Toothpaste maintains oral hygiene. This tool has a therapeutic and preventive effect. Modern toothpastes have a pleasant taste, freshen breath and rarely lead to allergic reactions. There is a classification of toothpastes by composition. Each species has its purpose.
But not many people study products, composition when buying. Usually they look at the company and the price. There are popular products that remove soft plaque, whiten teeth, but are not suitable for everyone, so they can harm teeth and periodontal disease. The classification of toothpastes is presented below.
A bit of history
The ancient Romans used improvised natural remedies instead of toothpaste - plant roots, wood ash, resin. Pasta in tubes began to be produced in the 19th century - this hygienic product became in demand among people, therefore it replaced all natural analogues.

Now in pharmacies, in addition to pastes, there is a powder presented in the form of chemicallyprecipitated chalk, saturated with useful additives, flavors.
Before you get acquainted with the composition, properties, classification of toothpastes, you should find out the categories of this product. It happens:
- healing;
- hygienic;
- treatment and prevention.
In Western dentistry there are anti-caries, desensitizing pastes. Whiteners protect against the appearance of plaque and tartar. This is the generally accepted classification.
Hygiene products provide 2 functions: freshening breath and cleaning teeth from soft plaque. They have abrasive and foaming components, flavors and flavors.
Other varieties
The composition of the classification of toothpastes is as follows:
- deodorant - provide gentle cleansing, eliminate bad breath;
- cleansing - eliminate plaque.

The abrasive is silica or chalk. The larger the partial component, the more efficient the cleaning. But large particles wear away the enamel, so when making a product, a balance must be struck between the safety of the product and its function to remove contamination. Abrasive pastes should not be used on sensitive enamel. In this case, it is better to choose gels.
These tools have many functions. In addition to abrasives and fragrances, they contain extracts, s alts, vitamins, peroxides, and enzymes. Some are designed for daily dental care for hygiene and prevention. Others may be prescribed by a doctor for oral he alth.
Classification of toothpastes divides therapeutic and prophylactic pastes into several types:
- Anticarious. Protect against plaque, strengthen teeth. Many contain fluoride. But the paste can be without it, then enzymes or calcium compounds are present.
- Anti-inflammatory. They provide improved blood circulation, metabolism, elimination of bleeding and unpleasant odor. This group includes s alt pastes, products with chlorophyll, antimicrobial agents, plant extracts, biologically active ingredients.
- Desensitizing. Designed for sensitive teeth. They may contain potassium and strontium s alts that block tooth sensitivity. They do not include strong abrasives, resulting in rapid build-up of plaque.
- Whitening. Means act by destroying plaque or discoloration, removing pigment. Whitening pastes are advised to be used more than 2 times a week, so sometimes they are classified as a separate type.
- Sorption. Include polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate and additional sorbents. Their main task is to cleanse the oral cavity from microparticles and harmful bacteria.
- Organic. These are natural pastes containing herbal extracts. The abrasive is chalk. Dentists have different opinions about the use of these products, since specialists are not always involved in the creation of such products.
- Baby. The composition of such funds is chosen so that there is no harm tounformed enamel. They are not dangerous even if swallowed.
Healing pastes are available only in pharmacies. They are used as directed by a doctor to disinfect the oral cavity and eliminate acute inflammation. You need to use them based on the instructions from the manufacturer.
According to Ulitovsky
Ulitovsky's classification of toothpastes is slightly different. A professor and doctor of medical sciences in dentistry divided these funds into the following types:
- Hygienic. They perform the function of cleaning the teeth and deodorizing the mouth.
- Treatment and prophylactic. Such pastes are divided into simple and complex.

There is a classification of toothpastes by color. They are:
- white;
- black;
- green;
- mixed.
Depending on the color, each paste has its own purpose. For example, whites perform a whitening effect, freshen breath. Black ones are used to remove plaque, tartar. Greens include herbal extracts, which provide a healing effect.
There is another classification of toothpastes. The composition is also important, since the effect, the therapeutic effect depends on it. The main components include the presence of:
- essential oils;
- vitamins and trace elements;
- antiseptics;
- enzymes;
- different s alts;
- calcium compounds;
- fluorine compounds.
Composition andproperties of toothpastes are interconnected. Fluoride-containing pastes are effective in protecting against caries and strengthening enamel. This component and its compounds are present in many products. Fluorine was first used in the early 20th century in the United States.

