A crown with a pin fell out - what to do? How to fix the crown of the tooth yourself

A crown with a pin fell out - what to do? How to fix the crown of the tooth yourself
A crown with a pin fell out - what to do? How to fix the crown of the tooth yourself

If the tooth is destroyed, then a crown is placed on the remaining root, or it is placed as a bridge. It can be simple, on an individual tab or on a pin. If a crown with a pin falls out, it will be necessary to re-treat the root canal and make a new design. Some patients do not want to go back to the doctor and try to fix a broken tooth on their own. The only question: a crown with a pin fell out - what to do?

Main causes of crown loss

a crown fell out with a pin what to do
a crown fell out with a pin what to do

A crown can fall out for several reasons:

  1. Loosening of the cement on which the crown rests, that is, its resorption.
  2. Erasure of the crown part or its breakage.
  3. Excessive pressure on the crown.
  4. Using a temporary crown.
  5. Appearancecaries under construction.
  6. Errors in tooth grinding or crown manufacturing.

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the loss of a crown with a pin. But anyone can be to blame: a technician, an orthopedist or the patient himself.

The task of the dentist is to prepare the tooth for prosthetics and fix the crown using good material. The dental technician in the manufacture of the crown must also adhere to all the rules for its creation. The patient must follow all the doctor's recommendations: follow the rules of hygiene and care of the crown, do not put pressure on it, do not chew solid food in the area of the crown.


the crown fell off along with the pin
the crown fell off along with the pin

If a crown on a tooth with a pin in the canal has fallen off, then the question of going to the doctor should not even arise, because only a specialist can fix the problem. But there are situations when in the near future it is not possible to visit the dentist's office. This can happen if a person is on vacation or a business trip. Technically, it will be impossible to return the structure to its place in the absence of the necessary skills and knowledge.

Therefore, at this time it is important not to damage the supporting tooth, as it is turned and is most vulnerable to external influences. It must be treated with care, do not put pressure on it, try not to drink or eat anything cold or hot. That is, to provide him with peace before going to the dentist.

What absolutely can not be done if your tooth crown has fallen out

Do not try to replace a fallen crown, it is still out ofnothing will come of this venture. In addition, the following activities are strictly prohibited:

  1. Don't try to bond a crown to your tooth, be aware that any non-dental adhesive can be toxic.
  2. Any attempt to glue the prosthesis will still fail.
  3. If you try to return the structure to its place on your own, you can damage both the prosthesis itself and the abutment tooth or pin.

Never use ordinary cement, glue or chewing gum!

The fallen crown should be rinsed well and dried. Then try to return it to its place, with a slight pressure, the structure should sit in place. This will allow her to stay in her place for a couple of days until the person goes to the dentist.

Ideally, you should see a doctor promptly so that he can install a temporary crown made of plastic or compost until a new prosthesis is repaired or made. This will protect the exposed turned tooth or post.

What will happen at the dentist?

crown fell off a tooth
crown fell off a tooth

If a crown with a pin fell out, what should I do at a doctor's appointment? The specialist initially assesses the condition of the broken crown, dental stump or post. If necessary, an x-ray is taken. Provided that the crown is intact and there are no other damages, the doctor can immediately fix the prosthesis.

If there is damage, preliminary treatment and a new design will be required.

Here are the problems it can solvedentist in case of crown loss with pin:

  1. Insert the fallen crown back in place. To do this, first the remnants of the fixative are removed, the place is treated with an antiseptic. After that, the tooth or dental pin is prepared.
  2. If there is a tooth under the crown, then it is prepared again. If necessary, it is treated, the channels are cleaned, its base is restored due to fixing structures. After that, the cast is removed. And after 7-10 days you can come to try on a new crown.
  3. If the root of the stump is destroyed, then it is removed. If this is not done, then the sore spot will become a source of infection. A bridge or implant is placed in place of the extracted tooth.

If little time has passed since the first visit to the dentist, that is, the warranty period has not expired, then all subsequent procedures are carried out completely free of charge. Otherwise, the doctor will have to pay for the work.

Why is it important to get to your specialist?

is it possible to fix the crown with corega cream
is it possible to fix the crown with corega cream

You should not blame everything on a specialist if the crown fell off along with the pin. Maybe it's not the doctor's fault. In addition, it is advisable to make an appointment with the same dentist, as he wrote in his journal or patient record about how the prosthesis was performed, what material was used and what problems were solved.

Sometimes dentists use temporary cements to create bridges that last an average of 1 to 2 years. You shouldn't think thatthe doctor saved on you. Such a need arises to monitor the state of the crown, its stability, to clean the gums using special tools.

