Which dentures are better and cheaper? This question worries all people puzzled by the restoration of teeth. Having lost even one tooth, a person faces various problems in many areas of life. That is why every patient wants to solve such a problem with the highest quality, but at minimal cost.
Some information
Prosthetics is often the only way to eliminate aesthetic defects and restore the functionality of the dentition. But today there are a large number of varieties of prostheses, so choosing a design that is suitable for cost and quality can sometimes be very difficult. Reviews will help to understand what prostheses are and how they differ, to determine their main disadvantages and advantages.
Which dentures are better and cheaper? You can answer this question by reading the information provided.
There are two main types of prosthetics: fixed and removable. Each category, in turn, is subdivided into several more varieties, which differ in material, methodfixation, functionality and, of course, cost. Let's try to figure out which dentures are better and cheaper.
Fixed structures
Such systems are fixed with a special mount. It is unrealistic to install or remove such structures with one's own hand - the device remains in the patient's oral cavity until the end of its service life. Typically, fixed dentures are offered by dentists to young and middle-aged people, as well as to children and adolescents.
There are some of the most common types of designs:
- microprostheses - veneers and inlays;
- bridge systems;
- implants;
- single crowns.
The main advantage of non-removable designs lies in a fairly reliable and tight fit in the mouth. Of course, this implies professional installation using modern devices and quality materials.
Another argument in favor of such devices is the aesthetics of prostheses, their durability and strength. They are usually used to replace just a few teeth and hide the visual imperfections of one tooth, such as chipping or darkening of the enamel.
But dentists specify that such prosthetics are impossible if a large number of teeth are missing. Another disadvantage of fixed systems is their high cost and complexity of installation.
But which dentures are best? Feedback from users and dentists will allow you to understand in more detail the topic and the differences between existing designs. In choosing the optimal solutionA list of the best fixed dentures will help you.
Titanium-based constructions are characterized by reliability, durability and absolute compatibility with the structures of the oral cavity. There are several advantages of implants:
- possibility to replace both one and all teeth, as well as to use them as supporting parts for further prosthetics;
- absence of any side effects, discomfort after installation of the structure;
- hypoallergenic;
- In terms of their properties, implants are almost as good as natural teeth and deservedly considered the most durable among all types of products.

As for the shortcomings, they include the price of such a procedure. Installation of implants is considered the most expensive type of prosthetics. Its cost ranges from 35-60 thousand rubles - such information is available in the reviews. The best dentures are implants made from titanium. Users who have installed such a design speak of its many advantages and the absence of any disadvantages. But if you are looking for a more affordable way to get prosthetics, then this is not what you need.
Teeth inlays
Often shown in case of severe destruction or partial trauma to the tooth to restore its functionality and normal shape. Inlays are a great alternative to fillings. They are often used to restore the chewing rows after caries therapy or with too activeenamel abrasion.
Based on the material of production, dental inlays can be divided into:
- all-ceramic;
- porcelain;
- metal;
- cermet.
Which dentures are the best? According to reviews, all-ceramic structures are preferable, since in their appearance they do not differ at all from porcelain products, and in strength from metal ones. Porcelain inlays look nice but have low strength and are usually used to restore anterior teeth.
Here are some benefits of dental inlays:
- the ability to restore a significantly damaged tooth;
- low abrasion, high strength, good material shrinkage;
- aesthetic.
But what are the disadvantages of such constructions? There are only two of them: long-term treatment and relative high cost. According to dentists, such a device can cost you from 5 to 17 thousand rubles, depending on the material. The cheapest are metal structures, and the most expensive are all-ceramic.
They are thin ceramic plates that are most often used for the restoration of anterior teeth. Designs make it possible to correct minor damage to the teeth from the outside. According to reviews, the best dentures from this group are lumineers - neat porcelain veneers. They are distinguished by high aesthetics and strength, they are quickly produced and do not require preliminary surface preparation. But when installing compositeand ceramic products, the front part of the tooth must be prepared in advance.
Here are some benefits of veneers:
- aesthetics, the ability to hide numerous flaws;
- durability - can last 10-20 years;
- resistant to tobacco and food coloring.
- not used for severe lesions or damage to teeth;
- sometimes chip and flake off;
- high price of construction (porcelain products cost about 15-25 thousand, and ceramic - 12-15 thousand rubles).

Allows you to hide a variety of flaws and restore functionality, prevent further damage to the tooth. Crowns are made on the basis of metal, ceramics and precious alloys. If the product is installed on the front teeth, the use of metal-ceramic or ceramic structures is preferable. The former are characterized by reliability and durability, while the latter are much less rejected by tissues and do not provoke the development of allergies.
- aesthetics of snow-white products;
- mountable for fluorosis;
- reliability and strength, durability;
- affordable price - within 3-10 thousand rubles.
But dentists also talk about the disadvantages of crowns. These include:
- impossibility of installation with significant damage to the tooth;
- poor aesthetics of metal products;
- appearance probabilityallergies when installing a metal prosthesis;
- presence of contraindications for use - periodontal disease, weakened tooth root, young age.

