Tooth protrusion: description of the anomaly, causes and methods of treatment

Tooth protrusion: description of the anomaly, causes and methods of treatment
Tooth protrusion: description of the anomaly, causes and methods of treatment

Abnormal arrangement of individual teeth or the entire jaw row looks unaesthetic. One of the most common problems that patients visit the dentist for is protrusion. This is a disease characterized by pathological protrusion of the teeth forward. However, the timely help of an orthodontist allows you to get rid of the problem, to become the owner of a perfect smile.

Protrusion and retrusion of teeth

In orthodontics, it is customary to distinguish several varieties of malocclusion. The most common are protrusion and retrusion. In the first case, the anterior part of the jaw row shifts forward at an acute angle, and in the second - backwards, as if falling into the oral cavity. Also in medical practice, there are cases of tooth movement to the side (laterotrusion and mediotrusion).

Such anomalies lead to distortion of the dental arch. As a result, the risk of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease increases. In addition, the likelihood of violation of diction increases. In the nurseryAt the age of phonemic hearing is formed incorrectly. Therefore, the child cannot correctly distinguish sounds and pronounce them. In the future, this entails problems with studies, the development of complexes.

features of protrusion
features of protrusion

Main reasons

Tooth protrusion is a serious deviation from the norm. There are many factors that can serve as a prerequisite for the appearance of a defect. It is on them that the treatment, its complexity and duration subsequently depend. Most often, the anomaly develops for the following reasons:

  • lack of sufficient space in the mouth for the growth of molars;
  • late change of milk teeth to molars;
  • the habit in childhood to gnaw or suck on foreign objects, fingers;
  • tooth spacing;
  • incorrect position of the tongue in the mouth in a relaxed state;
  • presence of extra dental units.

Often a similar problem is faced by patients who are used to breathing through their mouths and not through their noses.

bad habits of children
bad habits of children

Protrusion after braces

Incorrect positioning of the jaw row units is not uncommon today. Therefore, many patients resort to the help of various orthodontic structures, for example, they install braces on their teeth. Protrusion may also come at the cost of wearing them for a long time.

After removing the structure, the teeth no longer experience pressure from the outside. As a result, the reverse process often begins. Teeth tend to return to their original positionrecently they were not allowed braces. Sometimes a similar problem may occur due to incorrect treatment.

To prevent the development of an anomaly, it is important to treat the retention period responsibly. After removing the orthodontic structure, the doctor installs retainers-caps or a thin wire on the teeth. With their help, the incisors are fixed in the desired position. This approach allows you to prevent the subsequent curvature of the teeth, to fix the result after using braces.

use of braces
use of braces

Signs of anomaly

The disease can manifest itself both with permanent and during mixed dentition. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Excessive forward protrusion and outward turning of the lips. This symptom may be almost invisible in people with full lips. However, in the case of thin lips, the protrusion of the front teeth entails a violation of the aesthetic appearance of the face.
  2. Inability to fully purse lips. A situation is recognized pathological when, in a relaxed state, the gap between the lips is 4 mm or more.

The severity of these symptoms depends on the severity of the problem.

protrusion symptoms
protrusion symptoms


In dentistry, there are 2 main classifications of tooth protrusions, based on the signs of the density of the units of the jaw row and the localization of the defect. In the first case, there is a crowded position of the teeth or rarefaction with the presence of three and diastema. Distinguish according to the place of originthe following violation options:

  • anomaly of the upper jaw, in which only the upper incisors move forward;
  • anomaly of the lower jaw, when the teeth of the lower row are tilted;
  • bimaxillary protrusion, combining the two previous options.

Diagnostic Methods

To clarify the diagnosis, the specialist first makes a cast of the patient's jaw. It allows you to see the individual characteristics of the jaw system. Using special tools, the orthodontist determines the width and length of the rows, the degree of displacement of the incisors.

X-ray examination also has informative value. With the help of a picture, the doctor can see the roots and assess the degree of development of the teeth. If necessary, images of individual areas are taken.

Based on the diagnosis, the doctor makes a conclusion and selects the treatment. Dentists recommend correcting the anomaly in the late removable or early permanent dentition. The choice of method for treating protrusion of teeth depends on the severity of the pathology, the availability of free space for moving the incisors. The results of the examination and external examination are of great importance.

snapshot of teeth
snapshot of teeth

Elimination of violation without surgery

This technique is most effective in treating children. It involves the use of special orthodontic structures, which are selected individually.

In the early stages of tooth protrusion, the use of appliances based on molars can be dispensed with. Trem and diastema correction is carried out with the help of braces. The pressure exerted on the problem units allows you to bring them into the correct anatomical position, align the bite.

In mild cases, doctors also recommend doing therapeutic exercises. It is enough to periodically press the tongue on the problem incisor. If there is enough space, it will eventually take the right position. However, this recommendation is individual. You should not try to fix the problem yourself by this method without seeking the advice of a specialist. At best, it will be possible to cope with the pathology, and at worst, time will be lost.

bracket construction installation
bracket construction installation

Surgical correction

The basis for surgical intervention is a pronounced slope of the dentition from below and from above. His help is resorted to in rare cases, and the procedure goes as follows:

  • from each side of the jaws, the doctor removes one premolar;
  • U-shaped osteotomy being performed;
  • jaw fragment along with the teeth "moves" to the desired position;
  • the displaced area is fixed for the entire period necessary for the healing of the jaw.

Combined hardware-surgical therapy is used much more often for protrusion of teeth. It involves the removal of 4 premolars on both sides of both jaws. After that, a fixed orthopedic structure is necessarily used. It is necessary to move the canines to the place where the dental units were previously removed. This approach is considered more conservative. However, it takes more time tofull defect correction.

surgical treatment of protrusion
surgical treatment of protrusion

Cost of treatment

The cost of eliminating protrusion depends on the chosen treatment option and the severity of the pathology. The price may also vary depending on the region and the prestige of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor.

Procedure name Service cost (RUB)
First appointment 500
Treatment with conservative methods 4000-8000
Removal of a dental unit 2000
Installation of a bracket system on one dentition 10000
Removal of braces 1000
Treatment of prostration with braces 70000-150000

Most often the cost of installing braces on the teeth varies. The price in remote regions for the service is 50-100 thousand rubles. In Moscow, it can cost more than 200 thousand rubles.

Prevention Methods

Protrusion of the anterior teeth in most cases is formed in early childhood. Some patients have a hereditary predisposition, while others develop pathology against the background of bad habits. At first glance, they may seem completely harmless.

For example, parents from the first days are advised to stop the child's addiction every time to suck fingers or pull foreign objects into the mouth. At school age, you should pay attention to whether it gnawsteenager pens and pencils. Even at this stage, the bite is not yet sufficiently formed, so it can be spoiled.

You should make it a rule to visit the dentist twice a year. This recommendation applies to both children and adults. Such preventive visits allow you to detect the problem in a timely manner and immediately begin to eliminate it. In the future, you will not have to endure painful operations, remove teeth.