If the temporary cemented crown is loose

dental pin
dental pin

When using temporary cement and loosening the crown, a person may experience an unpleasant smell from under the structure. Do not try to glue the prosthesis yourself, as this may be fraught with the following consequences:

  1. It is possible to install the prosthesis on the wrong side and its displacement. As a result, when the teeth are closed, there is a danger of deformation or breakage of the structure.
  2. The crown may not fit properly, leading to chipping and chewing problems. The gum under the prosthesis can be damaged, causing pain in this area.
  3. During the loosening of the crown, it begins to affect the gum, which increases in size. After the doctor installs the prosthesis, swollen gums will interfere with him, and this will lead to subsequent problems with the crown, its loosening or the development of an inflammatory process.
  4. Bonding a crown is not possible at home and for the reason that special preparation is required. First, you need to clean its inner surface from residual cement. Then degrease, and only then put the prosthesis on a new fixing base. Such manipulations can only be done in the dentist's office.

How to prolong the life of crowns

crown fell offtooth
crown fell offtooth

To minimize the risk of breakage and loss of crowns, you must adhere to these rules:

  1. Selection of quality material.
  2. Must be the correct setting. To do this, you need to make sure that the design is tightly attached to the base, that is, to the pin, abutment teeth and gums. If even tiny gaps are present, this will allow food to penetrate under the crown, which will lead to an inflammatory process.
  3. Compliance with the rules for caring for crowns, only then they will last a long time. This is the observance of oral hygiene, the timely treatment of inflammation of the gums and caries.

Regular preventive examinations at the dentist will not be superfluous. So the specialist will be able to detect damage to the crown at an early stage, which will allow timely and painless troubleshooting and prevent the development of complications.


crown on a tooth with a pin in the canal
crown on a tooth with a pin in the canal

Additional preventive measures to keep the crown in place include:

  1. Quality and regular cleaning of teeth, gums, as well as the crown itself. It is advisable to use properly selected hygiene products.
  2. To completely get rid of food particles stuck between teeth, you need to use dental floss.
  3. Don't put too much pressure on ceramic-metal structures.
  4. Don't get carried away with too hard food.
  5. Perform periodic professional teeth cleaning in the dental office.

Crown fell out with pin

If the crown fell out ofpin, what to do? There may be several reasons for this situation:

  1. Special anatomical structure of the root.
  2. Fragile root structure.
  3. Poor canal passage during therapy. In this case, the pin tab is not installed for the entire length of the root, which causes a weak installation of the crown.
  4. Decementing the pin.
  5. If the patient had a history of pathologies such as periodontal disease, thin root walls. But at the same time, the dentist ignored the information, or the patient did not warn him about this in advance.

Can I glue a crown at home?

If a crown with a pin fell out, what should I do at home? A doctor in a dental office can use a temporary or permanent fixing material. Temporary fixation is necessary in order to determine how the crown or prosthesis will stand during wearing and operation. If the contact between the prosthesis and the base has taken place, the patient does not experience discomfort, then after a few days the crown is strengthened with permanent cement.

It happens that the crown fell off the tooth at the wrong time. For example, when going to the dentist is not possible. Therefore, a person must know how to fix the crown of the tooth. In this situation, you can visit any pharmacy. There you should purchase a gel for fixing the crown (for example, Protefix glue). In its composition, it is similar to temporary cement, and for a certain period will not allow the structure to fall off again. The gel is applied to the inside of the crown, after which it is pressed against the dental base. When hehardens, excess mass is removed.

Can the crown be fixed with Korega cream? To hold the structure for a certain period, this gel is applicable. It should be understood that these are just temporary measures, and in the very near future it is necessary to visit a dentist to plant a crown for permanent fixation.

Which is better?

If the place under the crown is well treated, then it can be completely closed with a stump tab to ensure the tightness of the structure. If it is impossible to cure the roots or canals of the tooth, your choice can be stopped by installing a pin. In this case, it is possible to remove the device over time and completely renew the design of the prosthesis.

Don't be discouraged if the bridge fell out shortly after it was installed. But, on the other hand, even with loosening of the crown, it is necessary to visit the dentist as soon as possible. So it will be possible to adjust the treatment without waiting for the consequences in the form of a prosthesis falling out and the need to re-install it.

Don't put off going to the dentist. And do not ask yourself: when the crown fell off the tooth, how to glue it? Anyway, sooner or later you have to go to the doctor. Moreover, at the very beginning, the structure is not damaged yet, and the orthopedist will only insert it into place using a new cement mortar. If you delay going to a specialist, you will have to make a new prosthesis and carry out the treatment again.
