location of neighboring units.

4. Clasp dentures are a type of partial removable structures. They are comfortable, strong and durable. This design has many positive characteristics. Unlike other removable orthopedic models, the load in the considered prostheses is distributed over the entire jaw arch, and not just on the supporting units. This became possible thanks to the arc frame. It is usually made of metal. These dentures do not need to be removed at night. Thanks to this, the practical application of the design in everyday life has been simplified. For the latest developments,include metal-free clasp prostheses. The clasps on them are elastic. This design does not require turning of reference units.

types of partial dentures
types of partial dentures

When are partial dentures recommended?

Despite the fact that modern technology has stepped far ahead, the designs in question are in great demand. Partial dentures are installed in half of the patients of dental clinics. After all, this is a simple and relatively inexpensive method of prosthetics. As a rule, in the absence of several chewing teeth, the doctor may recommend restoring the lost function with a removable structure.

When are full removable designs recommended?

Also, patients who have lost almost all of their native units can order the manufacture of a complete removable denture. The absence of many teeth is an indication for the installation of a lamellar structure. Excessive pressure on the supporting units in such situations calls into question the functional value of fixed dentures.

Undoubtedly, implantation is the best way to deal with such patient problems. However, this method of prosthetics has its contraindications. In addition, it refers to expensive procedures. That is why many people choose the method of prosthetics with removable and non-removable structures.

Recently, innovations have also affected their production. The use of new materials and technologies makes the prostheses in question more convenient to use and more aesthetic.

Cup prosthesis

About this type of orthodonticstructures will be discussed separately. Clasp prostheses are distinguished by openwork, more precise casting. This technique is considered modern, and the designs are very convenient for patients to use. The clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw has some peculiarity. It is supplemented with a palatine bridge. The design itself is a metal frame, an arc and artificial teeth that are attached to the base.

The clasp prosthesis for the upper jaw (due to the jumper) is made in such a way that the load during chewing can be distributed evenly over the entire jaw. This brings the design as close as possible to the natural dentition in terms of functionality.

The specialist selects methods of fixation on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of each patient.

clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw
clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw


Doctors have identified a number of abnormalities in which a clasp partial denture is recommended. Consider them:

1. With partial loss of teeth.

2. When there are long gaps.

3. With end defects of the jaw arch.

4. To fix teeth in periodontitis.

5. With the complete absence of teeth.

6. To correct violations of chewing, diction.

7. With aesthetic unattractiveness due to the lack of dental units.

8. With increased abrasion of the enamel on the upper jaw.

9. In the presence of a flat sky.

10. In cases where there are no maxillary tubercles.

11. If it is not possible to apply other removable structures.

12. Atdiseases that reduce the resistance of capillaries (prosthetic bed area).

partial denture
partial denture

Advantages of clasp structures

The considered method of prosthetics is rapidly replacing lamellar orthodontic structures. And no wonder. After all, it has a number of advantages:

  • The design allows you not to completely cover the sky.
  • Evenly distributes the load on the gums and teeth.
  • Compact clasp prostheses.
  • Very fast patient adaptation during the commissioning of the device.
  • No need to remove the structure from the oral cavity at night.
  • Prostheses do not affect the patient's diction.
  • Designs are comfortable to use.
  • Prevent the development of prosthetic stomatitis.
  • Does not induce gagging in patients.

Production of clasp structures

Today, the prosthetics in question is becoming more and more popular. This is due to a sharp jump in their quality and production. New materials are being created to help make the design light, openwork, and inconspicuous. Gradually, the technique involving the removal of the wax part from the plaster model became a thing of the past. Soldering the frame with conventional solders is now irrelevant.

Today, many clasp prostheses are produced on refractory models. Soldering is used laser or hydrogen. In this case, the frame is heated locally. All this allows you to save the properties of the alloy.

Manufacture of partial removable dentures today givesthe opportunity for the patient to get a wonderful aesthetic effect and a reliable, comfortable design. Consider the production steps:

1. Get an accurate impression. To do this, use the latest silicone and light-curing materials.

2. Prosthetic planning. The knowledge and qualifications of both the technician and the doctor, as well as their ability to think creatively, are extremely important.

3. Selection of materials, various devices. Their technological properties must be interdependent.

4. Carrying out a control inspection of the mold before pouring investment into it.

5. Making a model, pouring the frame.

6. Drying and carcass processing.

7. Fitting the model.

8. Product fitting.

When all the nuances of production are done exactly, the partial denture for the lower jaw should lag behind the mucosa by 0.3-0.5 mm. Occlusal overlays should be located in the planned places. In this case, they do not interfere with the closing of the teeth. The arch of a prosthesis made for the upper jaw can fit snugly against the hard palate. But the patient should not feel pressure on him. The specialist checks the tightness of the clasps. When all stages of verification are completed, the doctor proceeds to the manufacture of the basic part of the structure.

Modern materials allow you to choose the color of artificial teeth, make them look like native units, while maintaining strength.

fabrication of partial dentures
fabrication of partial dentures

Procedure for manufacturing a removable plate design

Consider the stepsproduction:

1. The patient undergoes a clinical examination, diagnosis.

2. Choosing a prosthesis model.

3. Taking impressions, casting models.

4. The technician makes a wax base with occlusal rollers.

5. Checking all parts and sections of models.

6. Making a prosthesis, grinding products.

If the design of the partial denture is done correctly, the patient should not feel pressure on the underlying gum tissue. It fits snugly and doesn't get in the way. The design must be aesthetically pleasing and durable.

partial lamellar denture
partial lamellar denture

How to care for removable structures

Some patients who are forced to use removable structures unfortunately do not know how to care for them. Undoubtedly, this is the fault of the doctor in the first place. After all, it was he who was obliged to explain to the patient the elementary norms of hygiene. Today, some people clean the prosthesis in the old fashioned way with a soapy or soda solution, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. All these cleaning methods raise doubts about their effectiveness. At the same time, they significantly reduce the service life of the orthodontic structure and have a negative impact on the oral cavity.

The doctor is obliged to inform each patient about the care products for removable dental structures. Many pharmaceutical companies produce special tablets. Their application is incredibly simple. It is only necessary to dissolve the drug in water and process the prosthesis. It is pre-washed under running water, eliminating food debris.

It is worth noting that the part that is adjacent to the gum requires more careful treatment. Brushing with a regular toothbrush can damage the structure. For these purposes, a special brush can be purchased at the pharmacy. And the process of removing food debris and plaque must be carried out carefully, carefully.

partial removable denture design
partial removable denture design

Reviews of specialists and patients

The partial denture received mixed reviews. Moreover, the opinion of patients here does not run counter to the statements of doctors. Both of them say that clasp structures are undoubtedly more convenient to use. Patients quickly get used to them. Many people are very satisfied with this method of prosthetics. They confirm that the prostheses do not rub soft tissues, do not cause a gag reflex and look quite aesthetically pleasing.

Lamellar prostheses can provide no less beautiful smile. However, due to the peculiarities of their design, not every patient can quickly adapt. In conclusion, I would like to note that the comfort in operation, aesthetics and durability largely depend on the qualifications of specialists.
