How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice

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How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice
How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice

Video: How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice

Video: How to strengthen teeth if they are destroyed: causes of tooth structure disturbance, effective methods and dentist advice
Video: THE BEST TOOTHPASTE! For Whitening, Sensitivity & Gum Disease 2024, July

In the article, we will look at how to strengthen the teeth if they are destroyed.

Various factors influence their he alth. It is necessary to properly care for the oral cavity, follow the rules of hygiene, visit the doctor regularly. If you adhere to this from early childhood and do not evade this scheme, then you can hope that your teeth will be preserved until old age. Of course, not the last place is occupied by heredity, general he alth. Women should be especially attentive to their teeth during pregnancy, in the postpartum period and during menopause. Sometimes pathological processes in the gums lead to a deterioration in the condition of the oral cavity. Often it is because of periodontitis and gingivitis that teeth become loose and fall out.

loose tooth what to do
loose tooth what to do

Many people wonder how to fix a loose tooth at home. If the condition of the gums is alarming and all this is accompanied by bleeding,pain, unnatural color, you should visit a periodontist. Timely therapy will help save your teeth. They are destroyed and loosened, as a rule, during the period of expectation of the baby, while breastfeeding, in old age, with an acute course of pathologies of the oral cavity. If you have bad habits, it will definitely have a negative impact on your teeth. In those people who smoke, the color of the teeth changes, they become susceptible to caries. Those with a sweet tooth are also at risk - they quickly pay for their cravings for sweets.

What should alert?

Find out what it says about the beginning of the destruction of the teeth. This process is multi-stage. Everything does not happen in one day. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize in a timely manner that the pathological process has started. Symptoms of this:

  • darkening of the crown (above-root) part of the tooth, its color is gray or brown against the background of thinning of the enamel;
  • pain in response to hot and cold, increased sensitivity;
  • the thinner the enamel layer, the more pronounced the yellowish color of the crown part of the tooth will be;
  • occurrence of chips and cracks on the surface of the teeth;
  • roughness and softening of the enamel;
  • discomfort while eating;
  • changing the shape of teeth.
  • how to strengthen teeth in case of destruction
    how to strengthen teeth in case of destruction

Bad bite

A separate issue is the presence of malocclusion. As a result, the teeth will definitely begin to decay. Therefore, you need to work on correcting the bite with the most effective methods. If they diagnose him "butt",the distribution of the load on the surface of the teeth will be uneven. The teeth become very thin, especially the incisors of the lower jaw. The dentist will tell you about all existing problems in the oral cavity during the examination. The specialist will build a therapy strategy, prescribe procedures, and explain how to care for your teeth and gums at home. Be sure to tell the doctor about all the folk methods that are used. This is necessary in order to make sure that they are selected correctly.

How to strengthen teeth if they are decaying?

There are many simple, even primitive rules for strengthening teeth. But for some reason, people do not consider these common truths binding and are in search of a miracle recipe that will help them. There are many simple but effective recommendations.

Teeth should be brushed in the morning and evening for at least two minutes. The brush should have medium hardness, the paste should be of high quality and not too cheap. It's best to get a doctor's advice on this. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth with plain water at room temperature. You can use soda-s alt solution. This should be done for about one minute. You should also floss regularly.

Professional teeth cleaning with removal of deposits is recommended every 6 months, in case of gum problems, periodontal therapy is recommended.

Regular intake of vitamin complexes is shown. The doctor will prescribe a detailed blood test, according to the results of which he will select the optimal course of drugs. Vitamins should be taken every year.

Help andtraditional medicine recipes. They mainly use vegetable oils, cranberries, sea s alt, garlic, etc. Repeat courses every 2-3 months.

If a tooth is loose, what to do and how to strengthen, it is important to find out in advance.

strengthen teeth at home
strengthen teeth at home


Drugs to strengthen teeth and gums should be prescribed by a doctor. When there is no opportunity to visit a doctor, but a person knows his body, how he tolerates certain components, you can consult a pharmacist at a pharmacy. On sale you can find the drug "Maraslavin", based on medicinal herbs. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, antiseptic, as a sedative for the oral cavity. Despite the fact that the taste of this composition is not too pleasant, the remedy is considered very effective. A worthy replacement for this drug is Asepta gel with propolis in the composition. Thanks to him, the gums heal and recover faster, the inflammatory process passes, and they stop bleeding. It can be used not only as a medicine, but also as a prophylactic. It is applied to the gums after a meal in a thin layer.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition for he althy teeth

How to strengthen the teeth if they are destroyed, the doctor will tell. Nutrition certainly plays an important role. In the presence of weak, bleeding gums, the teeth become loose. It is most likely that the circulation is disturbed. The tissues are undernourished. This situation is observed with a reduced normal physiological load on them. If used mostly soft,boiled, stewed, baked food, that same load is not fully respected. Be sure to include he althy solid foods in the menu - carrots, apples, turnips and cabbage. It is useful to eat whole meat, and not minced meat prepared from it. Whole grain foods, seeds, and nuts should also be included. When a person consumes such food, a natural massage effect is obtained. Moreover, it is useful for both gums and teeth. It is impossible not to say about such affordable vegetables and spices such as garlic, onions, radishes, horseradish and mustard. They remarkably disinfect the oral cavity, the acidity in the oral cavity is normalized (which prevents loosening, damage to the teeth).

how to fix a loose tooth
how to fix a loose tooth

Causes of caries

Caries is the most common oral disease. There is a destruction of bone tissues, their softening and the formation of a cavity in the teeth. Many people wonder why caries occurs. Most often, the fault is malnutrition, excessive consumption of sugar, protein deficiency and insufficient fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Dental he alth is also affected by a deficiency of trace elements such as potassium and phosphorus. Microbes act as a catalyst for carious damage. Pathogenic organisms thrive in the acidic environment that sugar and foods containing it create in the mouth. You should not leave chances for microbes: sweets should rarely be present on the menu, teeth and gums should be cleaned regularly, and you should also rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating, food residues in the interdental space should notstay.

