During life, each of us has to seek help from a dental office. And not in all situations it is possible to save a bad tooth. In the article, we will learn about how the surgery goes and how long the swelling lasts after tooth extraction. We will also consider some of the nuances that are useful for everyone to know.

Tooth extraction
This operation can be called one of the most common manipulations performed by a dental surgeon. The residual effect that occurs as a result of visiting a doctor can cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Today we will discuss such a consequence of surgical manipulation as swelling of the surrounding tissues. The reasons for its occurrence and localization may be different.
Normal reaction or complication?
The impact of the surgeon's instruments often leads to injury to the surrounding tissues of the oral cavity. The slightest carelessness in movement, excessive pressure, the effects of anesthesia - all these factors can provoke swelling of the cheek or gum tissue. In this case, it is necessary to understand what phenomenon is considered a normal physiological reaction. After all, in this case, the patient will not need treatment. It should also be noted that swelling almost always appears after the removal of a wisdom tooth. How long does it keep? We will talk about this below. Well, it is extremely important to be able to recognize a situation that poses a threat to the he alth of the patient.

Physiological response of the body
The fact that the gums or, for example, the cheek swells after surgery can be called a natural reaction. The intervention of a doctor, violation of the integrity of tissues is already called an operation. After tooth extraction, especially in difficult cases, wounds form in the oral cavity. Not surprisingly, they can swell and cause pain. How long does cheek swelling last after tooth extraction? The norms for tissue repair after this, provided that there were no complications, say that after 3-5 hours the edema should decrease in size. In this case, the intensity of pain should gradually decrease.
Inflammatory process
Due to the fact that patients often postpone a visit to the dentist due to fear, such actions lead to increased pain and inflammation in the soft tissues surrounding the tooth. During removal, the task of the specialist also includes the neutralization of unpleasantsymptoms. The development of the inflammatory process carries the risk of damage to the hole after the intervention of the surgeon. The infection penetrates deep inside. Therefore, removal in such cases should be carried out very carefully, the oral cavity should be thoroughly disinfected. If the patient did not treat the disease in a timely manner, he should understand that such swelling after the operation will not go away quickly. In addition, until a complete cure, the tumor will cause discomfort to its owner.

Complex operations
How long does swelling last after tooth extraction in difficult cases? In dental practice, there are situations when tooth extraction can be delayed for several days. At the same time, the impact of the doctor delivers quite a lot of painful sensations. For example, a specialist must open the mucous membrane. This is necessary to remove a ratted or dystopic tooth. Of course, in such cases, postoperative symptoms will not disappear in 4 hours. They can disturb the patient for several days. But if the wound is not infected, then the soft tissues in the mouth should begin to heal quickly. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain oral hygiene after surgery.
Anesthesia effect
The availability of painkillers allows the patient to carry out an operation to remove a sick unit with high quality and without unnecessary stress for the patient. Especially anesthesia comes in handy in cases where it is necessary to pull out a wisdom tooth or, as dentists call it, the third molar. After the application of anesthesia, specialists warn of unpleasanta sensation that occurs after a while (3-5 hours). Jerking pain and swelling provokes an anesthetic injection.

Infection of the well
A rather dangerous factor that provokes severe swelling of the soft tissues of the gums, cheeks, is the infection inside the wound. It is extremely important that the patient receive timely assistance. Otherwise, the edema develops into an abscess against the background of infection. Symptoms such as the appearance of a high temperature and general weakness will help to recognize the situation under consideration. If there is a suspicion that the nature of the edema is infectious, you should immediately contact a specialist for help. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose the situation and prescribe the correct treatment. How long does swelling of the cheek last after tooth extraction, followed by infection of the hole? Here everything is individual. In any case, it will not begin to subside until the focus of the inflammatory process is neutralized.

How long does swelling last after removing a tooth cyst?
Almost always a neglected disease or improper root canal treatment eventually leads to the appearance of neoplasms at the top of the roots. These include cysts and granulomas. The presence of such neoplasms, as well as their removal, is often accompanied by soft tissue edema. A cyst is a cavity that is filled with fluid. The causes of formation are trauma to the teeth, infection and improper treatment of periodontitis. Longthe period of formation and growth of the cyst is invisible to the patient, since there are no obvious symptoms. If microbes enter, an inflammatory process develops. The appearance of a cyst can be detected only with the help of an X-ray examination.
Some time ago, the neoplasm was removed along with the tooth. Modern technologies and methods of treatment make it possible to preserve the unit of the jaw arch. But the doctor chooses the method of treatment himself, depending on the characteristics of the development of the neoplasm. If the removal of the cyst passes without complications, then the edema begins to disappear on the first day. Every day it decreases.

Factors indicating the development of complications
If the swelling of the soft tissues is clearly expressed, but the teeth do not hurt, this may be the result of poor-quality root canal treatment.
- The smallest piece of nerve left inside by a dentist can cause a recurrence of pulpitis. In some cases, a cyst forms. How long the swelling of the gums lasts after tooth extraction in this case, we have already considered. It all depends on the complexity of the operation and the qualifications of the doctor.
- Immediately you need to go to the doctor if there is difficulty breathing, redness of the tissues, tachycardia. This may be an allergy attack caused by the administration of anesthesia. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction? In this case, it must be neutralized as soon as possible. After all, allergic reactions can lead to serious consequences.
- Doctors consider it normal when pain sensations graduallysubsides. If, on the contrary, the intensity increases, then during the day you need to contact a specialist.
- Increase in body temperature, a sharp deterioration in general well-being - the symptoms indicate the addition of an infection.
- The appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor.
- Pain during swallowing and jaw movement.
- The edema went away, but after a while it formed again.
- The tumor began to spread to the front.
If at least one of the situations listed above is detected, it is urgent to visit a dentist or medical facility. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction with a complication? Provided that assistance is provided in a timely manner, it will quickly begin to decrease. Also, the treatment process and the recovery time are directly related to the patient's he alth, the presence of chronic diseases, and the work of the immune system. After all, we all have individual characteristics.

What not to do?
Specialists always warn the patient that he needs to be careful after the operation. In order to avoid complications, remember a number of restrictions.
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
- It is forbidden to drink with a straw.
- Don't brush the diseased area with a toothbrush.
- It is forbidden to visit the steam room.
- Do not put pressure on injured tissues (chew, bite, etc.).
- It is forbidden to touch the wound with hands or tongue.
Following these simple tips, you can save yourself from complications after surgery. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction? We have answered this question. As a rule, everything passes very quickly (after 3-5 hours). It is very important to pay attention to the prevention of the occurrence of diseases. Take care of your he alth! And let this article be useful to you for informational purposes only!