Antibiotic stomatitis: causes and treatment

Antibiotic stomatitis: causes and treatment
Antibiotic stomatitis: causes and treatment

Stomatitis is called inflammation of the oral mucosa. It appears against the background of a specific reaction of the body, not some drugs. Stomatitis from antibiotics is common. The disease can give various complications, including the appearance of ulcers, granulomas. Conservative treatment is necessary with the use of local preparations, medicines of general action. This is described in the article.

About the disease

With medical stomatitis, the oral mucosa becomes inflamed from antibiotics. This pathology appears for 2 reasons:

  1. From allergies to the active or excipients of the drug.
  2. From oral fungus. An ailment appears due to a violation of the natural flora from taking antibiotics, which leads to the occurrence of candidal stomatitis.
stomatitis from antibiotics
stomatitis from antibiotics

The first form usually develops a few hours after taking medication. Secondappears after prolonged treatment. With both forms of stomatitis from antibiotics, effective treatment is possible.


Antibiotic stomatitis appears after taking various drugs. Usually the disease develops from tetracycline and streptomycin. Rarely there is an allergy to penicillin medicines, macrolides.

The causes of stomatitis from antibiotics include a violation of the dosage, individual sensitivity to the drug, the wrong combination with other drugs. In this case, there is irritation and redness in the mouth. Some people may develop allergies even to medications that were previously taken without side effects. It all depends on the general condition of the body.


Stomatitis after antibiotics manifests itself in the form of several signs. Usually the ailment is noticeable by the following:

  • appearance of a rash on the mucosa;
  • itching and pain in the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • hyperemia of the mucosa, bleeding gums and bad breath;
  • increased dry mouth.
stomatitis after antibiotics
stomatitis after antibiotics

In difficult situations, there may be symptoms in the form of fatigue, joint pain, hives, and muscle discomfort. Probably some increase in body temperature. In severe cases, patients develop anaphylactic shock after antibiotics.


If there is a suspicion of stomatitis after antibiotics, you should consult a dentist. The doctor, after examination, on the basis of complaints and medical history, determineswhat medication could cause this side effect. Allergy tests can also be taken from the patient to determine the cause of the development of the disease.

If fungal stomatitis is suspected, a biomaterial is taken for analysis. If self-medication was performed, the patient should notify the doctor about the types of antibiotics taken, dosage. You can take a package of medicine with you, which is necessary to facilitate diagnosis and effective therapy.

Only after diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe an accurate treatment that will relieve all painful symptoms.


Conservative treatment of stomatitis after antibiotics will stop the disease. Therapy is to establish the cause, eliminate the symptoms. Treatment should be prescribed by the dentist after the diagnosis. Be sure to take into account the patient's individual sensitivity to drugs, his general well-being.

You should not independently treat stomatitis after antibiotics in adults and children. This can cause a complication of the disease and a deterioration in the general well-being of the patient. Any drugs and prescriptions of traditional medicine must be prescribed by a doctor.

Medicated treatment

How to treat stomatitis after antibiotics? Conservative therapy involves the use of antihistamines to remove all allergens from the body. General strengthening medicines are also used - gels and ointments, for example, Cholisal. The use of such drugs relieves the condition.

stomatitis after antibiotics in adults treatment
stomatitis after antibiotics in adults treatment

The treatment period is 2-3 weeks, and usually the symptoms of the disease disappear in 3-5 days. All drugs within the same course of therapy must be prescribed by a doctor. There are undesirable consequences due to unauthorized use of medications, including a deterioration in the general condition of the patient and an increase in the intensity of symptoms.


Stomatitis after antibiotics in adults is treated with these types of drugs. Immunostimulants provide the effectiveness of therapy for the disease. They are also used to prevent relapses. For this purpose, "Amixin" or "Imudon" is often used. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks, and with reduced immunity, it is extended.

stomatitis on the background of antibiotics
stomatitis on the background of antibiotics

For the effectiveness of the treatment of stomatitis after antibiotics in adults, vitamin complexes are used. Multivitamin products and vitamin C are suitable. Use them on the recommendation of a doctor, but you still need to check that you are not allergic to such drugs.


Stomatitis on the background of antibiotics is eliminated with special preparations: Zovirax, Viferon, Acyclovir, because usually after treatment, immunity becomes weak. Not only anti-inflammatory pills are suitable, but also ointments. The duration of taking these drugs is equal to a week.

stomatitis after taking antibiotics
stomatitis after taking antibiotics

Before taking antiviral ointments, you should check that they can be used on the oral mucosa. Those medications that are effective for this purpose are applied up to 4 times a day. Before the procedure, mucousit is advisable to blot with a cotton swab - this will enhance the effectiveness of the medicine.