Folk methods

Consider effective folk recipes that will help strengthen your teeth at home. They perfectly maintain the proper condition of the oral cavity, fight possible gum problems. And most of these recipes are available to everyone.

So, the first recipe. It will take one large spoonful of dried linden flowers, it is poured with 190 ml of cold water. The composition must be insisted for five hours. Then the solution is carefully filtered and soda is added, not more than 5 g. The composition is used for rinsing, this is an excellent prevention of gum pathologies. What else can you do to strengthen your teeth? The next, no less effective recipe. It will take 25 g of honey and 10 g of s alt, the ingredients are mixed. The composition is rubbed into the gums, which are sick with periodontal disease. The tool has a fairly fast action. Corn porridge is indispensable for strengthening teeth and gums. There is nothing easier. Its composition is rich in components that will help maintain oral he alth. It is best to eat it regularly for breakfast. In the evening, it is recommended to lubricate the teeth with honey, you can alternate it with rose oil. The procedure is done for ten days, then a month or two will need to rest and repeat the course.

You can always strengthen your gums and teeth at home if you wish. It is necessary to make a collection of calendula, chamomile, oak bark, burdock, snake mountaineer. All mix and pour boiling water, bring to a boil over low heat. Insist about 30 minutes. Rinse your mouth with this decoction after eating. Sometimes it is good to use propolis tincture for brushing your teeth, which is applied to a regular brush. Forsaline solution is suitable for daily mouth rinses. One small spoonful of sea s alt dissolves in warm boiled water. After brushing your teeth in the evening, rinse your mouth with this solution, then do not eat.

how to strengthen a front tooth
how to strengthen a front tooth

About teeth fluoridation

When a tooth is loose, what to do and how to strengthen it? Modern dental clinics offer a procedure for fluoridation of teeth. A whole cloud of myths fanned her. The most popular of them is that the teeth deteriorate from this, all this is needed just to “pump out” money from patients. Is it worth it to believe? During this procedure, hard dental tissues are saturated with fluoride compounds, special liquids are applied to the enamel. What's the use? The natural acid resistance of the enamel increases, dental restorations last longer, the teeth become less sensitive, and the development of caries is prevented. As for children, thanks to fluoridation, the maturation of tooth enamel occurs faster. This procedure is simple and deep. In the first variant, a special fluorine varnish is applied to the teeth, and fluorine preparations and mouthguards are also used. The use of fluoride varnish on teeth is allowed up to 2-4 times a year.

Deep fluoridation

Deep fluoridation is considered a more complex process. But also more effective in comparison with fluorine varnish and kappas. The penetration of active substances not only into the enamel, but also into the internal structures of the tooth is characterized. This multi-stage process can be carried out only on the recommendation of a specialist. The procedure is not cheap, but if you consider it preventiontooth decay, then this is a reasonable investment. For children, fluoridation is also suitable. Most often, a course of fluorine varnish applications is carried out. There is a significant strengthening of the enamel layer and getting rid of caries in a mild form. There are contraindications to fluoridation. These include allergic manifestations and endemic mottling of teeth.

teeth at home
teeth at home

Bolotov's recipes to strengthen teeth and gums

How to strengthen teeth in case of destruction? Garlic-s alt filling. A mixture of s alt and garlic gruel is applied to the site of damage, everything is covered with cotton wool on top. This is an excellent remedy for caries.

Massage using s alt. Sea s alt and vegetable oil are applied to the toothbrush, the teeth are brushed with the product for 3 minutes.

We continue to find out how to strengthen your teeth at home. Relieves suppuration in the gum area sea s alt with a decoction of herbs. The effect can be seen in just one day.

Water-s alt solution is used to rinse the mouth to eliminate bad breath, keep gums he althy.

Remineralizing gel "Rocks"

How to strengthen the front tooth with medication? Remineralizing gel "Rocks" is very effective. It quickly relieves tooth sensitivity, normalizes microflora, whitens enamel by a couple of tones, and at the same time strengthens it. Often used in the presence of caries. Apply it after brushing in the morning and evening on the surface of the teeth. It is a good remedy for strengthening teeth.

strengthen gums and teeth
strengthen gums and teeth


For long-term he alth and beauty of teeth, bad habits must be overcome. This applies to heavy drinking and smoking.

  • There is a significant decrease in immune functions under the influence of alcohol and nicotine, thinning of enamel, an increase in the risk of inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • Excessive consumption of coffee, which leaches calcium from the body, is also considered a bad habit. It's best to cut this drink down to two cups a day.
  • Don't use your teeth to open bottles or crack open nut shells. This leads to an increase in sensitivity and to such an unpleasant phenomenon as cracks.
  • Too hot drinks and food should be avoided.


Dental pathologies are often hidden and difficult to recognize. The cause of pain and bleeding is incredibly difficult to determine on your own. If the first symptoms of discomfort occur, you should go to the doctor, who will determine the provoking factors and prescribe therapy and preventive measures to improve he alth.

We looked at how to strengthen teeth if they are decaying.