The benefit of this component is based on the fact that its ions remain on the surface of the teeth and in cracks, and then bind calcium and other minerals, creating solid compounds. The resulting fluorapatite will be harder than hydroxyapatite. Therefore, fluoride toothpaste makes teeth harder and more acid resistant.
Usually in dentistry, fluorine compounds with tin, aluminum, and sodium are used. Tin fluoride is not currently used, because with prolonged use, gums become inflamed and demineralized areas of enamel stain. Sodium fluoride is still in demand today, because it has a high remineralizing effect. It is used in pediatric dentistry.
There are many opinions about the benefits and harms of fluoride. In large quantities, this component is toxic. Products with it should not be used by residents of regions where there is a lot of fluoride in drinking water.
The main function of these components is to create foam, thanks to which the enamel is cleaned of food residues and microbial plaque. Many toothpastes use sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate as surfactants.
Component can lead to irritation of the gums and mucous membranes of the cheeks, their dryness, allergies. In addition, taste perception changes after brushing your teeth.
Moisture-retaining components are polyhydric alcohols. It can be glycerin or propylene glycol. With them is achieved:
- liquid retention in paste;
- plastic consistency;
- increase in freezing point;
- improving the taste of hygiene products;
- extension of usage time.

To give the paste a pleasant aroma and taste, aromatic components are added. They can be synthetic and natural. The most common is mint. Expensive products include fennel, anise, lavender. But such pastes are not suitable for everyone, since essential oils can lead to severe allergies.
Sweeteners and Colors
Due to the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate, the paste acquires a specific aftertaste, which makes it not so easy to use the product. Sweeteners such as xylitol, stevia extract, or saccharin help improve the taste. The first component is the best because it supports dental he alth with its properties.
Coloring components give the paste a nice tone. But it is advisable not to choose products with artificial additives, especially titanium dioxide.
Pastes with s alt compositions and soda
Such funds are used in the treatment of various infectious processes, usually inflammation. Indications for the use of pastes are bacterial, aphthous and fungal stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues.
S alt and soda paste positivelyaffect the oral cavity:
- restore blood circulation and mineral metabolism of the gums;
- improve the outflow of exudate from inflamed areas;
- normalize natural acidity and protect enamel from external factors;
- eliminate components of dental deposits.

Saline pastes have a moderate analgesic effect and eliminate pain in periodontitis, periodontal disease. They are used for gingivitis and other inflammations.
The healing properties of toothpaste are based on the fluoride content. This component strengthens tooth enamel. Useful properties of toothpaste will be manifested if it contains titanium dioxide and triclosan. With daily use of such funds, pathogenic microflora is destroyed. Especially quickly they remove streptococci, which are responsible not only for the formation of plaque in the mouth and teeth, but also for root caries and bad breath.
Triclosan is a powerful antiseptic found in many antibacterial cosmetics and medicines. The benefit of the pastes is to clean the teeth and gums.
Rules of application
Considering the classification of toothpastes, properties, purpose, application, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of doctors regarding the use of funds. Dentists advise squeezing out a little paste, about a pea. Do not keep the paste longer than 2-3 minutes in your mouth, do not swallow.
It is necessary to thoroughly clean all teeth, doing this for 2 minutes. Reversethe side of the brush is sure to clean the tongue. After that, rinse your mouth thoroughly. It is recommended to brush your teeth 2 times a day.
Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the composition. Products must not contain harmful substances. It is desirable that it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens. The latter lead to allergies, problems with the thyroid gland. And laureth sulfate provides dehydration of oral tissues and negatively affects the gums.
You can clean with folk remedies. For example, some use flour from the roots of horsetail or iris. They also make herbal mixtures. For this, dried leaves and flowers of birch, string, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile and laurel are finely ground. Additionally, licorice root, pine needles are used. There is a tooth powder in stores that is also suitable for brushing teeth.
Black paste with birch charcoal is now in demand. It has an antibacterial, whitening effect. It can also be used for sensitive enamel. But such funds are more expensive.
It is important that they are of high quality. The age of the child must also be taken into account. You should read the information on the package, because it usually says for whom the paste is intended. For babies, products without fluoride or with a small amount of it are more suitable, especially up to 6 years. An excellent substitute is calcium, which nourishes and strengthens enamel, protecting against caries.

You should not choose highly abrasive pastes, as children's enamel is not fully formed and sensitive. It's better to excludetriclosan, which kills harmful and beneficial oral bacteria.
Thus, toothpastes are needed for oral hygiene. But you need to learn how to choose a quality tool. It is also important to use it correctly.