Topical preparations

Stomatitis after taking antibiotics is treated with ointments - "Lidocaine", "Kamistad", "Istillagel". The drugs stop the symptoms of the disease, as they have an antiseptic, analgesic effect. With fungal stomatitis, "Geksoral", "Mikozon", "Levorin" are prescribed. Children use "Clotrimazole", "Pimafucin", "Metrogil Denta" for therapy.

Medicines must be used at least 2 times a day, with acute signs of illness - up to 5 times a day. Ointments are advised to be used after oral hygiene to increase the effectiveness of the medication.


For the treatment of stomatitis after taking antibiotics in adults, use "Stomatidin", "Furacilin", "Miramistin". To improve the condition of the mucosa, decoctions of oak bark and chamomile, decoctions of calendula help. By treating the oral cavity with these medicines, it will be possible to stop the mucosal infection and accelerate healing.

treatment of stomatitis after antibiotics
treatment of stomatitis after antibiotics

To get the desired effect, treat the oral cavity with these drugs should be at least 3 times a day. Perform this after brushing your teeth, after eating. If the patient's symptoms worsen after using this remedy, he should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


These medications appear when you have symptoms of a fever. Usually, remedies such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen help to reduce fever with stomatitis. If a person has an ache inbody, Nimesil is used. The drugs are given symptomatically. If the temperature does not rise the next day, they should not be taken.

Antipyretics for medical stomatitis are given when the patient's temperature is above 38.5 degrees. In other cases, she is not shot down.

Before using any medicine, you must read the instructions from the manufacturer. Dosage and duration of treatment should be observed. Only if these rules are followed, therapy will be effective.

Folk remedies

To temporarily stop the symptoms of the disease, folk recipes can be used. The best of them are the following:

  1. Aloe. It is used as a local remedy to get rid of the symptoms of stomatitis. The leaf of the plant should be cut in half, then applied to the gum to the diseased area for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day.
  2. Potato remedy. You will need 1 liter of raw finely grated vegetable and 1 liter of olive oil. The components are mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The gruel is applied to the diseased areas of the gums for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Ointment from honey. To prepare the product, you will need 1 tsp. liquid honey, which should be heated in a water bath, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Then you need to pour in crude protein and an ampoule of 0.5% novocaine. Everything is mixed until smooth. The ointment is applied to the affected area in the morning and evening. Store the product in the refrigerator.
stomatitis after antibiotics in adults
stomatitis after antibiotics in adults

If you wish, continue to use folk remediesyou should consult your doctor. He must check that they are compatible with the rest of the means used.

How do I take antibiotics?

To reduce the negative impact of antibiotics on the body, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Drugs should be prescribed by a physician based on indications, contraindications, age, weight, tolerability.
  2. Even if the medicine is strong, it does not mean that it is more effective. There are antibiotics for every ailment, so you should not ask your doctor for the strongest medicines.
  3. Requires complete course to improve.
  4. It is necessary to write down or remember what drugs have been allergic to, especially in children. This information is entered into the medical record in order to prevent the recurrence of negative reactions in the future.
  5. Don't change your dosage yourself. Less is not safer.
  6. Don't skip your medication. Take them every day at the same time.


Antibiotics with prolonged treatment lead to dysbacteriosis not only in the oral cavity, but also in other organs. Therefore, to protect against the development of this disease and thrush, antifungal agents are needed. This should be done if the course of antibiotic treatment is more than a week. Usually short courses (3-7 days) do not lead to such fungal complications.

Probable Complications

If stomatitis is not cured in time, this may cause erosion on the oral mucosa, lips, near the lips. In the future, scars and granulomas occurin areas of ulcers. Another disease can lead to allergic rhinitis, iodine acne, increased production of sebum.

When dysbacteriosis occurs from antibiotics, blackening of the tongue and a change in its texture may occur. In these cases, urgent medical care is required, hospitalization for effective treatment.

To reduce the risk of stomatitis, careful handling of antibiotics is necessary. Do not take these drugs without the advice of a doctor. Medical attention should be sought if adverse drug reactions occur. It is also important to follow the dosage. You should also take probiotics if prescribed by your doctor.
