Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n. The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population

Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n. The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population
Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n. The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population

A snow-white smile is often a hallmark of a person. It is not surprising, because "they are greeted by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind." The role of a beautiful smile and a he althy oral cavity cannot be overestimated. The first impression of a person will be spoiled if he has rotten teeth, bad breath, no matter how kind, smart and charming he may be. From one of this image in my head, I immediately want to say "brr, horror." However, taking care of this side of your appearance is often very expensive.

Paid dentistry
Paid dentistry

Of course, in extreme cases, you can always contact even round-the-clock paid cabinets. Dentistry 24 hours a day for a lot of money will solve the problems of the patient. Many such prices paid clinics simply can not afford. Therefore, one has to sit in line for hours at a free clinic, listen to doctors complain about poor working conditions and low wages, andsometimes even put up with the boorish behavior of some representatives of the "people in white coats." Our state is trying to "facilitate" this fate by introducing the Order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1496n, which details how, when and in what circumstances medical organizations should act. This legislative act entered into force on March 31, 2012, after publication in Rossiyskaya Gazeta No. 61 of March 21, 2012.

The main provisions of the order

The full text of the order can be viewed on the website of any legal information system.

Order text
Order text

The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population defines similar rules throughout the Russian Federation. To do this, you must have a medical policy and a passport (or a document replacing it, for example, a temporary identity card in case of loss of a passport). Anyone has the right to see a doctor if they have one or more of the following indications:

  • dental diseases of the teeth, oral cavity, jaws, tongue;
  • damage to teeth of various kinds;
  • acute, chronic, oncological diseases or injuries of the oral cavity and its "contents";
  • anomalies in development, external defects and more.
One of my dental problems
One of my dental problems

Emergency Dentistry

The situation has reached the point where the injury or disease is life threatening? Then there is the possibilityget emergency help. The ambulance team on duty must leave on call, carry out the necessary manipulations with the patient, and in a critical situation, ensure transportation to the nearest hospital department, which specializes in such cases. After the threat to life has passed, and the pain has passed, the patient is sent to a medical organization of the dental profile.

High tech assistance

In some cases, a dental bur and a spatula are indispensable, and help is needed with the use of equipment of new modern technologies. For example, everyone remembers the fear and numbness in the eyes of a child who saw his grandmother's jaw in a glass of water. A terrible sight. Such methods of prosthetics are far in the past. If there is a clear need for high-tech therapy, then it must be provided in accordance with the procedure for providing dental care to the adult population.

Modern technologies in dentistry
Modern technologies in dentistry

Appendices to the order

Additional sources of information to the order are applications. In the amount of 14 pieces, they widely disclose the organizational issues of the dental clinic. Separately, the qualification requirements for the personnel of such institutions, the equipment of each department, the general standard indicators for the personnel of medical institutions in this area are considered.

Dental clinic activities

A dental polyclinic can be either a separate organization or part of a multidisciplinary one, being a structural unit. When determining the standards for the number of employees, the main criterion is the nature of the service area, that is, the population, the nature of the incidence, the need for the treatment of diseases in this area. For the full provision of dental care to the adult population in the manner prescribed by law, it is recommended to have the following departments or at least offices:

  • lookout;
  • general practice;
  • X-ray;
  • surgical dentistry;
  • prosthetic dentistry;
  • hygiene room;
  • registration.

Ideally, in addition to functional offices, there should be offices serving the work of the former, such as service, legal and software. But only some organizations with a fairly large budget can afford such conditions. All management positions should be held exclusively by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience. Each group of employees of the Ministry of He alth has its own qualification requirements. The objectivity and reality of the standards for the number of staff requires special attention, for example, an interesting point is that only 5 dentists are required per 10,000 people, that is, 2,000 people for each doctor. And now let's remember those queues in free clinics.

Prevention is better than any cure

Prevention is better than cure
Prevention is better than cure

Whateverour polyclinics are equipped with ideal conditions, no matter what specialists work there, all the same, preventive measures in the fight for oral he alth are in the first place. Good habits, such as brushing your teeth twice a day, having check-ups with doctors at least once a year, should be established from childhood. It is always possible to use the services of emergency dentistry, but you should not postpone taking care of your he alth into the background, because it is much easier and faster to treat diseases detected in the early stages than advanced cases. Is it worth overpaying your money, spending precious time on solving issues that could have been avoided? The procedure for providing dental care to the adult population, of course, has been approved. But, as usual, problems begin when a person is faced with the implementation of this order on the ground. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent the disease than to "neutralize". This law of life operates here as well. Dentistry 24 hours a day is ready to help, but it is better to take care of your teeth, like honor, from a young age.