Bridge structures
Give the opportunity to replace several teeth. They are produced according to the same technology from cermets and zirconium dioxide. Devices are installed on natural teeth, implants or using adhesive materials.
Advantages of such prostheses:
- aesthetic;
- durability and strength;
- dye resistant;
- quick adaptation;
- possibility of installation even in the complete absence of teeth;
- affordable price - within 7-10 thousand rubles.
And here are the main disadvantages:
- need for advance preparation;
- long production and installation;
- short service life of structures made of adhesive materials - up to 5 years.
Which removable denture is best?
According to reviews, removable designs can be easily removed and put on. You can do it yourself. There are several types of such prostheses:
- by type of attachment - partially or completely removable;
- acrylic, nylon and clasp.
Which dentures are better and cheaper? According to reviews, the main advantage of removable products is their versatility. Such prostheses can be used both with complete and with partial absence of teeth. Designs with easeremoved and installed in the mouth.
But the main drawback is the insufficiently tight fit of products to soft structures, especially after prolonged use and when mounted on the lower jaw.
So which dentures are better and cheaper? According to the reviews and the information provided, you will be able to choose the right product for yourself.
Bugel structures
Such products appeared relatively recently, but have already received a lot of positive feedback. What are the best dentures? Many dentists and patients answer this question unambiguously: clasp. And no wonder, because these designs really have a lot of advantages.
Most often, a removable clasp prosthesis is used in the absence of several teeth on both sides of the jaw. The design is attached to he althy abutment teeth.
The system consists of a ceramic-metal base on which a row of teeth is fixed. And on the jaws, the product is fixed with the help of special parts - locks or clasps.
Bugel structures have many advantages:
- strength and durability - serve about 10-15 years;
- possibility of mounting a partially removable or fully removable product;
- no need to remove the construction every laziness;
- aesthetic;
- quick adaptation;
- ease of use;
- even load on he althy teeth;
- Security fastening.

But thesedentures are still available:
- the need to use crowns on abutment teeth, sometimes they have to remove the nerves;
- gradual erasing of tooth enamel under the influence of locks or clasps;
- long-term fixture making;
- need for regular visits to the dentist;
- high cost - about 30-40 thousand designs with clasps and 90 thousand - with locks.
Nylon dentures
Which removable soft dentures are best? According to dentists, it is nylon structures that meet all the necessary requirements. They are produced by injection molding, mounted with complete and partial absence of teeth. But for some reason, the opinion of doctors does not at all coincide with the reviews of users who talk about a large number of shortcomings.
Here are the advantages of such designs:
- do not require special preparation of teeth before the procedure;
- transparent, aesthetic;
- flexibility and elasticity, which is very convenient;
- durability;
- hypoallergenic;
- resistance to dyes, does not change color over time.

True, these designs have a lot of disadvantages:
- liquid exposure - the material absorbs water and changes its characteristics over time, this also applies to odors;
- uneven distribution of load on own teeth due to flexibility;
- short service life - up to 5 years;
- high cost -about 30-40 thousand rubles.
If you believe the numerous user reviews, it cannot be said that such prostheses are the most comfortable and best. Many patients complain about long adaptation, difficulties during meals and deformation of the structures themselves.
Acrylic products
These are inexpensive good dentures that can be installed on any jaw, which is very convenient for people in old age. This design can be used with complete and partial absence of teeth.
Here are the main advantages of dentures:
- no contraindications;
- affordable cost - from 8 to 15 thousand rubles;
- quick production system;
- exact imitation of the "native jaw", the ability to select a specific color and size;
- aesthetic;
- even load distribution;
- possibility of restoration in case of product breakage or gum shrinkage.

Here are some cons:
- possibility of developing soft tissue atrophy due to constant load;
- gradual erasing of enamel;
- possibility of developing allergies;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor due to the porous structure of the structure;
- risk of product damage;
- short service life - up to 5 years.
Which is better to put dentures?
From the reviews it is very difficult to determine which type of design is right for you. But, after consulting with your doctor, you can choosethe best option that will meet all your requirements.
In fact, the choice of the type of prosthesis should be determined not only by financial capabilities, but also by indications for installation. So, if your tooth just broke, a simple crown or inlay can save it. The same solution will be optimal for prosthetics of significantly damaged rows.
If a large number of teeth are missing, it is best to put a prosthesis on implants. Bridges and removable structures are budget solutions, but their properties are significantly inferior to implants.
If you are not able to put fixed dentures or your natural teeth are completely missing, removable structures are made. You can choose the appropriate type of product by reading the reviews.
Which dentures are better and cheaper? All designs, as you can see, have their advantages and disadvantages. But still, the vast majority of patients call clasp products the best option. At the same time, users highlight high aesthetics, strength and reliability of the design. But many people refuse nylon products due to the fact that it is very difficult to get used to them. In addition, over time, when using them, patients develop gum problems.

Which full dentures are best? According to reviews, it is best to install a removable structure that will fully fit the palate and jaw. Today there are many types of such products, but acrylic prostheses are in the greatest demand. They aremodern, comfortable and affordable.
Which partial dentures are best? In user reviews, you can see a lot of laudatory information about veneers. It is these devices that are in great demand among people of all ages. Almost all the feedback about them is positive. In particular, users emphasize the aesthetics of the structures, their convenience and long service life.